God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 574: Black Market Merchant Patrick

Jiang Fan quickly opened the door and was startled!

I saw that in the hallway, Yu Ruizheng's face was gloomy, firmly stepping on a thin black man!

There is actually a black backpack beside the black man!

"what happened?"

"This man is sneaky, just entered Wang Yi's room!"

"Into Wang Yi's room?"

Jiang Fan's expression changed and he rushed into Wang Yi's room!

I saw that Wang Yi was lying on the ground, motionless!

Jiang Fan stepped forward and took a look, then he was relieved!

A big bag came up behind Wang Yi's head, and he was obviously knocked unconscious!

Next to him, the box containing the hard drive of the "Yijian Wushuang" movie was wide open, but inside, it was empty!

Jiang Fan understood what was going on in an instant!

It turns out that this black man actually rushed to the movie hard drive!

Jiang Fan lost Wang Yi with invigorating blood, turned around and headed straight to the corridor!

"Bi Chi! Let go of me quickly!"

"I tell you! You are trampling on human rights!"

"Those who are acquainted, let me go! Otherwise, I will sue you for bankruptcy!"

At this moment, the black man was stepped on by Yu Rui, yelling!

The attitude is extremely arrogant!

Jiang Fan walked up to him and stepped on him without saying a word!


Jiang Fan's right hand was crushed by Jiang Fan!


The black man suddenly let out a miserable howl!

Yu Rui was even more startled!

Never expected that Jiang Fan would start so simply!

And hearing the screams of the black people, the rooms on both sides of the corridor were all opened!

Everyone looks to here!

And Jiang Fan, had already picked up the backpack held by the black man, and took out the movie hard drive directly from the inside!

"I asked, you said, otherwise, don't want the other hand!"

Jiang Fan's voice is flat!

But the black man was shocked, shaking all over!

Just shut up!

"Very good! Who asked you to come?"

"I, I don't know, what else are you talking about..."


Jiang Fan didn't have a word of nonsense, and stepped on it again!

The left hand of the black man suddenly shattered!


The black man convulsed in pain!

But, being stepped firmly by Yu Rui, he can only cry in pain!

And the crowd of people who were watching turned pale in fright!

Too ruthless!

Is this kid a demon?

When he said nothing, he smashed the black man's hand to pieces!

But Jiang Fan still has a dull tone!

"You still have two legs, I look forward to it, you can keep going!"

The scream of the black man was suddenly held in his throat!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes was already full of fear!

"You, you perverted!"

"thank you!"

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth, already facing the black calf, and stepped on it!

"Stop! Stop! I said! I said!"

The black man screamed in fright!

"It's Patrick! Black market merchant, Patrick!"


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and then, in the midst of everyone's horrified eyes, he suddenly stepped on it!


The black man's calf suddenly bent into a right angle of ninety degrees!

"Ah!! Beast! Beast!"

"My legs! My legs!"

"You pervert! I have already told you!"

The blacks are howling miserably!

"Yes, you told me, but I didn't say, I want to let you go!"

Jiang Fan smiled with a hideous face!

The black man was scared and stupid!

Forget about the pain completely!

"No! Don't! Please! Please let me go!"

"I was wrong! I don't dare anymore! Uuuuu..."

The black man was scared to pee!

Howling and crying!

The crowd was stunned!

"Too, too cruel!"

"Frightening Chinese people! Sinister Chinese people!"

"But why do I feel that this kind of man is full of charm?"

"Me too! This sturdy man has the urge to make people ovulate!"

The ladies, all looking excited, looked at Jiang Fan!

This kind of cruel picture actually excites Western ladies who have always claimed that human rights are supreme!

At this time, the hotel security finally rushed into the corridor in a panic!

Seeing the arrival of the security guard, the black man suddenly shouted for help!

"Help! Help me!"

"Quickly drive this madman away!"

The security guard was stunned when he saw the horror at the scene!

"Sir, please let him go!"

"You hurt intentionally! Please stop your malicious behavior!"

"Shut up! Get out!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

The security guards just felt cold all over, and turned around and ran away involuntarily!

The black man is dumbfounded!

A look of despair!

And Jiang Fan had already waved his head at Yu Rui!

Yu Rui nodded, picked up the black man, and walked directly into Jiang Fan's room!

However, as soon as she came in, her eyes widened!

The eyes are full of horror!

"Miss?! Why are you here!"

I saw that Su Lingyu with a panicked face was putting on Jiang Fan's coat in a hurry!

"Yu Rui! No, not what you think!"

"Jiang Fan!"

Regardless of Su Lingyu's explanation, Yu Rui threw the black man to the ground and looked at Jiang Fan viciously!

In those eyes, murderous aura boiled!

"Don't make trouble! We may be in big trouble!"

"This Patrick is not easy!"

Jiang Fan didn't care about Yu Rui at all. Instead, he looked cautiously and looked at the black man!

Yu Rui was taken aback!

It was the first time for her to see Jiang Fan showing such an expression!

Suddenly, his expression was tense, and Jiang Fan could no longer be held accountable!

However, Jiang Fan smiled in his heart!

Don't make things serious, this girl is absolutely endless!

As for what Patrick, who knows who he is!

Black market merchant in Europe, he only knows Myro Shields!

"Aha! You actually know Mr. Patrick's name!"

"Boy! Since you know him! Then you should know that our background is definitely not something you can fight against!"

"Now, let me go! Otherwise, you look good!"

The black people thought Jiang Fan was scared!

Suddenly, the joy is over!

Jiang Fan was shocked!

This kid is so cooperative?

But Yu Rui didn't know!

Seeing Jiang Fan's shocked look, her face suddenly became more solemn!

"Yu Rui, go and take care of Wang Yi, leave this person to me!"


Yu Rui didn't know Jiang Fan's bad water at all, and thought that he had met a terrible opponent, and left immediately!

Seeing Yu Rui left, Jiang Fan didn't say a word, and he threw a big mouth, still on Bibi's black face!

"I care about your **** Patrick! Now, what do I ask, what do you say! Otherwise, you won't even be able to keep your fifth leg!"

The black man was beaten and stunned!

A question mark!

This kid, why is turning his face faster than turning a book?

Su Lingyu was also at a loss!

However, she immediately showed a faint smile!

Jiang Fan, really smart!

Can actually think of this way, bluff Yu Rui!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at the black man coldly!

"Tell me all the information about this Patrick!"

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