
Jiang Fan appeared again, already on a noisy street!

At this moment, it was clearly midnight, but the streets were full of panicked crowds!

"what happened!"

Jiang Fan grabbed one person and asked!

"There are monsters! There are monsters that eat people!"

This man is panicked!

Jiang Fan frowned, let go of the man, and went straight to the center of the riot!

I saw that there was a mummy lying on the ground at this moment!

Look at the dress, it is the archaeologist of the mold countryman!

And beside him, a man covered in his robe was holding a **** book engraved with wedge symbols!

Black Sutra of the Undead!


Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

This is the first time I have just entered the world and I met a big boss!

However, Jiang Fan was not afraid!

Although Immortal was resurrected, he needed to absorb four coffin openers before he could be restored to his strongest state!

According to the original plot, this archaeologist was absorbed by him, the second person!

Immortal in the second-order state is definitely not his opponent!

"Huh! Youkai! Put down that scripture!"

Jiang Fan suddenly shouted!

The crowd was instantly dumbfounded!

It's so sturdy!

Actually, dare to be so presumptuous to this monster!

"Who is this little brother?"

"Too fierce! Actually, dare to scold this monster!"

"Looking at the appearance, it seems to be from Huaxia!"

"Huaxia? A miracle nation! We are saved!"

"Yes! As an ancient civilization, he must be China, sent to save us!"

The crowd is excited!

But at this moment, lying on the window upstairs, looking at the male protagonists O'Connor and Jonathan, he was completely sluggish!

This little Chinese brother is too crazy, right?

That's an undead monster, Immortal!

The gun can't be killed!

He actually dared to be tough!

Just for this courage, it is worthy of the admiration of the two!

When he heard Jiang Fan's voice, Immortal finally turned his head slowly!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan almost didn't spit it out!

At this moment, Immortal's entire face looked like dried bacon, and even the shredded pork was clearly visible!

Moreover, countless scarab beetles are moving back and forth in the big hole in his face!

"Xiongtai, do you need me to introduce you a plastic surgery hospital?"

Jiang Fan held back for a long time, finally couldn't help but asked!

"&¥! *@&! (Slave! You are looking for death!

Immortal shouted suddenly!

Then, he rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Just look at the speed, definitely more than seven!

However, this kind of strength is nothing short of **** for Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan smiled coldly, downplayed, and with a big backhand, he drew it over!


A crisp sound!

Immortal let out a miserable cry, and Jiang Fan's head was actually taken off! Flew far away!

The crowd is dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"This, this little brother, is a bit too vigorous, right?"

"Too tough! One slap! One slap, give this monster a second!"

"Awesome! With this little brother here, we in Cairo, we won't be afraid of anything in the future!"

The crowd all looked at Jiang Fan with a look of admiration!

O'Connor and Jonathan, even more eyeballs, are about to stare out!

too strong!

This monster that couldn't even be killed by a gun was actually dealt with by Jiang Fan with a slap in the face!

Worthy of being a Chinese!

Mysterious and powerful!

However, when everyone was excited, Immortal's entire body suddenly turned into a piece of yellow sand!

Then, a face suddenly appeared in the yellow sand!

Exactly, Immortal!

"*&#@¥(#! (Boy! I won't let you go!

With a sharp howl, this monster suddenly went away!

"Little brother! Thank you!"

At this time, O'Connor and Jonathan had already run down the stairs, grateful and looked at Jiang Fan!

Thanks to Jiang Fan, otherwise Immortal will kill them in a while!

However, Jiang Fan has a solemn expression!

Immortal, a normal physical attack, seems to have no effect on him at all!

Moreover, the reason why I succeeded just now is entirely because of the monster's carelessness!

His strength is obviously more than seven levels!

Very likely, higher!

Can't let him continue to absorb it!

Otherwise, even if you smoke another one, I am afraid it will be troublesome!

"Where is Eve?"

"Do you know Eve?"

O'Connor was stunned!

"This monster has gone to them. I don't want her to have an accident, so take me right away!"

Immortal must be preparing to absorb the next person at this moment!

That is, the quick shooter of the mold country!

And it is the heroine Eve who is with the fast gunner of the mold country!

"Okay! Come with me!"

O'Connor nodded, and was about to rush over with Jiang Fan!

"No, get in the car! Just show me the direction!"

"This is a bicycle?"

O'Connor is dumbfounded!

"Brother, let's take my car!"

"Yes, yes! The car is much faster than this!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Jiang Fan raised O'Connor and Jonathan, and directly put them back in a pile!

Then, step forward!


The bicycle, almost like lightning, rushed out!

"Damn! What is this?"

"Too fast! Faster than a car!"

"Really, it's so exciting!"

"This is the artifact!"

Everyone is, shocked!


Jiang Fan has stopped steadily downstairs in the hotel!

At this moment, a piece of yellow sand has blown frantically into a room on the third floor of the hotel!


Jiang Fan moved up to the third floor!

At this moment, Immortal has turned into yellow sand, enveloping that, the quick shooter of the mold country!


Jiang Fan yelled, the Nine Suns Scriptures, suddenly blasted out!


Immortal snorted and was directly hit by Jiang Fan to the wall!

And the fast gunner of the mold country screamed and fell to the ground!

It's just that, at this moment, his whole body is almost shriveled, and only a breath is left!

"Help, help!"

The quick gunner, with a hopeful look, looked at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan immediately stretched out his hand and directly helped him up!

But Immortal has changed from sand to human body again!

At this moment, except for some horrible holes on his face and body, he is almost no different from ordinary people!

However, the expression he looked at Jiang Fan was full of mockery!

Stupid humans!

What if you save this mold nation now?

I am now, and my strength has greatly increased!

And as long as you take a chance to **** this moldy countryman out, no one will be your opponent at that time!

Even this black-haired and black-eyed Chinese is not good!

However, seeing Immortal look at him mockingly, Jiang Fan unexpectedly returned a mocking look!

Immortal stunned!

next moment!


Jiang Fan actually smashed the neck of the mold countryman, and then threw it at the system backpack at will!

Immortal is dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!


Too ruthless!

Ruthless than myself!

This kid!

Never keep him!

Otherwise, I must capsize!

Immortal is about to do it!


The doors on both sides of the room were actually pushed open at the same time!

On one side is O'Connor, Jonathan and others, and on the other side, is a beautiful woman with blond hair in pajamas!


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