In the beginning, Yue Jianhan had some disdain for Qiu Mingyue's identity!

After all, in his opinion, it's not just wealth and beauty who can be worthy of Jiang Fan!

Regardless of appearance, figure, character, or strength, you must be the best choice!

At the very least, it has to be level ten!

However, he only discovered now that Qiu Mingyue was even stronger than he thought!

This kind of toughness comes from wisdom and skill!

There is another kind of courage to look down on life and death!

A person who has no martial arts at all, with only a few words, not only escaped death and regained his freedom, he actually conquered one seventh level and three fifth level!

No one believes this matter!

Nima is too ridiculous!


I really underestimated Madam!

How could it be so simple for a woman a master can like?

But at this moment, after Yu Feng finished thanking them, they immediately looked respectful and helped Qiu Mingyue to remove the explosives from their bodies!

Qiu Mingyue's face is calm and her heartbeat is steady, but in fact, her back is already soaked!

No matter how she wins, she might die tragically in the situation just now!

She was actually betting her life just now!

Fortunately, the bet won!

"What are you guys called?"

"President Qiu, my name is Yu Feng! The strength is seven!"

After Yu Feng finished speaking, he pointed at two strong men again!

"They are Konghu and Kongbao! Level five!"

"The last little girl is called Song Qian! It's also a level five!!"

"Very good! Starting today, you will be my Qiu Mingyue people!"

Qiu Mingyue smiled slightly and pressed her excitement!

One level seven, three level five!

I believe it will definitely help Jiang Fan!

Qiu Mingyue threw a card to Yu Feng at will!

"There are 20 million in this card, so spend it first!"

"Twenty million?!"

Everyone was stunned!

Heart beating wildly!

They have a single mission, the highest, not a few million!

Moreover, that kind of big order may not be received in one year!

But Qiu Mingyue, the shot is 20 million!

Simply so proud!

In an instant, the disappointment of a few people before disappeared completely!

On the contrary, there is the pleasure of holding big thick legs!

"Thank you, Mr. Qiu!"

"President Qiu, rest assured, starting today, we will swear allegiance to the death!"

Yu Feng, a few people, looked excited!

However, in the next moment, the faces of a few people changed abruptly!

I saw that a man with a wooden box on his back and a long-haired shawl suddenly appeared without knowing when!

Moreover, the aura of this man makes them feel like their souls are trembling!

Yu Feng and the others are stiff!

Suppressed by the man's aura, he can't move at all!

"Mr. Qiu, hurry up, run quickly—"

Yu Feng, barely squeeze out a word!

too frightening!

This is definitely a level ten master!

Could it be that the employer is so powerful?

But the next moment!


Yue Jianhan, actually respectful, bowed to Qiu Mingyue!

Master? !

Yu Feng was dumbfounded!


An unbelievable look!

It turns out that there is such a master beside Qiu Mingyue!

Just now, if they were a little disrespectful just now, I'm afraid they would lose their heads long ago!

When I thought of this, the eyes of a few people looking at Qiu Mingyue had already been brought on, with a trace of fear!

And seeing Yue Jianhan appear, Qiu Mingyue was completely relieved!

"Where is your master?"

When Qiu Mingyue asked this sentence, Los Angeles University!

"Jiang Fan!"

Leng Qing and others have already surrounded Jiang Fan and Tuan Tuan!

It's just that at this moment of cold feeling, it has changed its appearance!

It looks like a middle-aged woman!

Jiang Fan's use value is not over yet, she still can't expose herself!

"Come here very fast! Let's talk, what are you doing with me!"

Jiang Fan looked at a few people lazily!

"It's very simple! As long as you hand over what you got at the Yang family, we will let Qiu Mingyue go, otherwise--"

"and so on!"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"That thing from the Yang family? What is it?"

The Yang family was gone a long time ago, and that little family wanted money but no money and no one. I really don’t remember, what good things do!

"Don't pretend to be confused! Isn't it because of that thing that your strength has grown so fast?"

Stop drinking coldly!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

I really want to yell at you!

However, what does Yang's family have that can greatly increase one's skill?

Strange, if this is true, why doesn't the Yang family use it?

Could it be that they themselves didn't know that there was this thing?

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"There are so many things in the Yang family, I don't know which one you said?"

"Pretend less! That thing is very special, how could you not know it!"

"Oh! What you said, shouldn't it be, that sword book, right?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"Sword Score?!"

How could it be this thing?

A cold expression stagnated!

Qiu Yuanshan just told her that it was very special, but she didn't know what it was!

However, she sneered immediately!

"Yes! That's the sword book!"

You idiot!

Jiang Fan almost didn't laugh!

It's been a long time!

This silly lady doesn't know what it is!

"OK! Jianpu can give you! Let Qiu Mingyue!"

As Jiang Fan said, he directly took out a few pieces of straw paper!

With a light shake, he threw it into cold hands!

Frowning coldly and glanced at random, his complexion suddenly changed!

This swordsmanship is extremely fierce, and just looking at the text above, you can feel a yin and evil air, rushing toward your face!

"I, how do I know if this thing is true or not?"

Cold heart beats wildly!

If this sword technique is true, it is definitely an existence that makes people jealous!


Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth, and a hand suddenly appeared in his hand, three feet green front!


The sword light like lightning flashed suddenly!

At the next moment, beside coldly, those three men who were as high as level 5 covered their throats at the same time!


The three fell to the ground and never got up again!

Take a cold breath!

This swordsmanship is simply amazing!

too frightening!

Jiang Fan's strength, unexpectedly, has reached this point!

"Believe or die!"

"Now, let go of Qiu Mingyue!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Take a step back coldly!

"Qiu Mingyue is in her villa!"

After saying this, the cold body suddenly disappeared without a trace!

Jiang Fan frowned!

It turns out that she is the one who can hide her breath!

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

It's actually Qiu Mingyue, come here!

Behind her, Yu Feng and others!

However, as soon as they saw the scene, Yu Feng and the others, their complexions changed drastically!

"Boss, it's from another group, Jackals!"

"One sword kills!"

"The wounds of the three people are even the same size!"

"What a fast sword!"

Everyone was stunned, looking at Jiang Fan holding a long sword!

In his eyes, it was full of horror!

Too tough!

This swordsmanship is simply super god!

"Who are these people?"

"Kidnapped me, but now it's mine!"


Jiang Fan was stunned!

However, his face moved!

"Just right, you guys, protect the bright moon!"


Yu Feng and the others, their expressions were solemn!

"See the cold, you go with me!"

Jiang Fan said, turned around and left!

"Jiang Fan! Where are you going?"

Qiu Mingyue hurriedly asked!

"Treasure hunt!"

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