Yue Jianhan followed Jiang Fan all the way!

Quickly tell what happened before!

"Master, Master is really amazing! This is the first time I have seen such a determined woman!"

Yue Jianhan admired!

"However, Master, you can subdue even this kind of woman. Obviously, it's better!"

"Stop flattering!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Quickly turn over an intersection!

"Master, shouldn't it be time to follow that woman to see who the other party is? Where are you going?"

"No! She is a fake Qiuyuanshan!"

"You, how do you know?"

Yue Jianhan was stunned!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, he had already used the system to locate cold feelings just now!

The other party's route was obviously to go straight to the Qiu Family Manor!

Soon, the two have arrived, near a ruin!

"Isn't this the Yang family?"


Jiang Fan nodded!

"The reason why Qiu Yuanshan kidnapped Qiu Mingyue is for something of the Yang family!"

"This thing should be very special, even the Yang family doesn't know it!"

"But once you get it, you can definitely increase your strength!"

Jiang Fan said!

"There is this kind of thing? Is it a pill?"

Yue Jianhan frowned!

He only believes in his own cultivation skills, and has always sneered at the enhancement of foreign objects!

"I don't know, look for it!"

If the system wants to locate a certain person or object, Jiang Fan must have seen it!

And the ones you haven't seen can indeed be located, but it takes a lot of causal points!

Jiang Fan will not waste such precious things here!

While the two are constantly searching!

Qiujia Manor!

"Patriarch! Jiang Fan handed it over!"

With a cold expression of excitement, he handed the score to Qiu Yuanshan!

However, Qiu Yuanshan's complexion sank as soon as he saw the sword spectrum!

"what is this?"

"Sword spectrum!"

"That thing is a stone statue! Not a sword book!"

Qiuyuan Mountain suddenly roared!

Stone statue?

Coldly stunned!

And Qiu Yuanshan's complexion changed!

I was so anxious that I actually told the appearance of that thing!

Both of them fell silent!

"Patriarch! Although I didn't get the stone statue, please take a closer look at this sword book!"

Said coldly suddenly!

Qiu Yuanshan frowned and looked at Jianpu!


Qiuyuanshan's pupils shrank!

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

Just at a glance, a sharp and evil aura came upon his face!

"Patriarch! Jiang Fan didn't even use zhenqi before, just relying on this sword technique, he killed three fifth-levels in one shot!"

"If the Patriarch can be trained, even in the tenth level, he will inevitably rarely meet opponents!"

"I believe that Jiang Fan was also forced by Qiu Mingyue's safety, and then he handed over this thing!"

Said with a cold face respectfully!

"so smart?"

Qiu Yuanshan's eyes lit up!

"Yes! I have never seen such a fast sword!"

Shocked coldly!

Qiu Yuanshan pondered for a moment!

"It seems that that thing is really not in his hands, and the reason why he is so powerful is because of this sword?"


"Yeah! Go down first!"

Qiu Yuanshan nodded in satisfaction!

However, as soon as the cold feeling left, Qiu Yuanshan's complexion suddenly changed! Slap the table fiercely!

"Idiot! If that thing will only increase skill, what use do I want it!"

"The true value of that thing—"

"Damn! A bunch of trash!"

Qiu Yuanshan took a breath, and suddenly looked at Jianpu!

"However, I finally figured out the reason why Jiang Fan's strength soared!"

"Huh? What is this? To practice this skill, you must first... From the palace?!"

Qiuyuan Mountain is encircled!


for a long time!

"Unexpectedly, this kid is so cruel!"

"Speaking of which, is it that he is kind to Qiu Mingyue, all of them, pretending to show me?"

"No! No! If that's the case, why would he hand over this sword?"

"what is the problem!"

Qiu Yuanshan is completely stunned!


For the first time, I felt that I couldn't control the direction of the situation at all!

And at this moment, the Yang family!

"Master! After searching for so long, I didn't find it at all!"

Yue Jianhan frowned!

The Yang family has been burned to ruins!

Now it is Heitian again, even if there is something special, I am afraid that I can't find it at all!

The two have been searching for an hour, but still nothing!

"Damn! Not looking for it!"

Jiang Fan's hands are full of black and gray, and he sits casually panting!

There was a round stone right next to it, and he touched it smoothly!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 20,000 karma points!"

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand!


Jiang Fan was stunned!

Twenty thousand causal points!

What is this special thing?

Jiang Fan directly pulled the stone up with a harder effort!

I saw that this was actually an arm-high stone statue, and the place where he wiped his hands just now was the head of the stone statue!

"System! What is this?"

"Ding! It takes 1000 causality points to identify this item!"

There are so many appraisals!


Jiang Fan did not hesitate!

The value of this thing is absolutely far beyond imagination!


The next moment, surrounded by white light, the stone statue suddenly shattered!

At the same time, Jiang Fan only felt that an incomparably abundant breath rushed into his body in an instant!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The Nine Suns Scripture reaches the eighth level!"

For a moment!

The true energy in Jiang Fan's body is like a mountain whistling a tsunami!

The air around him trembled faintly!

Jiang Fan laughed!

It really is a good thing!

made money!

But Yue Jianhan was dumbfounded!

Master, this luck is so good that it is against the sky!

With a quick touch, I found this thing!

It's just that it's over!

As the stone statue continued to shatter, another strange breath also rushed out!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Longevity has increased by 50 years!"


Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

Actually, it can increase longevity?



Why don't you give me some madness!

If Qiu Yuanshan saw this scene, I am afraid it would be crazy!

What he wants is this birthday gift!

This thing is information he didn't know how much it took to get it!

This thing is called Tianyuan Shizhong, also called Longevity Stone!

It was in the ancient times, when the alchemists were rampant, they passed down, and now, there may be only one left!

It is said that this thing is made from extinct herbs and some kind of extraterrestrial meteorite!

As long as you continue to worship with incense every day, you will be fed back to life!

It is said that the person who worshipped the longest lived more than two hundred years!

If he can live two hundred years old, he is absolutely confident that he will develop the Qiu family into the former Jiang family!

It's a pity that he can't even dream of it. The things he dreams of are directly destroyed and purified by the system's violence!

Jiang Fan, who got this stuff, even treated it as rubbish!

Jiang Fan thought it was over!

Unexpectedly, as the stone statue was completely shattered, a key appeared inside it!

This key is about ten centimeters in length, and the whole body is bronze.

"System, what is this?"

"Ding! It takes 3000 causality points to identify this item!"

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