
The bicycle stopped suddenly, and it was already downstairs at Li Shanshan's house!

At that time, it was here that Jiang Fan was mocked by Li Shanshan and the Tang Mansion in every possible way!

It was from here that Jiang Fan got the system and started a new journey!

When I think about it now, it feels like a world away!

And Li Shanshan and Tanglou...

"Jiang Fan, you, can you come in for a while?"

Li Shanshan walked to the door and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan agreed and followed Li Shanshan in!

The room is very spacious, but slightly messy!

"You, wait for me!"

Li Shanshan said, went straight into the bathroom!

After a while, the sound of shower water rang!

Jiang Fan strolled in the house, but suddenly saw a pendant placed on the shelf!

The pendant is silvery white, without any decorative patterns, but the overall lines are smooth and full of atmosphere!

She actually still kept it?

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

This thing is what he gave to Li Shanshan back then!

Jiang Fan hesitated a little, and finally picked up the pendant!

When the pendant opened, a small photo suddenly came into view!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

That's him and Li Shanshan!

In the photo, two people are smiling, happy and simple!


The bathroom door suddenly opened!

Li Shanshan made a slightly nervous voice, and it sounded softly!

"Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan turned his head, suddenly startled!

I saw that Li Shanshan was standing in the doorway covered with water!

There is no clothing on her body!


"Jiang Fan!"

Step by step, Li Shanshan walked towards Jiang Fan slowly!

"I can repay you now, only this!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Li Shanshan!"

Li Shanshan trembled all over!

However, the pace did not stop!

"Jiang Fan, I don't mean anything else, I, I just want to redeem my sins!"

Li Shanshan said, tears could not be stopped!


Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

Suddenly, he gently hugged Li Shanshan!

For a moment!

Li Shanshan's body suddenly tightened!

This familiar feeling! This warm embrace!

How many times is this the feeling she can only recall in her dreams!

Li Shanshan suddenly exhausted all her strength and hugged Jiang Fan tightly!

"Jiang Fan! I, I regret it!"

"Uuuuu, I really regret it!"


Jiang Fan sighed, knowing so long ago, why bother!

"Li Shanshan, you are still young, and the road ahead is still long!"

"But, me, I have no future at all!"

"Except for you, everyone just treats me as a toy!"

"Jiang Fan! I, I'm over, this is retribution! I did it to you so, retribution!"

Li Shanshan's heartbroken crying!

"In this case, leave here, find a place, and start over!"


Li Shanshan was stunned!

"Hmm! Start over!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took a piece of clothing from the sofa and put it on Li Shanshan!

"The Jiang family has collapsed, but I am still alive and survived the same, why can't you?"

"Don't forget, you used to be me, Jiang Fan's woman!"


For an instant, Li Shanshan only felt a thunderbolt in her mind!

It's almost like, Daigo's empowerment!


I used to be, Jiang Fan's woman!

At this moment, Li Shanshan suddenly looked at Jiang Fan seriously!

"Jiang Fan! I will never forget you in my life!"

"If there is a chance in the future, I will use everything I have to repay you!"

"Okay, but you have to work hard!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Then, he took out a bank and handed it to Li Shanshan!

"This is all my savings, not much money, probably a few thousand dollars!"

"Whether you need it or not, it's a parting gift!"

"Jiang Fan..."

Li Shanshan trembled all over!

Jiang Fan stuffed her bank card into her hand, smiled, turned around and left!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you!"

It wasn't until Jiang Fan closed the door that Li Shanshan's heart-piercing cry sounded in the room!

Jiang Fan looked at the sun outside and let out a sigh of breath!

Goodbye today, all the dust will be cut off!

Farewell today, but forever farewell!

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly had an indescribable ease!

With a smile, Jiang Fan stepped on the bike and started the takeaway mode!

However, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, he saw a Ford Raptor parked there!

And Zhao Wuhong, leaning on the car with a smile on his face, waved to him!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Hong Shao, something?"

"Hey, Shao Jiang, depending on your appearance, these fifty million won't come easily, right? How about a discussion?"


"Repay you fifty million, you tell me, your true Qi method!"

In Zhao Wuhong's eyes, the light flashed!

Ever since Jiang Fan showed that hand in the Golden Lake Hotel, he has been shocked!

He could obviously feel that Jiang Fan's innocence was unbeatable!

Moreover, it contains an invincible masculine force!

Absolutely, it is countless times stronger than the exercises you practiced!

Moreover, it has only been eight months since the collapse of the Jiang family!

Jiang Fan, a person who doesn't understand martial arts, can achieve this kind of strength!

This technique has absolutely unlimited potential!

If you cultivate yourself, then you are absolutely qualified to compete for the next generation of Patriarch!

However, Jiang Fan was startled when he heard Zhao Wuhong's words, and then suddenly laughed!

"Why are you laughing?"

Zhao Wuhong's expression sank!

"Zhao Wuhong, are your brains flooded? A mere 50 million, just want to buy my exercises?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Too little? It's easy to say! I'll add another 50 million!"

Zhao Wuhong smiled triumphantly!

No matter how strong his martial arts is, Jiang Fan is still alone!

If he is smart enough, he should know and choose!


"Stop dreaming! Get out of here!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand impatiently and turned to leave!


Zhao Wuhong's face sank!

"Jiang Fan! Don't know what is good or bad!"

"Zhao Wuhong!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly cold!

"You have forgotten, did you see the scene of me last time?"

Zhao Wuhong's heart trembled!

However, he dismissed it with a smile!

"Jiang Fan! I admit that if it were before, I wouldn't even be worthy of giving you shoes!"

"But now, you are just a lonely family! If you are acquainted, it is best to hand over the exercises! Otherwise--"


Jiang Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he kicked it out!

Zhao Wuhong originally wanted to raise his hand to resist, but Jiang Fan's speed was incredible!

Moreover, with a kick, Zhao Wuhong only felt that it was a human leg at all!

It's just one, ancient rhino!


Zhao Wuhong was kicked into the car by Jiang Fan!

Moreover, the remaining power was not bad, even with the car, Jiang Fan was kicked directly from the side of the road, to the other side of the road!

Pedestrians on the road are stunned!

Staring wide-eyed, looking at this dumbfounded!

"My God! This, is this filming?"

"Well, that's a Ford Raptor! It weighs two and a half tons!"

"This is not a human being, this is simply King Kong!"

"No! It's Godzilla!"

The crowd roared!

And Zhao Wuhong, who was kicked by Jiang Fan, felt like he was going to be broken!

At this moment, he was firmly stuck in the car, covered in blood!

The pubic area is even more up and painful!

If Jiang Fan used a little more energy, his kung fu would have to be kicked!

too frightening!

How could Jiang Fan this guy be so strong?

This, this is unscientific!

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