God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 559: The fat man who fell from the sky

The feel of napkins and paper is so different!

They are absolutely impossible not to find out!

Especially, there is actually grilled sausage in it!

The only explanation is that what they got, in a blink of an eye, was dropped by someone!

But how is this possible!

They are the top thieves!

I want to drop them, especially three of them, and drop them at the same time. I'm afraid no one in this world can do it except Andrew!

"Andrew! It must be this bastard!"

"Yes! In order to keep his position as the king of thieves, it is so shameless!"

"Report his despicable behavior to the union! Let him pay the price!"

"Yes! This bastard! We have to pay for teasing us!"

A few popular ones are simply furious!

I am going to find Andrew!

Only at this moment!


Amel suddenly spoke!

"Andrew is really strong. It's possible to drop any of us silently!"

"However, he is against the sky, and he has absolutely no ability to attack us at the same time!"

"The most important thing is that if this guy named Jiang Fan can start so well, he doesn't need to release A-level support at all!"

The others were startled at the same time!

"Amel, shouldn't you mean that you dropped the package for us? Is that the one named Jiang Fan?"

"What are you kidding?"

Several people screamed suddenly!

All looked shocked!

But at this moment!

"I can't tell, you are quite smart!"

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly rang from a few people!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically!

However, before they could move further, Jiang Fan had already pinched Hans and Harris' necks with his left and right hands!

In an instant, their scalps exploded!

Their stealing methods are indeed clever!

However, the real strength is only at the first level!

This is to prevent powerful fluctuations in strength and attract the attention of others!

"Sure, it really is you!"

Amel's eyes were full of shock!

Such a sudden appearance, this kind of ability, no one except Andrew has done it!

"Brother, what's the matter, please discuss, don't be impulsive!"

Harris hurriedly spoke!

"Yes, yes, we are just a bunch of ordinary thieves!"

Hans also hurriedly explained!

"Ordinary? Haha, it made me feel when you shot, if you are ordinary thieves, then the world, I am afraid the top masters, can chase stars and pick the moon!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Relax, I am not interested in your lives!"

"Speak to Andrew, doesn't he really want "The Preface to Lanting"? No problem!"

"At eight o'clock tonight, Blue Eagle Playground, I will use "Lanting Collection Preface" to make a bet!"

"As long as you win, "Lanting Collection Preface" is yours!"

"If you lose, not just him, you guys, all of you will be my servants!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!


"Too rampant!"

"Boy, do you know our identity?"

"We are the top existence in the whole world of thieves!"

"Dare to ask us to be servants!"

The complexions of several people changed drastically, and their faces were extremely gloomy!


"Okay! Okay! My lord, I can be your maid now~~"

Red Rose looked expectant and licked her lips!

What a shame Nima!

Amel suddenly shouted!

"Okay! Boy, you have a saying in China, if you call a gentleman, it's hard to chase a horse!"

"If you dare to lie to us, our thieves' union will also be escorted by level ten masters!"

"I always speak for words!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Amel waved his hand!

About to leave!

But at this moment!

"Jiang Fan! You finally appeared!"

Just at the entrance of the alley, a man with a scar on his face suddenly appeared, as if he was awe-inspiring!

Then he smiled coldly at Jiang Fan!

As soon as they saw this man, the faces of several thieves changed instantly!

"Hyena Dunn!"

"This guy, how come here!"

"This **** is extremely cruel! In Africa, I don't know how many people have been killed!"

"Could it be that he was also for "The Preface of the Lanting Collection"?"

"If he also rushed to this treasure, then we have absolutely no chance!"

"Yes, it is said that a few years ago, his strength had already reached level nine, and now, it is definitely the pinnacle of level nine! Even at level ten, it is not impossible!"

Several thieves have a look of fear!

But Jiang Fan frowned directly!


"Hand over the Preface to the Collection of Lanting, I can, forgive you for not dying!"

Dunn looked arrogant!

"Why don't you, get out now! I'll leave you a dog!"

Jiang Fan also dismissed it with a smile!

"Asshole! Boy, you are looking for death!"

Dunn roared suddenly!

Charge directly to Jiang Fan!

At the same time, he had put on a pair of steel gloves that looked like claws!

Dunn was called a hyena because of this glove!

The people killed by him will all look like being divided by hyenas. It's horrible!

"Boy! I want to peel off your skin first, so that you are covered with ants!"

"You dare to be disrespectful to me, this is the price you have to pay!"

Dunn laughed wildly, already scratching at Jiang Fan!



A mountain of meat suddenly fell from the sky, directly on Dunn!

For a moment, Dunn felt that he had been smashed by a Tyrannosaurus rex that had passed through prehistoric times!

The bones all over his body are almost broken!

Moreover, because he didn't come up in one breath, he fainted with a "hiccup"!

And until then, everyone discovered that Roshan was actually a fat man who was too fat to describe!

At this moment, Dunn was foaming at his mouth, lying under his ass!

Amel and the others were all stunned!

Just now, Dunn's explosive aura was almost only a trace away, and he could reach level ten!

What is this concept?

In other words, in the same level, there is a proper invincible existence!

The most important thing is that Dunn has always been known for being fierce!

The only prey he was looking at was a dead end!

However, such a fierce character, unexpectedly, was given a **** by a big fat man and fainted?

This kind of thing, let alone watching, just listening, I have never heard of it!

However, what shocked a few people even more is still to come!

"Brother Fan!"

Long Yan respectfully salutes Jiang Fan!

"Yeah! Let me introduce you, Long Yan, my little brother! Tenth level!"


In an instant, Amel's hair almost stood up!


grade ten!

The most important thing is that this terrifying tenth rank is actually Jiang Fan's little brother!

Several people swallowed and spit at the same time!

I just feel desperate!

Especially just now, they threatened Jiang Fan that there was a level ten existence in their own guild!

But now, someone came out casually with a little brother, who turned out to be at the tenth level!

The red rose is even more exciting!

Jiang Fan is really, amazing!

No, I must take him down!

"Jiang, Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

"It's us, who don't know Taishan! We, we are leaving Huaxia now!"

"In the future forever, I will never set foot in China again!"

Amel looked pale!

The others also begged for mercy!


"Sorry for a few, you can't leave yet! Now that you have accepted this bet, you have to fulfill it!"

"Otherwise, I will have to go to your guild headquarters and ask for the bill!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

These people, in the future, are of great use!

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