God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 466: Go to your egg without support

Seeing Jiang Fan slowly approaching him, Zhao Wuhong was completely trapped!

Desperately trying to get out of the car, struggling!

It's just that I haven't waited for him to get out!

Jiang Fan had already raised his leg and stepped on him with a fierce kick!


A bang!

Zhao Wuhong spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Young Master Jiang! Forgive me!"

"I dare not! I never dare anymore!"

Zhao Wuhong shouted desperately!

The whole person was even more frightened, and the goose bumps all over his body sprang up!

"You bitches, why do you always be honest when you get beaten?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Yes, I am a bitch! I am a bitch!"

"Young Master Jiang! For the sake of my cousin's face, please! Forgive me!"

As soon as Zhao Wuhong spoke, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly sank!

Zhao Wuhong's cousin is the son of Zhao Wenting, the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Wuzhen!

This person is also Jiang Fan's only friend!

Back then, Jiang Fan had just crossed over. If it weren't for Zhao Wuzhen, he would probably be dead!

Unfortunately, as early as a year ago, Zhao Wuzhen disappeared strangely!

After the Jiang family destroyed the door, Jiang Fan no longer has the ability to continue to look for his traces!

However, for fear of implicating his friends, Jiang Fan never found Zhao's family from beginning to end, even in the most difficult moment!

It is for this reason that Jiang Fan did not do anything at the Golden Lake Hotel, but instead chose to use money to settle things!

Otherwise, let alone the Zhao family, he Jiang Fan wants to take away someone, who can stop him!

"You trash! Also worth mentioning his name!"

Jiang Fan just slapped it!


Zhao Wuhong screamed when he was beaten, and half of his big teeth came out!

Jiang Fan lifted Zhao Wuhong and threw it to the ground!


"Yes, yes! Thank you, Shao Jiang! Thank you, Shao Jiang!"

Zhao Wuhong crawled around, turned around and ran!

And Jiang Fan, originally in a good mood, was directly covered by a shadow!

"Naive, you kid, are you still alive?"

Jiang Fan muttered to himself!

And Zhao Wuhong, who had just turned a street corner, had a respectful face, immediately, full of resentment!

"Jiang Fan! You, you bastard!"

"I, I can't spare you!"

Zhao Wuhong took out his phone with a sullen look!

"Uncle San! I'm Ahong!"

"Ahong, what's the matter?"

"Uncle San! I—"

Zhao Wuhong didn't finish speaking, but he was surprised!

Damn it!

I almost missed it!

Because of Zhao Wuzhen, the Zhao family was appreciated by Jiang Fan very much, so he received great support from Jiang Fan!

As for the Zhao family, they also retaliated. Many members of the family have become bodyguards for the Jiang family!

When the Jiang family was destroyed, although the Zhao family was not involved, almost all the children who stayed in the Jiang family were slaughtered!

Therefore, the Zhao family moved to Nujiang Fan!

Knowing that Jiang Fan was extremely desolate at the time, he didn't even lend a helping hand!

However, even so, Zhao Wenting has never troubled Jiang Fan!

Moreover, he also ordered the members of the family not to embarrass Jiang Fan!

If you really tell your third uncle the truth, not to mention whether you will offend the Patriarch, just the matter of Jiang Fan's secret book, you have to expose it!

"Uncle San, today a real estate owner named Hu Dahai invited me to dinner, and would like to ask me about the construction of the Nancheng Martial Arts Center. Look, is it left to him?"

Zhao Wuhong hurriedly changed the subject!

"This kind of trivial matter, you can do it yourself!"


Hanging up, Zhao Wuhong narrowed his eyes!

"Since there is no way to find someone from the family, it seems that we have to think of another way!"


Just when Zhao Wuhong was full of bad water, wondering how to seize the secret book from Jiang Fan's hands!

Andrew also looked gloomy and dialed a number!

"Dear President! I need support!"

When he said this, Andrew only felt that an unspeakable shame was flowing all over his body in an instant!

He is the king of thieves!

In the past, only others came to him for help! But today, he actually asked others for help!

This kind of shame can hardly be washed away in a lifetime!

damn it! It's all because of Jiang Fan!

It's all because of that stupid residential building!

"Andrew, you, what are you talking about?"

President Smith suspected that there was something wrong with his ears!

Andrew would actually say, need support?

He is the strongest craftsman among the trade unions!

"Yes! You heard that right, I need support!"

Andrew has been struggling with this issue in the past two days!

Is it for face, or for Lanting Collection Preface!

In the end, the pursuit of art in his bones finally defeated his self-esteem!

"Okay! So, dear Mr. Andrew, what level of support do you need?"

"Class A!"


Smith was stunned!

"Mr. Andrew, are you kidding me?"

"Do you know what A-level support means? Even if the Ruby King of the'Desert Light' was stolen from the Fernan family, the other party only applied for C-level support!"

"Andrew! I need you, think about it carefully!"

Smith's voice is very gloomy!

"That's because you don't even know what happened to me in this stupid place!"

Andrew couldn't control it anymore and he roared suddenly!

"Here, it's **** on earth!"

"A-level! If there is no A-level support, I will go to your egg!"

Andrew screamed frantically and hung up the phone suddenly!

On the other end of the phone, an old man in a tuxedo looked dumbfounded!

After a long time!

The old man finally gritted his teeth and rang an alarm bell on the table!

Soon, the door opened, and a blond female secretary with a hot body walked in directly!

"Master Smith, do you have any orders?"

"For the union, issue an A-level assistance mission!"


The female secretary gasped!

"You, are you sure?"

"yes, I'm sure!"

"Then, then, what about the content?"

"Lanting Collection Preface!"


For a moment, the female secretary only felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest!

Time, it's evening soon!

And a news enough to make all thieves crazy has spread throughout the entire underground world!

The preface to the Lan Ting collection is here!

However, the mission requirements are only acceptable to thieves with A-level licenses!

Class A!

This standard is almost the same level as a tenth-level master!

Even higher!

Even in the entire world of thieves, it is rare to have this qualification!

"Hey! Interesting! I took this task!"

On a small island, a handsome young man smiled!

"Lanting Collection Preface?! Wow! It seems that even God knows that my hands are itchy!"

In the bar, a sloppy middle-aged uncle showed a wretched smile!

"This treasure actually exists in the world! Very good! I want it!"

In a yoga club, a slender blonde girl looked at her mobile phone and smiled proudly!

"The last time I shot, it was because I wanted to get the'Diamond of Hope'! It seems that this time, I can have fun again!"

In front of an inconspicuous newsstand, a man wearing a large hoodie who couldn't see his appearance had his mouth slightly curled up!

And in a wasteland in Africa!

"My lord, I intercepted a piece of information about the Thieves World!"

"Oh? What are those thieves doing again?"

"It is said that the preface of the Lanting Collection appeared in Huaxia! Now, all the thieves are crazy!"

"Is it in Huaxia? Hey, Huaxia! Really, it's been a long time!"

In the darkness, a man sitting on a rock with a scar on his face smiled grimly!

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