God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 558: I'm not touching the same place with you

"Yes! It's not like this at all!"

Su Lingyu also spoke!

"Yu Rui, I know that you may not be able to accept it for a while, but the matter is already here!"

"The evidence is conclusive!"

"You guys, can't you control it!"

Zhang Wentao is going crazy!

It happened when I was about to promote the world!

A carelessness, the previous efforts, can be ruined!

OMG! If I knew you were so hilarious, I'll give you the door!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, now, what should I do?"

Zhang Wentao looked at Jiang Fan in despair!

Su Lingyu also reacted at this time!

"Yes Jiang Fan! What should I do now?"

Even Yu Rui looked at Jiang Fan helplessly!

Facing the three people's questions, Jiang Fan finally recovered!

However, he just smiled!

"No need to do it! That's fine too!"

"what did you say?!"

Yu Rui was directly angry!

"You are taking advantage, do you want us to take the blame!"

"Listen to me!"

Jiang Fan said in a hurry!

"Actually, this matter is easy to solve!"

"Aren't many people in the entertainment industry speculating? For example, the one who was pregnant and ate too much some time ago!"

"As long as we let the crew pretend to reveal that we are trying to hype "Yi Jian Wu Shuang", this matter will be solved!"

"Moreover, with this incident, our attention will definitely reach an unprecedented level!"

"Sometimes, bad things are not necessarily bad!"

Everyone was stunned!


There is too much hype now!

As long as the audience is guided a little, it will be too easy for this matter to pass!


As expected of Jiang Fan!

I thought of a solution in an instant!

Everyone, all looked excited!

Look at Jiang Fan admiringly!

Even Yu Rui was relieved!

However, Zhang Wentao suddenly turned pale!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, you, your identity..."

"It's okay, they all know!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took off his mask directly!

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, Yu Rui's eyes suddenly widened!

Okay, so handsome!

It turns out that the real look of Takeaway Star is actually like this!

Moreover, not only is handsome, but also has a tough face and full of masculinity!

No wonder the lady keeps obsessing with him!

It's just hanging those celebrities!

Moreover, she blushed directly at the thought of the contact between the two just now!

The heart is beating even more!

Do not!

No way!

This **** is so shameless with a mask, when he didn't wear a mask, I don't know how many girls seduce!

For this kind of person, we must not let our guard down!

Yu Rui was even more defensive against Jiang Fan for a while!

At the same time, there was an inexplicable anger in my heart!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Mr. Jiang, I have something to report to you!"

Lu Zhenglong's voice sounded!


"Those foreigners who have appeared inexplicably are now investigating your movements!"

"Did you figure out the identity of the other party?"

"Not yet, but these people are obviously not in the same camp, and one of them seems to be related to the theft of a famous international painting before!"

"I got it! Let the news go, just say I'm near the Huayang Hotel!"


When he hung up the phone, Jiang Fan's mouth immediately turned up slightly!

Andrew, no wonder your kid hasn't moved for so long, so it turned out to be looking for foreign aid!

It's almost time to play, this time, I'll have a showdown with you!

Seeing Jiang Fan showing a wicked smile, Su Lingyu's heart beat wildly!

It's so charming!

Whatever you look at, it's all glamorous!

"I have something to do, let's go now!"

As Jiang Fan said, he was leaving!

"Jiang Fan, the crew has arranged a reception tonight, then come, too!"

Su Lingyu hurriedly spoke!

"It depends! You must come when you have time!"

Leaving Huayang Hotel, Jiang Fan immediately swaggered and headed straight to Blue Eagle!

I haven't come back for a few days. I have to see if the group of bear kids are making trouble. By the way, let all those people show up, and it is also convenient for you to catch them all at once!


As soon as Jiang Fan left Huayang Hotel, he felt that someone was following him!

It's just that these people seem to be very good at hiding. Even Jiang Fan can only feel someone is following, but can't determine which one it is!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly and turned directly into the commercial street not far away!

Then, sit down directly in front of a stall selling grilled sausages!

"Boss, fifty sausages!"

The boss was stunned!

"Little brother, so much, have you finished eating?"

"It's okay, I will pack the rest!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile!

Seeing Jiang Fan actually stopped and ate the sausage, the few people who followed him were overjoyed!

"This kid, dare to stop!"

"Huh! Andrew told us to be careful before. It seems that this kid didn't notice at all. Someone was following!"

"Sure enough, Andrew is too incompetent!"

"Let's do it! Let the guy with a false name know that his time has passed!"

"Whoever gets "The Preface of The Lanting Pavilion" is the new one, the king of thieves!"

The eyes of the few people flickered, all of them converged, and if nothing had happened, they walked towards Jiang Fan!

At the moment when Jiang Fan passed by, several people shot almost at the same time!

They are the top thieves, their hand speed has almost reached the limit of human beings!

Moreover, the movements are completely soft and imperceptible!

Even when facing Jiang Fan, several people actually stumbled each other!


They had touched Jiang Fan almost instantly!

Everyone's expressions, and a joy at the same time!

Just because they all felt that they had caught a piece of soft paper!

In the next moment, a few people have gone straight away!

In an alley!

Several top thieves who had changed their appearance directly restored their original appearance!

"Haha, everyone, sorry, it seems that I am the one who succeeds!"

A man with a sloppy appearance, speak first!

"Hehe, Hans, you are too naive!"

The handsome young man Harris, sneered!

"Don't fight, I've got it!"

Wearing a hat and mask, Amel, who has always been known for mystery, gave a deep smile!

Several people looked at each other hostilely for a moment, and then they all looked at the red rose with blond hair and a slender figure, "the flower of thieves"!

"Red rose, why don't you speak?"

Red Rose's face is slightly red!

"I, you and I touched, not the same place!"


Several people were taken aback at the same time, and then they were shocked!

"You, wouldn't you be—"

"Huh! Such a handsome handsome guy, there's no reason for my old lady to not wipe his oil!"

"Compared with his body full of power, what is the preface of Lanting Collection!"

"For me, his figure is the real treasure!"

Red Rose's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was already wondering how to arrange a chance encounter with Jiang Fan!

"Huh! An idiot!"

Harris gave a sneer of dissatisfaction, and took out the paper that he was able to do!

"Several people, give up-what is this special?!"

In his hand, it was actually a roll, a napkin!

"Hahaha! Harris, you trash!"

Hans smiled triumphantly and also stretched out his hand!

However, the next moment, he was also shocked!

"How is this possible?"

What he holds is actually a napkin!

Amel was startled, stretched out his hand into his arms, and then, his eyes were full of disbelief!

What he succeeded in was actually a napkin!

And not only that, there is actually a piece of sausage in it!

In an instant, in the eyes of a few people, they were all shocked!

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