God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 451: Arrogant and arrogant

With the sound of the sound, a man who was handsomer than Zhou Ning, full of suffocation, holding a cigarette, had crossed the door of Zhou's house and stepped on the pavement paved with bluestone!

And behind him, followed by a beautiful girl in denim clothes chewing gum!

When I saw this man, all the bodyguards of the Wang family seemed to have seen the King of Yama, and they all trembled in shock!

The three of Wang Tianhai and his son were even more stiff, and they didn't even dare to shake their little finger!

Even Zhou Ning's eyes flashed a trace of fear!

And the man has already crossed the bluestone paved road and slowly walked into the villa!

"Jiang, Shao Jiang, you, why are you here?"

Wang Tianhai swallowed desperately, and looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"It's okay, hang out!"

Jiang Fan answered lazily and walked directly to the sofa!


At the exit of the word "Fun", Wang Wenlong, who was standing here, suddenly looked like a wild boar whose **** was burned by fire, and crawled and hid behind Wang Tianhai!

Jiang Fan sat on the sofa at will, then looked at Wang Wenjie impatiently!


"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wang Wenjie's face turned blue in fright and trembling all over, he brought a cup of tea to Jiang Fan, respectfully, and handed it over!


Jiang Fan kicked out suddenly!

Kick Wang Wenjie directly to the ground!

Wang Wenjie was lying on the ground, but he didn't dare to get up at all!

"Do you fart with tea? The newly-made pants made by Lao Tzu are all getting you idiot wet!"

Jiang Fan scolded!

"I'm sorry, Young Master Jiang! I, I didn't mean it! I, I will let someone make you a new one right away!"

"Fuck you! You third-rate family, what the **** can you find a decent tailor?"

"Hurry up!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wang Wenjie barely got up and left Jiang Fan in fear!

"Wang Patriarch, who is this little white face?"

Jiang Fan used his cigarette **** to face Zhou Ning a little!

"He, he, he is..."

Wang Tianhai was sweating all over his head!

Don't know how to answer at all!

That's it!

This monster, how did he know that Zhou Ning would come!

"You are Shao Jiang, right? My name is Zhou Ning!"

Zhou Ning took the initiative to walk to Jiang Fan's side, with a smile on his face, stretched out a hand!

Jiang Fan glanced at him coldly and suddenly laughed!

"Paw away!"


Zhou Ning's complexion changed!

But, the next moment!

"Mr. Zhou, you are the best, obediently!"

Xiao Lin looked at Zhou Ning with a seemingly non-smiling smile!

"Level 9 is indeed very strong! But if I want to kill you, I don't even need to move my fingers!"

The corner of Zhou Ning's eyes twitched, but the next moment, he only felt a breeze blowing over his neck!

Zhou Ning subconsciously touched his neck, and his pupils suddenly shrank!


My neck is bleeding?

what happened?

When did this woman take the shot?

"L.L., looks big, but in my opinion, it's just a small town!"

Jiang Fan looked at Zhou Ning with a mocking expression!

"The things in the town are spread quickly!"

The three members of the Wang family trembled suddenly, and they only felt that their legs were soft!

Wang Tianhai almost fainted!

And Zhou Ning's face was blue, and she didn't dare to say a word!

Can only, stiff all over, looking at Jiang Fan!

"Huh? No one actually kneels down? Xiaolin, did I threaten it, it's not obvious enough?"

"Master, it is troublesome for living people to kneel down, but if you are dead, I believe you will pose them at will, they will not resist!"

As the two of them asked and answered, the three of the Wang family were scared to death!


The three of them knelt down almost at the same time!

"Shao Jiang! Shao Jiang spare your life!"

"Young Master Jiang! We, we will never dare anymore!"

"Jiang Shao! Jiang Shao! For the sake of our Wang family, making a mistake for the first time, please, let us go!"

"Young Master Jiang! As long as you let us go, the Wang Family, the Wang Family is willing to dedicate all of the family property to you!"

The three Wang Tianhai cried bitterly, kowtow desperately at Jiang Fan!

"Well, full of sincerity!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"But the old man always said that if you cut the grass without getting rid of the roots, there will be endless disasters!"

Wang Tianhai and Wang Wenjie looked desperate, and Wang Wenlong was shocked by Jiang Fan's words!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"What I believe in is to stay as a human being so that we can meet each other in the future!"

"For the sake of being somewhat related to my Jiang family, I won't kill you three generations ago!"

"Thank Shao Jiang! Thank Shao Jiang!"

Wang Tianhai and the three are overjoyed!

All kowtow desperately!

The floor tiles are all cracked!

"As for you—"

Jiang Fan looked at Zhou Ning coldly, suddenly stood up slowly, and walked towards him step by step!

Jiang Fan obviously didn't have any cultivation base, but Zhou Ning felt that what came to him was a bloodthirsty, wild beast!

He can't even think of resisting at all, so he can only retreat!

Jiang Fan took a step, Zhou Ning took a step back!

Always, retreat to the corner!

No refunds!


Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and patted Zhou Ning's face lightly!

That slap that was not light or heavy, not only hit Zhou Ning's face, but also hit his heart!

But even so!

Zhou Ning didn't have the courage to resist at all!

He has no doubt that as long as he dares to move his finger, he will definitely fall to the ground in the next second!

Endless humiliation, almost filled his chest!

Jiang family! Jiang Fan!

You, you must die!

Zhou Ning's heart was howling frantically!

But now, he can only endure it!

But the Wang family who witnessed all this just felt that his liver and guts were broken!

Too arrogant!

Too arrogant!

Too overbearing!

Jiang family, this is Jiang family!

This is Jiang Fan!

Even the Zhou family of the four giants can only be trampled under his feet by him!

"Is the capital bad? I have to go to Los Angeles to provoke me, do you think you are a pig brain? Huh?"

"I don't know, who gave you the courage!"

"Longer memory, idiot! Is it really him? You can be stupid!"

Jiang Fan looked at Zhou Ning contemptuously, his eyes full of mockery!

"Xiao Lin! Go away!"

"Yes! Master!"

Jiang Fan strode away!

"Zhou family, ha ha! What a **** of the four giants!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

However, when Jiang Fan walked to the door, a scream suddenly came from behind him!

"what happened again?"

Jiang Fan looked behind him impatiently!

I saw Wang Wenjie was clutching his crotch, convulsing all over!

But Xiao Lin frowned and wiped the toes of her shoes with a silk scarf!

"Master, this **** looks at my ass!"

"If you don't raise the godfather, you can kick him!"

"Ah! I understand Master!"

As Xiao Lin said, she turned her back and kicked directly to Wang Tianhai's crotch!


Wang Tianhai suddenly let out a scream!

Rolling his eyes, his mouth full of foam fainted!

"It's pretty much the same. The Wang family is too capable of giving birth. If there are not so many offspring, people will naturally be honest!"

"Go! I have to go back to drink the chicken soup that Uncle Zhong made!"

"Master! I want to drink too!"

"You are too young to drink!"

"What, stingy!"

"I have soup and meat for you. Is this all right?"

"Hehe! Master is better!"


Seeing that the two went further and further, until they disappeared, the entire Wang family, except for Wang Wenjie, who was curled up on the ground and moaning desperately, still no one dared to move!

However, Wang Wenjie's eyes are full of spite, and after the spite, there is still a tide of deep fear!

"Jiang! Fan!"

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