God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 536: Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Crossing My Eternal Life

Everyone looked shocked!

"Oh my God! Actually, it scared the head of the Liu family to pee!"

"Tianwei! This is, Tianwei!"

"It's terrible! This young man is terrifying!"

"Maybe, he really has the ability to extend his life by heaven!"

"Too handsome! Although I am scared, I want to lie in his arms and be ravaged by him!"

It scares people to pee at a glance, this is definitely, to carry the power of heaven and earth!

Everyone was frightened or admired, looking at Jiang Fan!

Sun Chirun and Hu Zhengnan looked pale!

Regardless of whether Jiang Fan can succeed by his own life, this kind of aura that dominates Qi Hai is definitely not an ordinary person!

The remarks made by the two of them just now, I am afraid, have offended this real big man!

The people of the Jin family looked excited!

Worthy of being a godfather!

Regardless of whether it can be achieved or not, Liu Jinsong will be scared to pee, and he has already earned it!

Yang Yun has already been trapped!

However, he immediately sneered!

Strong momentum is a fart!

If the aura can continue to live, then those ancient emperors would have long been immortal!

Facing the crowds with different looks, Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Then, strode up to the altar!

"The heavens and the earth are mysterious, the universe is wild!"

"The sun and the moon are surging, and the time is right!"

"Cold and hot, harvest in autumn and hide in winter!"

"Rap is more than mature, Lulu adjusts Yang!"

"Clouds cause rain, and the dew is frosty!"

"Jinsheng Lishui, jade out of Kungang!"

"The sword is huge, the pearl is called luminous!"

"Guozhen Li Yu, vegetable heavy mustard ginger!"

"The sea salty river is light, and the scales dive into the feathers!"

"Longshi Fire Emperor, Bird Official and Human Emperor!"

Jiang Fan waved the mahogany sword, and started to use a ten times slower sword to ward off evil spirits, stab left and right!

The crowd is dumbfounded!

"This, how come this master sings like a thousand-character essay?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Impossible!"

"Thousand-character essays may be memorized, and it has no effect, but in the mouth of the master, you can communicate with the world!"

"Yes, yes! It must be so!"

It's a pity that these people don't know Jiang Fan's plan!

Otherwise, you have to curse shamelessly!

Jiang Fan sang it again, and suddenly pointed at Jin Deyan with the tip of the sword in his hand!

"Kneel down!"

Everyone was stunned!

Jin Deyan was also startled, but when he gritted his teeth, he knelt down suddenly!

Things are going to this point, it's not too shameful!

Seeing Jin Deyan kneel down, everyone was shocked!

Hu Zhengnan and others are even more overjoyed!

Jin Deyan's kneeling is equivalent to completely giving up the dignity of the Jin family!

Kneel down the Jin family completely!

Those small families that depend on the Jin family will inevitably change their flags!

To annex the Jin family, at this time!


"The heavens and the earth are Xuanhuang, all obey my orders!"

"With your willpower, I will live forever!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

At the same time, the Nine Suns True Scriptures directly push to the limit!


In an instant, a tornado rose from the ground!

The whole altar, flying sand and rocks!

Everyone exclaimed!

And Jiang Fan, taking this opportunity, directly took out a piece of vigorous, emerald green leaves!

Leaf of the Tree of Life: Silver Item!

Introduction: This is the leaf from the Fairy Treasure Tree of Life. Its magic can only be experienced by the user!

Note: Using this item, you will be able to give life to any creature!

Tip: The current life value is (500) years!

"System! Use the leaves of the tree of life! Goal, Jin Deyan! Life value, ten years!"

From beginning to end, Jiang Fan has done everything, not only for the rational use of the leaves of the tree of life, this heaven-defying prop!

It is more to build momentum!

The bigger the battle, the more frightening, and the more it can be shown that this matter is not easy!

And the greater the benefits!

As long as Jin Deyan succeeds in renewing his life, then there will be a steady stream of antique pearls and jade, and the causal point will be rolling in!

And his own strength, there will be a qualitative leap!


An extremely soft light green light shining directly on Jin Deyan's head!

next moment!

Everyone was shocked to see that Jin Deyan's white hair was turning black a little bit!

The wrinkles on his face are also miraculously gradually healed!

The whole person burst into a burst of vitality!

"God, my goodness!"

"Really, it really succeeded!"

"He is not a liar! He is a heavenly master!"

"It's so handsome! This method is absolutely magical!"

"It's more than just psychic, it's clearly against the sky!"

"Zhuge Liang didn't succeed in borrowing his life back then, but this celestial master actually did it!"

The crowd was completely shocked!

They all looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Even excited, goose bumps all over his body sprang up!

Change your fate!

That's it, change your fate against the sky!

As for Hu Zhengnan, the whole body was trembling!

The eyes are full of fear!

God man!

Jiang Fan is undoubtedly a **** and man!

At the thought of how disrespectful Jiang Fan was just now, several people were already scared!


In front of everyone, Hu Zhengnan, Sun Chirun and others all knelt down respectfully!

Even, I didn't even dare to lift my head!

You can do it if you want to change your fate. If you destroy them, it's just as easy as you can!

And Yang Yun was even more shocked, his pants were soaked!

I am so stupid and ridiculous!

This kind of god, even if the top elder of the medicine gate sees it, he must be respectful!

And myself, dare to question and ridicule, this is simply asking for trouble at the dosing gate!

If this matter is known by the Medicine Sect, I am afraid that before Jiang Fan takes it, I will be torn to pieces by the angry colleagues of Medicine Sect!

The Jin family is completely crazy!


Jin Deyan suddenly let out a loud, frantic laugh!

The children of the Jin family also laughed more!

"Humph! Didn't you say that my Jin family is stupid, and grandpa is always confused?"

"I dare to question Grandpa God! He is a liar!"

"A bunch of idiots with no eyes!"

"Go on! Why are you all kneeling?"

"Don't you say that Grandpa **** is a liar? Why don't you keep talking!"

Facing the ridicule of the Jin family's children, no one dared to speak!

The children of the Jin family, I just feel that it's so refreshing!

In decades, they have never been so presumptuous like they are today!

All this is thanks to Jiang Fan!

The Jin family's worship of Jiang Fan at this moment has reached a crazy point!


A gust of wind blew, Jiang Fan had put away the wooden sword, and slowly walked down the altar!

On both sides of the road, the crowd immediately dispersed from side to side, everyone admired and looked at Jiang Fan respectfully!


Jin Deyan was extremely excited, looking at Jiang Fan!


"What's the matter with this name?"

The crowd was stunned!

"Huh! Don't you know? Mr. Jiang Fan, is our grandfather's brother!"

"It's my Jin family, like an ancestor!"

"It's not only supernatural powers, but also superior in strength!"

"Slashing at level nine is like slaughtering a dog!"

"It's just that grandpa **** low-key!"

"This time I made a high-profile appearance in order to continue my grandfather's life!"

Jin Yi Jin Ye and the others are so proud that their tails are about to rise to the sky!


"Jin Deyan's worship brother?"

"Just like the ancestors of the Jin family?"

"Slashing at level nine is like slaughtering a dog?"

"Could it be that Mr. Jiang looks young, but in fact, he is an old monster?"

"What's so strange about this! Mr. Jiang easily borrowed his life for ten years, this kind of sky-reaching method, even if you live long, it is not surprising!"

The crowd is boiling!

As for Hu Zhengnan and others, their faces were even paler!

Almost scared, limp to the ground!

"Mr. Jiang, Jiang, Jiang, Jiang..."

Yang Yun leaned on the golden bamboo frame, and then barely walked to Jiang Fan!

His whole body was like noodles, his mouth and teeth trembled, and his tongue was bitten!

This is purely scary!

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