God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 464: No one can touch you today

Li Shanshan at the moment is no more charming!

The face is full of fear and panic!

Simply embarrassed!

Suddenly seeing Jiang Fan, Li Shanshan stretched out her hand subconsciously!

"Jiang Fan! Save—"

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly shut up!

Now, how can she be qualified to let Jiang Fan save her?

She is no longer worthy!

At this moment, in the next room, Hu Dahai rushed out with two men with a smirk on his face!

"Damn! Little bitch! What pretend to be!"

"I really regard myself as a saint!"

"It's your blessing that Hong Shao wants to play with you here! He dared to resist!"

"Drag in! Go straight!"

A few people scolded Li Shanshan, so they went to drag Li Shanshan!

Li Shanshan bit her lip and suddenly grabbed the railing upstairs!

Several people dragged for a long time, but they didn't drag!

"Bitch! Dare to resist!"

Hu Dahai's eyes were fierce, and suddenly he kicked fiercely, kicked towards Li Shanshan's arm!



Li Shanshan screamed, involuntarily, let go!

"Hey! See how you pull this time!"

"Boss Hu! You said it was her turn, isn't it true?"

"Yes! This is the first young woman in Los Angeles, we want to try it too!"

"Hey hey! Of course it's true! This little girl has no body and said, when Hong Shao is finished, I will call the shots and everyone will be comfortable!"

Hu Dahai laughed triumphantly!

"Hey! What are you guys doing? Let go of him quickly!"

At this moment, Tang Zhiyuan finally couldn't stand it anymore!

Although Li Shanshan is not a good bird, she has been with his son after all!

She is too emotional and reasonable, and we can't watch her suffer!


"Damn! Old fellow, do you really want to die? Do you dare to take care of Zhao Jiahong's affairs?"

When I heard the name of the Zhao family, everyone's expressions changed!

Zhao family!

Seven of Los Angeles!

All the martial arts gyms, gyms, and fitness equipment manufacturers in Los Angeles are basically the Zhao family!

It's just that, unlike the other families, the Zhao family is based on martial arts!

People in the family can martial arts!

"Zhao Family?!"

"Forget Old Tang, don't be nosy!"

"Zhao family, we can't afford it!"


Several Blue Eagle directors took Tang Zhiyuan and left!

But Hu Dahai smiled contemptuously and waved his hand directly!

The two men immediately grabbed Li Shanshan again!

Seeing, Li Shanshan, who looked desperate, was about to be dragged back to the private room!

At this moment!

"and so on!"

Jiang Fan, with an indifferent expression, finally spoke!

"Fuck! Your kid wants to be nosy, too? Believe it or not, I—"

Before Hu Dahai finished speaking, he suddenly saw Jiang Fan's cold and merciless eyes!

For an instant, he just felt that all the hairs on his body were standing up!

It's terrible, this look is almost like death!

How can a normal person have such a look!

The two men who grabbed Li Shanshan let go of Li Shanshan in shock, and took a step back!

Jiang Fan stepped slowly and walked in front of Li Shanshan!

Look at her calmly!

Li Shanshan didn't dare to see Jiang Fan at all, just hung her head and said nothing!

for a long time!

Jiang Fan suddenly took off his coat and gently put it on Li Shanshan!

Li Shanshan was stunned!

After that, I couldn't control it anymore and cried loudly!

"Don't cry, no one can touch you today!"

Jiang Fan patted Li Shanshan on the shoulder, and then kicked the door of the private room!


The entire door blasted to pieces!


An angry voice suddenly sounded in the room!

A figure jumped directly to Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan's backhand was just a slap in the face!


As soon as the figure rushed to Jiang Fan, he was slapped in the face by Jiang Fan and drew back again!

And until this moment, the scene in the private room appeared in front of everyone!

I saw a middle-aged man in the private room, covering his face and screaming!

And at the main table, a sturdy young man with a gloomy face is looking at Jiang Fan coldly!

This person is exactly the nephew of Zhao Wenting, the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Wuhong!

And the middle-aged man who rushed to Jiang Fan just now was his subordinate!

"Young Master Jiang, it's been a long time!"

Zhao Wuhong saw that the person in front of him was Jiang Fan, and suddenly his pupils shrank!

"Li Shanshan, I took it away, do you have any comments?"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

Everyone was stunned!

It's crazy!

Actually, dare to talk to Zhao Wuhong like this!

What the **** is this kid?

"Hehe, Young Master Jiang, of course I have to give face!"

Zhao Wuhong smiled softly!

"However, does Jiang Shao have to think about the face of my Zhao family?"

Jiang Fan nodded, took out a bank card and flicked it over!

Zhao Wuhong stretched out his hand to take it, but only felt a huge force coming!

He was trembling when he was shocked!

What an overbearing internal force!

Zhao Wuhong's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

He can feel that if Jiang Fan wants to kill him, he only needs one move!

Doesn't this kid know martial arts?

How could it be so tyrannical!

"In this card, before tomorrow, there will be an extra 50 million!"

"This money is used to buy Li Shanshan, and the safety of his family!"

"Young Master Hong, this face is big enough, isn't it?"

Jiang Fan's tone is plain!

But other people only feel that their hearts are beating!

Fifty million!

Without blinking!

This handwriting is simply too big!

Li Shanshan even raised her head unexpectedly, looking at Jiang Fan!

Fifty million!

Jiang Fan was actually willing to pay 50 million for himself!

I, I am just a bitch! A bitch!

However, Jiang Fan actually...

Li Shanshan trembled all over, and she was moved in her heart beyond words!

But more, it is a flood of guilt!

Even Zhao Wuhong's expression changed!

"Okay! I'll give Shao Jiang's face! No one can move her in Los Angeles from now on!"


Jiang Fan nodded and glanced at Li Shanshan slightly!

"Let's go!"

Li Shanshan stood up desperately, and followed Jiang Fan out of the Golden Lake Hotel!


Jiang Fan patted the bicycle!

Li Shanshan gently sat on the back seat!

Then, after hesitating, he finally trembled and hugged Jiang Fan's waist!

Jiang Fan stiffened!

And Li Shanshan, unable to control it anymore, suddenly choked up!

That's stupid!

I am so stupid to die!

Now, she would like Jiang Fan to give her another chance!

However, she is no longer worthy!

She Li Shanshan, who has let Jiang Fan down, will never pay off in this life!

"Jiang Fan! Sorry! Sorry!"

"I am a fool! I am an idiot! I am the stupidest and stupid woman in the world!"

"Woo, Jiang Fan, I'm sorry! Really, I'm sorry!"

Li Shanshan hugged Jiang Fan tightly, crying loudly!

She knew that this might be the last time she was close to Jiang Fan in her life!

This man who once treated her wholeheartedly will never show up again in the future!

"Don't cry, I'll take you home!"

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly softened!

For an instant, Li Shanshan was even more guilty!

My heart hurts even more, heart-piercing!

In the past, Jiang Fan said the same, but at that time, it represented the beginning of tomorrow! But now, it's a farewell forever!

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