God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 494: The **** who has to rely on neighbors to give birth

Jiang Fan looked at his backpack!

At this moment, the total number of causal points is more than six thousand two hundred!

However, if the Nine Suns Zhenjing wants to reach the ninth level, it needs ten thousand causal points!

Choosing between the two, Jiang Fan did not hesitate and threw the key into the backpack!

Improving your strength is the most important thing, this key, look at it later!

What's more, as the tenth level is approaching, the next promotion task is about to come!

You must rush to the full level of the Nine Suns Scriptures in advance!

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan stood up!

"Master, are you going home?"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan looked at the time and suddenly smiled!

"Go to Qiu's house!"

"Why are you going to Qiu's house?"

"Of course, pit the old fox well!"

Jiang Fan smiled, extremely hideous!

Jiang Fan, he has always been, if there is a grudge, he will get revenge!

In particular, the fake Qiuyuan Mountain actually used Qiu Mingyue to make a fuss over and over again, and I must teach him a great lesson!


At this moment, Qiu Yuanshan was looking at Jianpu with a gloomy expression!

I don't know why, the more I look at this thing, the more he has a desire to practice!

However, the price is too great!

Qiu Yuanshan hesitated several times, and finally, carefully put this thing away!

You must not practice this thing yourself!

However, other methods can be used to allow others to practice!

As long as you have ten people who are proficient in this kind of swordsmanship, then, the seven giants and four families in the capital will all be rubbish!

And if there are countless such swordsmen, then the entire China...

In Qiuyuanshan's eyes, the light is shining!

Suddenly laughed wildly!

"Sangyu of loss, east of gain!"

"Jiang Fan! You kid, really is my lucky star!"


At this moment, the door of his room was knocked suddenly!

"Patriarch! Jiang Fan is here!"

"Huh? Why did he come?"

Qiu Yuanshan was taken aback for a moment. Could it be that today's matter was leaked?

will not!

I haven't shown up, and all the manpower is hired by the cold sentiment after makeup!

"Let him in!"


Soon, the servant took Jiang Fan to the study of Qiuyuan Mountain!

"Uncle Qiu!"

As soon as Jiang Fan saw Qiuyuan Mountain, he jumped on it!

Holding Qiu Yuanshan's head, he started howling!

Qiu Yuanshan is dumbfounded!

"Xiao, Xiaofan, you, what are you doing?"

"Uncle Qiu! Mingyue was kidnapped!"


Qiuyuanshan's complexion changed drastically, as if he was really taken aback!

"How is Mingyue? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay! She's okay already!"

"But, in order to save Mingyue, my secret book was cheated away!"

Jiang Fan's howling heartbroken!

Tears and nose, Qiuyuanshan's head is full of rubbings!

Qiuyuanshan's eyes twitched!

"Haha, Xiaofan, don't worry, speak slowly!"

Jiang Fan finally let go of Qiuyuan Mountain, but his nose actually hung on Qiuyuan Mountain's face, and it actually pulled out a silk!

Qiuyuanshan almost didn't vomit it!

His face is ashen!

"Haha, Xiaofan, you, do you know who did it?"

"do not know!"

Jiang Fan wiped away his tears, and suddenly started howling again!

"Asshole! It's shameless! I actually said something from the Yang family is in my hands!"

"I clearly want to blackmail my cheats!"

"I don't know which **** who killed a thousand knives and gave birth to children without X eyes!"

"This man must be a bad breather! If you go out, you have to be struck by lightning! You have to rely on neighbors to give birth to children! The green hats can spare the earth three times!

"Uncle Qiu, you have to call the shots for me!"

Jiang Fan was heartbroken and cursed!

Qiuyuanshan trembled all over!

Can't wait to kill Jiang Fan with a hammer!

This little bastard!

He was the one who scolded!

However, he can only endure it! Moreover, Jiang Fan must be comforted!

Nima is too aggrieved!

"Haha, Xiaofan, don't worry, then you came to me, do you want to find the secret book?"


Jiang Fan was startled!

"What cheat?"

"Didn't you just say..."

"No no!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly waved!

"Uncle Qiu, you got it wrong!"

"I just want you to help me find the person who kidnapped Mingyue!"

Jiang Fan smiled unnaturally!

However, seeing Jiang Fan's expression, Qiu Yuanshan smiled coldly in his heart!


Still want to hide from me!

However, this cheat is obviously a manuscript, if Jiang Fan moves anything, I am afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss!

You have to be careful and ask clearly!

"Xiaofan! You and I are going to be a family soon, do you still need to hide it from Uncle Qiu?"

"Hehe, Uncle Qiu..."

Jiang Fan hesitated for a long time before he smiled awkwardly!

"Uncle Qiu, you also know that I am carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, and finally got a cheat book. I must have it, and protect it!"

"This time, if Mingyue hadn't been kidnapped, I'm sure I wouldn't hand over such a precious thing!"

"Oh? So speaking, this cheat book is very powerful?"

Qiu Yuanshan asked deliberately!

"Of course! But even if this cheat is cheated away by that group, they won't be able to practice it!"


Qiuyuanshan's heart is beating!

"This one……"

Jiang Fan's eyes flickered, and finally gritted his teeth!

"This cheat book can only be practiced from the palace!"


Qiu Yuanshan pretended to be shocked!

"Xiaofan! Wouldn't you be—"

"No no!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand again and again!

"Practicing this martial arts requires self-employment, but I have a secret recipe that can be intermittent!"

"If you don't believe me, look!"

As proof of his innocence, Jiang Fan took off his pants directly!

Damn it! my eyes!

Qiu Yuanshan was about to turn around, but when he saw Jiang Fan, his pupils shrank!


Jiang Fan is really intact!

In an instant, his heart beat violently!

If you can ask about this method, can you practice it too?

"Xiaofan! What are you doing? Put on your clothes! What a decent way this is!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Jiang Fan put on his pants with a look of shame!

"Xiaofan! So what did you do with the cheats you handed over?"

"This, I have no time at all!"

Jiang Fan looked annoyed!

"If the other party is not afraid of sequelae, they can also be trained!"

"This is terrible!"

Qiuyuanshan frowned!

"Xiaofan, don't worry, so let me check it slowly. You go back first!"

"Yeah! Then trouble Uncle Qiu!"

Jiang Fan cried and left slowly!

Seeing Jiang Fan leaving, Qiu Yuanshan immediately looked excited!

He hesitated for a moment, and suddenly took out the breathing method of the sword book and a short section of the sword technique!

Then, rang a bell on the table!

After a while, a dark shady young man walked in slowly!

This is the deceased Qiu family secretly cultivated by Qiuyuan Mountain, except for Leng Qing and Qiu Lu, no one knows their existence!

Moreover, even if they are coldhearted, they don't know how many such people are under Qiu Yuanshan!

"the host!"

As soon as the young man appeared, he knelt directly in front of Qiuyuan Mountain!

"Well, this is for you, take it for practice!"

The young man took the sword score, and was immediately stunned!

From the palace? !

However, they have been brainwashed since they were young, Qiu Yuanshan's words, to him, are like imperial decree, they can't be violated at all!


Seeing the young man leave, Qiu Yuanshan suddenly smiled coldly!

He had known Jiang Fan's cunning for a long time!

He wouldn't take a risk before he figured out the truth!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, who had already left the Qiu family, also sneered!

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