"Sorry, master! You hide your identity and come here in a low-key manner, you must not want to be so popular!"

"But, seeing someone embarrass you, the disciple is really, can't bear it!"

"Please, please, punish as you please!"

At this moment, Joseph has respectfully saluted Jiang Fan!

"Master Sigmund, I really know the true identity of the takeaway star!"

"Oh my God! Who is he?"

"Master Sigmund, how did you know the piano king?"

"Most importantly, who is the true identity of the emperor?"

Everyone looked nervous and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Forget it, it's not a big deal, this young man is very energetic, don't embarrass him!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly and pointed at John!


Joseph nodded repeatedly, and then looked directly at John coldly!

"Thank you Master yet!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!"

John didn't care about his face full of shoe prints, his face was terrified, and he bowed to Jiang Fan again and again!

But at this moment!

"John! You idiot!"

With a roar, Johnson led four or five senior Strauss family members, suddenly rushed out!

Without saying anything, a few people kicked John and surrounded him with a violent beating!

John was almost beaten up!

His face is full of blood!

But Johnson and the others are getting more and more angry!

This idiot!

Why did you get the takeaway star!

How can you offend anyone bad? Offend the President! What did you mess with him?

Isn't this causing trouble for the Strauss family?

This kind of waste, kill him!

"Ahem, it's almost done!"

Jiang Fan can't stand it anymore!

This is too hard!

The point is, I still want to eat!

Get some blood, who can eat it?

Jiang Fan spoke, Johnson and others, immediately stop!

"Master! I'm so sorry, I blame us for not disciplining him normally!"

"You can rest assured that we will strictly manage the children of the family in the future, and ensure that any Strauss you encounter in the future will maintain a 120th respect for you!"

Johnson wiped his sweat while apologizing!

"I believe you!"

Jiang Fan nodded, then waved directly!

"Let's go away!"


Seeing that Johnson and the others were pulling the hapless John away, Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Joseph!

"How did you recognize me?"

"If you can play the piano to this level, in the entire world, no one else can do it except you!"

"This flattering is good!"

"The disciples are all from the bottom of their hearts!"

Joseph looked solemn!

"Well, I don't mean to blame you! This matter—"

"Please rest assured, I will never tell the second person!"

"However, I really didn't expect that not only did you have such a superb artistic attainment, but also your acting skills were so outstanding!"

"Master! The two words of human treasure, you deserve it!"

Joseph looked admired!

"It's just a small interest, it's nothing!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Small interest?

The master is so humble!

Joseph hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke tentatively!

"Master, tomorrow afternoon, we have a concert with a comparison of specifications, can you please spare time..."


Jiang Fan nodded directly!

The crew has just arrived in Europe, and the plan for the day tomorrow is to be revised. Apart from the premiere at night, there is basically nothing wrong with it!

However, even if it was the premiere, he would go through a cutscene, mainly depending on the arrangement of the Strauss family!

Hearing Jiang Fan's promise so happy, Joseph was overjoyed!

"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon, I will pick you up at the hotel!"


With Joseph's departure, the crowd finally began to gradually move towards Jiang Fan!

After the dinner, the Strauss family directly sent Jiang Fan and others to the hotel!

Jiang Fan finished taking a shower and was about to rest, but at this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly!

Jiang Fan opened it and saw that it was Su Lingyu!

At this moment, Su Lingyu was wearing pajamas, exposing large areas of white skin, with a hint of drunken red on her face!

"Ahem, Miss Su, what's the matter?"

"I, I can't sleep!"

Su Lingyu bit her lower lip and said softly!


Jiang Fan's heart jumped!

"Well, why don't you come in and sit down?"


As soon as Su Lingyu walked into the room, he locked the door easily!

Jiang Fan looked stagnant!

And Su Lingyu, already looking at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

"Jiang Fan, how do you feel about me?"

"Feeling like a lover!"

Jiang Fan blurted out!


Su Lingyu's face blushed, and he threw directly into Jiang Fan's arms!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to smoke himself!

Why is your mouth so broken!

They are all the habits cultivated by Fengyuechang!

However, this touch!

Su Lingyu is really promising!

Jiang Fan couldn't help himself with his hands, so he had to wrap Su Lingyu's waist!

However, he had already touched his pajamas with his hands, but he had a meal!

In my mind, Qiu Mingyue appeared directly!

After Qiu Mingyue, Xia Fanxing also jumped out!

Then, it turned out to be Chen Ling!

Jiang Fan directly changed the ring into a pat, and patted Su Lingyu's back lightly!

"Lingyu, I want to eat you!"

Jiang Fan knew that rejecting Su Lingyu at this time would only embarrass the other party!

However, if you change the way, the result will be different!


Su Lingyu was still low because of Jiang Fan's movements, but when she heard Jiang Fan's words, she suddenly snorted!

"Hey, but before eating you, can you please let me introduce myself?"

"Oh? Do you have any secrets?"

"Miss Su, please sit down and let me speak slowly!"

Jiang Fan smiled and gave Su Lingyu a glass of water!

"My name is Jiang Fan, and at the same time, the eldest master of the Jiang family in Luocheng!"

"Jiang Family?!"

Su Lingyu's complexion changed suddenly!

She couldn't know Jiang Fan's name and appearance more clearly!

However, in order to keep Jiang Fan secret, she has never investigated Jiang Fan!

"you know?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

"Jiang Feng Yuhuo! These four are not rich, they are better than rich! But, your Jiang family..."

Su Lingyu shut up directly!

At the same time, my heart jumped!

She had never thought that Jiang Fan's background was so complicated!

"Yes, my Jiang family is gone, and the culprit is the Zhou family of the four great families!"

"Miss Su, I hide my identity just to prevent the Zhou family's revenge, and at the same time, to take revenge!"

"I am a survivor and an avenger. Can you understand how I feel now?"

Jiang Fan gave a wry smile!

"I understand! Jiang Fan, I'm sorry!"

Su Lingyu Bingxue is smart, and already understands Jiang Fan's meaning!

However, her affection for Jiang Fan is even deeper!

Jiang Fan's ability to tell her this secret was obviously an unreserved trust in her!

For an instant, Su Lingyu only felt moved!

"It's okay, I should be sorry!"

Jiang Fan smiled apologetically!

At the same time, I finally breathed a sigh of relief!


"Jiang Fan, since you want to be honest with each other, then I, also tell you something about me..."

Su Lingyu suddenly spoke!

However, she hadn't finished her words, and there was a sudden scream outside the room!


Listen to the sound, it is Yu Rui!

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