God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 476: I have ten thousand ways to send you to hell

When I saw the sight in front of me, Eve was startled!



A scream, suddenly sounded!

"Eve! Run!"

O'Connor roared suddenly!

Eve was startled, turned around and ran!

But when he saw Eve, Immortal's eyes brightened!

This woman, but his sacrifice to resurrect Ansuna!

Never let her run away!


Immortal's figure moved, and he was about to catch Eve!

But at this moment!


A fist suddenly appeared in front of him, directly blasting him out!

It's Jiang Fan!


The last mold countryman who followed O'Connor looked shocked!

The descendants of the Pharaoh's guard, the bearded and the museum curator, were equally shocked!

They know Immortal's strength better than others!

This is a monster with three thousand years of mana!

However, Jiang Fan was hit with a punch!

too strong!

Eve's heart beats wildly!

So handsome!

So strong!

Is this the messenger sent from heaven to save her?

"thank you, sir!"

Eve looked shy and looked at Jiang Fan!

"You're welcome! I was here to bring you food!"


"Yes! My name is Jiang Fan! It is your desire for food that made me here!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

what? !

Everyone was stunned!

Eve was even more shocked!

Before, he was shocked by Immortal and trembling all over, so he was very eager to eat a portion of food that could lift his spirits!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he pushed the door just now, Jiang Fan appeared!

Moreover, Immortal was beaten away!

He, he really is, sent from heaven!

Eve is inexplicably excited!

However, at this moment!

"¥!&&*@¥! (Asshole! I'm bad again!

Immortal suddenly roared and stared at Jiang Fan!

Eve was stunned!

Here, only she can understand what Immortal said!

Could it be that this extremely handsome man had cleaned up Immortal before?

"Your uncle! Do you think I don't understand foreign languages?"

Jiang Fan was completely messed up by Immortal's beak!

"System! Buy ancient Egyptian language!"

"Ding! It takes 15 causality points to buy ancient Egyptian. It is recommended that the host spend 200 causality points and pack a copy of Mesopotamia and the entire Nile River coast language proficiency!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, ancient Sumerian, ancient Assyrian, ancient Latin..."

The next moment, Jiang Fan ticked the corner of his mouth!

Going up is a string of languages ​​exactly the same as Immortal!

It's just that it's all national curse!

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan's tone is exactly the same as Imodun!

Moreover, some pronunciations are more obscure!

Eve was shocked, with an incredible face, looking at Jiang Fan!

so amazing!

This man is almost like an ancient Egyptian from three thousand years ago, crossing over!

This standard tone is incredible!

He is already the best ancient language expert, but compared to him, he is like a child who is learning to speak!

Immortal is even more stunned!

Although what this kid said is rude, but this language is clearly the most standard and the most difficult royal language to learn!

And it is even more ancient, even the pharaoh of his generation, some of the pronunciation can not be spelled out, noble language!

Immortal looked horrified!

Who the **** is this kid?

Is it a monster who has lived longer than himself?

Correct! It must be so!

After all, human beings absolutely do not have his physique!

No way!

In this world, I only need a strong and a god!

He must die!

Immortal roared and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

This time, his speed was so fast that only an afterimage remained!

However, Jiang Fan ticked the corner of his mouth, and also brought out an afterimage, rushing towards Imodun!

"Boom boom!"

The two collided with each other!

Actually smashed layers of air waves!

The whole building is shaking!

Everyone was shocked!

Dodge one after another!

In a blink of an eye, the two have already fought dozens of moves!

Jiang Fan frowned and gradually frowned!

Immortal, the guy's strength has risen so much!

Level nine?

Do not! May be stronger!

Jiang Fan frowned!

This monster could not even handle a single move before, but now, it can actually fight him half a catty!

Just assimilating an incomplete person, his strength has actually evolved to this level!

It really deserves to be a big boss!

But Immortal was even more shocked!

Own strength has reached the ninth level peak!

However, this Chinese person did not lose the wind at all!

Moreover, he even faintly pressed him!

This is unscientific!


Immortal was unprepared, but Jiang Fan was punched and flew again!


Immortal is furious!

However, he sneered immediately!

"Boy, what if you are stronger than me? I am immortal! I will consume you too!"

"Not dead? I have ten thousand ways to send you to hell!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"The sword is coming!"


With a flash of red light, Jiang Fan already had an extra long sword with strange runes in his hands!

Blood Rune Peach Wood Sword!

Seeing Jiang Fan's hand suddenly turned into a long sword, everyone was stunned!

"Change into a sword empty-handed?!"


"How did he do that?"

"Could it be the legendary, space magic?"

Even Immortal was stunned!

What is this skill?

Why, never seen it before?

But it doesn't matter!

Even if one hundred swords are transformed, he will win!

Immortal sneered and rushed again!



Jiang Fan's sword strikes the center of Immortal!


Immortal let out a miserable cry!

Retreat desperately!

I saw that his arm that was torn by Jiang Fan just now was completely dark!

He was actually injured!

The bearded man and the curator are about to drop their jaws in surprise!

Who is this Jiang Fan?

Actually, Immortal can be hurt!

so amazing!

Immortal trembled even more!

damn it!

What is this?

Except for the "Golden Sutra of the Sun", which is equated with the "Black Sutra of the Dead", this world absolutely should not exist and can harm his existence!

Only Jiang Fan frowned!

Before, no matter what evil things were encountered, the blood rune peach wood sword would kill with one blow!

However, slashing on Immortal had no effect!

It seems that the complete state of this guy must be silver quality at the lowest!

In other words, the complete Immortal is at least level ten!


Immortal suddenly roared and took a step back desperately!

After that, he flew towards it, and the last man from the mold country caught it!

Although this sword is weird, it hasn't reached the point where it can kill itself!

However, what other means is there to protect this kid!

The most urgent thing is to **** this last guy quickly!

At that time, although he will not reach the strongest state, but the current Jiang Fan in seconds is absolutely not a problem!


Just as he moved his finger, Jiang Fan had already yelled, and suddenly threw the Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword at him!



How could this way of throwing hit me!

Immortal sneered, and his figure shook!


The blood talisman peach wood sword, passed him directly!

"Boy! You have no weapons now, let alone stop me!"

Immortal laughed wildly, and suddenly rushed to the last moldy countryman!


As soon as he turned around, he was completely stunned!

The Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword did not hit him, but it nailed the last mold countryman directly to the wall!

At this moment, that hapless man from the country is already dead, and he can't die anymore!

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