God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 537: Helping others is the foundation of happiness

Seeing Yang Yun begged, Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"Fine, you are just a junior, how can I be as knowledgeable as you!"

"Yang Yun is a junior? How is this calculated?"

"Could it be that Grandpa Gan and Yaomen are also related?"

Everyone, startled again!

Even Yang Yun was stunned!

"You Yaomen elder Sun Chuanyi is one of my disciples!"

Jiang Fan said slowly!


Yang Yun was shocked!

Sun Chuanyi is the chief elder of Los Angeles Medicine Gate!

It is also one of the top ten elders of Medicine Gate!

Position is far above oneself!

However, that kind of big man is actually Jiang Fan's apprentice!

And still, one of them!

Yang Yun rolled his eyes, directly, dizzy!

The others were even more stunned!

Worthy of being an old monster!

Any disciple is such an amazing identity!

In an instant, everyone's worship of Jiang Fan took another step up!

Almost already, beyond the limit!

"Brother, how many of them?"

At this time, Jin Deyan suddenly pointed at Hu Zhengnan and others!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang! No! Uncle Jiang!"

"We are all grown up by Uncle Jin!"

"Uncle Jiang, don't talk to us, general knowledge!"

"We never expected that there would be a **** like you!"

"Yeah, yeah! We, we are all unintentional!"

Hu Zhengnan panicked!

Kneeling on the ground, with a begging expression, looking at Jiang Fan!

This matter, they are indeed wronged!

Who could have imagined that there is such a great power against the sky as Jiang Fan in the world!

"Get up, take a long-term view from now on! Shencheng, hehe, even if the family is the only one, isn't it still trapped to death?"

Jiang Fan's smile is meaningful!

Hu Zhengnan and the others were taken aback, suddenly showing a sense of sorrow!

"Yes! Jiang Shishu is right! We get it!"

Indeed, what will happen even if there is more contention in Shencheng?

After all, Shanghai is so big!

Instead of this, it is better to take a long-term view!

As long as these companies work together, the surrounding cities will have a lot to do!

In an instant, Hu Zhengnan and others had more infinite admiration for Jiang Fan than fear!

Jin Deyan is even more happy!

As expected to be Brother Jiang, not only his strength is against the sky, but he is so clever in manipulating people's hearts!

With the power of borrowing, in a few words, the crisis of the Jin family was resolved!

Moreover, in the future, when these families in Shanghai cooperate, I am afraid that the Jin family will be the head!

The one who worshipped this son, really is, earning blood!

At this moment!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang!"

A three-pointed fearful voice suddenly sounded beside Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan turned around and took a look!

I saw that a middle-aged man with a fat body was looking at himself cautiously!

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Hello, hello! My name is Lu Youyu, the chairman of Shencheng Changsheng Group!"

Lu Youyu smiled flatly!

"Um, your means of borrowing your life, can you..."


Before Lu You had finished speaking, Jin Yi had already spoken directly and stopped!

"Even if I don't understand metaphysics, I know that I'm going to fight against the heavens by my life! Grandpa did what I did just now, I don't know how many years of Taoism will be damaged! You dare to—"

"Jin Yi!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Helping others is the foundation of happiness! What if Mr. Lu is for his family? Be a man, don't be too selfish!"

Your uncle!

This fat man looks like a fat sheep!

I can't say how many causal points I can get!

If you want to mess with me, I won't kill you!

"Mr. Lu, don't be afraid, speak slowly!"

Jiang Fan looked kind!

I made such a big battle, just for now!

This is the customer, it must be well maintained!

"Yes, yes! Mr. Jiang, I am not a good person, tax evasion and tax evasion, shoddy, all of these have been done!"

"However, I, Lu Youyu, is a filial son. You will know if you just inquire about this!"

"My old mother was seriously ill some time ago, the doctor said, the old man will have at most three or five days!"

"Before the old man left, I wanted to see the old house in my hometown, but now she can't even move at all!"

"I just wanted to ask you to help my old mother to renew my life!"

"It doesn't need much, even one month, one week!"

"Let the elderly be able to fulfill their dying wishes!"

"As long as you can do it, I promise that you will not do anything illegal in the future! And every day I will burn incense and pray for you, spend your wealth to do good deeds, and accumulate merit for you!"

Lu Youyu shed tears as he said!


Jiang Fan sighed!

"A filial son! Good! Even though I would lose a lot of my life if you borrowed your life once, I will take your heart of a filial son into perfection!"

"Well, you go back and prepare, I will give your mother, let me borrow one year!"


Lu Youyu was shocked!

Then, moved and howled!

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Everyone was shocked!

This personality is so great!

Regardless of your own safety, you have to help others!

This kind of great sentiment, this noble personality, is no different from a saint!

In an instant, everyone looked at Jiang Fan's eyes and brought them directly, with endless admiration!

"It's great! I can't help crying!"

"The status is respected, the methods are brilliant, and the personality is noble. The key is that they are so handsome!"

"This is definitely, the real Prince Charming!"

"I want him! I must get him, this man!"

"Yes! Give him medicine! As long as you are pregnant with his child, you are not afraid that he will deny it!"

A group of women, their eyes are red!

A man like Jiang Fan is hard to find, so he must quickly find a way to get him!

However, the upper-level figures of other people were inspired by Lu Youyu and moved their minds one after another!

"Lu Youyu can actually make a move by a celestial master, then I will try it too!"

"Yes! This is a life extension! Don't miss the opportunity!"

"You can make money if you have no money. If you have no life, then there is no move!"

"Hey! Mr. Yu, I borrowed it! As long as the celestial master can take action, your terminal illness is not a problem!

For a time, the entire Shanghai city became crazy!


"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 20 karma points for selling this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 15 karma points for selling this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 42 causality points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 36 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected..."

Listening to the system prompts, Jiang Fan was so refreshed that his bones were cramping!

He is at Lu Youyu's house at this moment!

After the renewal was completed, Lu Youyu directly opened the Lu's vault and let Jiang Fan choose at will!

It doesn't matter if they all move away!

Jiang Fan turned around and got 158 ​​causal points directly!


One year of life can be exchanged for 158, that is more than ten thousand in one hundred years!

In his own hands, it is equivalent to pinching tens of thousands of causal points!

Of course, this data may be more, or it may be less!

After all, what can be changed depends on the system!

"Mr. Jiang, why did you pick such a thing?"

Lu Youyu was stunned!

What Jiang Fan took was not a good thing!

"Hehe, the doctor's parents' heart, just take some, just what you mean!"

"Mr. Jiang..."

Lu Youyu was moved, rushing!

"That's right! Mr. Jiang, I have a friend who wants to continue his life, you see..."

"It's everyone's responsibility to help others!"

Jiang Fan looked happy!

However, at this moment, his mobile phone rang suddenly!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Old Lu, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Jiang, it is clear that that person is called Zhou Ming!"

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