On the corridor, a middle-aged man with a big belly was pointing at Li Shanshan and cursing!

But Li Shanshan was pleased!

"My dear! I didn't mean it, there was a traffic jam on the road!"

"Du Du Du! Du Nima! Next time I go out half an hour earlier!"

"Okay! I see! Don't be angry!"

"Huh! Forget it, go in! This time, it's a big shot from Los Angeles! Come with me!"

"Don't worry, I must be satisfied with drinking with him!"

Li Shanshan smiled sweetly!

"Not only the wine table, this is the hotel room card, you take it!"

As the man said, he handed over a room card directly!

"Hu Dahai, what do you mean?"

Li Shanshan was stunned!

"What do you mean? Of course I asked you to sleep with him! Otherwise, why would Lao Tzu buy you such expensive cosmetics? Are you taking care of me?"

"Hu Dahai! You, you beast! You actually let me sleep with someone!"

Li Shanshan was shocked!

"Fuck! What's so pure to pretend? You haven't only slept with Lao Tzu! You have half a piece of meat if you sleep!"

Hu Dahai looked sarcastically!

"You, you, you bastard! You forgot what you said when you chased me? You are not a human! You beast!"

Li Shanshan was furious, raising her hand to hit Hu Dahai!

However, Hu Dahai sneered and kicked Li Shanshan to the ground!

"Damn! I really gave you a face!"

"Who doesn't know who you are in Los Angeles?"

"Hey, do you really think that I like you? Do you really think that the rich second generation like Tanglou would like you?"

"We all just want to try, what it's like to be the first youngest woman in Los Angeles!"

"Otherwise, if you are such a bad guy, I can play casually for 200 yuan!"

"you you……"

Li Shanshan was lying on the ground, looking at Hu Dahai incredulously, her face as gray as death!

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly!"

"Your dad owes a lot of loan sharks, right? It's just that kind of snobbery. How can he learn from others for investment? What an idiot!"

"Tell you, I will help you with this time, I will help you pay back the account, otherwise, I will wait for your whole family and be hacked to death by loan sharks!"

Hu Dahai sneered as he entered the private room!

And Li Shanshan, trembling all over, looked desperate!


This is retribution!

She played with Jiang Fan back then, but now, she has become the object of everyone's play!

At this moment, a big hand was suddenly handed over!

Li Shanshan looked up, only to find that it was Jiang Fan!

Li Shanshan hesitated, and finally handed it over!

Jiang Fan grabbed Li Shanshan!

"Thanks, thank you!"

Li Shanshan lowered her head and didn't dare to see Jiang Fan at all!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan replied indifferently, and then directly opened the door of his box and walked in!

Throughout the process, there is no turning back! No hesitation! Not even more, half hesitating!

For an instant, Li Shanshan almost burst into tears!

At this moment, there is nothing in her heart except regret!

In the private room, besides Tang Zhiyuan, there are many Blue Eagle directors!

This meal is obviously that they are preparing to please Jiang Fan!

"Ah, teacher Jiang is here? Come on, please come to your seat!"

As soon as Jiang Fan walked in, a group of people stood up enthusiastically!

Hug Jiang Fan directly to the top!

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you like seafood. This is the new grouper from Jinhu Hotel. Would you like to try it first?"

"Mr. Jiang, this is the Austro-Hungarian white asparagus transported by air. It is most suitable to go with this grouper!"

"Mr. Jiang, this bottle is a 50-year-old Moutai with real value. I will get it from the auction. You can identify it!"

"Ms. Jiang, this dish..."

In an instant, everyone was attentive, just like Jiang Fan's son!

"Okay, directors, you are welcome!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!

"Everyone's purpose today, I also know, let's be more direct!"

"Yes, yes! Teacher Jiang is right!"

Tang Zhiyuan hurriedly agreed!

"Teacher Jiang, you know, we are all directors of Lanying, so whatever we do is for Lanying!"

"Yes, yes! What happened last time, we were just bewitched by Ning Changan!"

"Yeah! Who would have thought that this bastard, such a wolfish ambition! Actually want to usurp the throne!"

"At the time, I couldn't wait to beat him to death!"

A group of people talked and talked about it, almost digging out Ning Chang'an's ancestral grave!

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense! Don't you just want me to do something?"

"One meal is not enough, let's get something affordable!"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

Everyone was stunned!

Too simple!

It's good to speak!

This is too straightforward!

However, it's good!

It's so scary to stay with this monster!

"Hehe, Teacher Jiang is really quick to talk!"

Tang Zhiyuan smiled and gave Jiang Fan a bank card directly!

"Mr. Jiang, here is one million! You--"


Before Tang Zhiyuan finished speaking, Jiang Fan slapped him directly!

Tang Zhiyuan was beaten and forced!

The others too, dumbfounded!

"Damn! Are you kidding me?"

Jiang Fan was furious!

Murderous burst!

In an instant, a group of people were so frightened that they almost emptied their pants!

Tang Zhiyuan was crying even more!

"Jiang, Teacher Jiang, I, we, are full of sincerity!"

"Full of sincerity? One million you say sincerity to me?"

Jiang Fan went up again with a big mouth!

"Have you never seen money when you are an old man?"

"sorry Sorry!"

"Teacher Jiang, Old Tang is wrong!"

"Right right! Actually, five million!"

A group of directors screamed!

"Five million? Go to your uncle's five million!"

"You **** it, why don't you give me five hundred pigs!"

Jiang Fan slapped the table fiercely!


The whole table fell apart in an instant!


"Teacher Jiang, spare your life!"

"Ten million! Ten million!"

Jiang Fan is silent!

"Everyone, I think it is difficult for us to reach a consensus!"

"President Xia is planning the reorganization of Blue Eagle recently. Why don't you guys, take this ten million and see if you can form a company by yourself!"

Jiang Fan said, turning around and leaving!

"Ms. Jiang! Don't go!"

"Teacher Jiang, you can't go!"

Directors, all panicked!

"Five, five, fifty million!"

Tang Zhiyuan wailed desperately!

"Haha! Tang Dong get up quickly, it's so cold on the ground!"

"And you guys, get up too! What are you doing on your knees?"

Jiang Fan looked happy!

Smiling, looking at everyone!

This, this demon!

Everyone just felt that their hearts were dripping blood!

Fifty million!

On average to them, one person would cost more than five million!

How much did you earn in a year!

Quante is given to Jiang Fan!

This **** is more ruthless than Huang Shiren!

However, they can only force a smile!

"Waiter, come on, change the table to a new one!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, full of interest!

A group of directors who had eaten this meal were crying bitterly!

After finally waiting for the end of the meal, Jiang Fan unexpectedly packed another table!


This is too bullying!

Unfortunately, everyone can only hold back!

Don't dare to be angry!

Eat and drink, Jiang Fan is about to leave!

However, when he just walked out of the private room, the door next door suddenly opened!

Li Shanshan, whose clothes were torn, her hair unruly, with a slap print on her face and bleeding from the corner of her mouth, suddenly rushed out!

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