God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 580: Is it going to be demolished?

The scene inside the building is completely different from the run-down outside!

The first floor is actually a huge disco!

Regardless of the decoration lamps, they are very valuable at first sight!

The second floor is connected to the first floor and is arranged as an open box!

The third floor seems to be the residence of the gangsters, or the artillery room, Jiang Fan kept walking and went straight to the fourth floor!

"Mr. Takeaway Star, this is Big Bear's office!"

Petuch pointed to a room, and then he was about to knock on the door!


"excuse me!"

Jiang Fan waved at Petuch, and then looked at Su Lingyu and others with a smile on his face!

"Everyone, what we will see next is the big boss of the underground forces, Mr. Big Bear!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he suddenly faced the door and suddenly blasted out!


The door suddenly flew upside down and hit a huge desk inside!


There is another loud noise!

The desk was torn apart by the door!

And the big bear sitting behind the desk looked sluggish!

My door was kicked open by someone? !

The key is that his table was actually smashed by someone? !

Are you dreaming?


Must be dreaming!

After all, in Vienna, who would dare to be presumptuous here?

Ha ha……

Big Bear barely twitched the corner of his mouth!

next moment!

Dreaming of you?

"Who! Who dares to be presumptuous here in Laozi! Get out of me!"

The big bear suddenly let out a deafening roar!

"Mr. Big Bear, it's easy to scare people like you are!"

Right in front of Big Bear, Jiang Fan had already walked in with a smile!

"who are you?"

"You asked me, who asked me who I am?"

"I invite you? You, you are, the takeaway star?!"

Big Bear suddenly reacted!


I obviously asked Petuch to catch the takeaway star!

The takeaway star is here, where is Petuch?

He was thinking, Petuch was already embarrassed, and he walked in with Su Lingyu and others!

"Petuch! What is going on?"

Big Bear was stunned!

The sight in front of me is so abnormal!

"Ahem, Mr. Big Bear, according to your instructions, I have brought the Takeaway Star here!"

Now, the most embarrassing thing is Petuch!

Although he has never worked with Jiang Fan, he is now completely overwhelmed by Jiang Fan's aura!

Completely, can not give birth to the courage to do it!

As for the employer Daxiong, hehe, sorry, the money is not enough to give him his life!

"Mr. Big Bear, I have arrived, do you want to tell me anything?"


Big Bear is a little confused!

The current situation is obviously very abnormal!

However, as one of the most powerful underground forces in Vienna, Da Xiong did not believe that this kid on the opposite side could make waves!

What's more, he himself is a seven-level vindictive master!

"Huh! Now that you are here, it will be easier!"

"Boy, I heard that you knocked Patrick hard?"

Big Bear wanted to take a picture of the table, but unfortunately, the table is broken!


Jiang Fan was very frank and nodded!

Big Bear was stunned!

He thought that Jiang Fan had to explain!

"Huh! Also, it was you who injured Sergey last night?"

"it's me!"

"Now, you have broken my door and table again!"

"Yes it is!"

"Boy! I didn't expect you to be quite honest! In that case, I won't make it difficult for you!"

"Hand over Patrick's things, and then make up for my loss, this matter, just forget it!"

Big bear waved at will!

"How do you want me to compensate?"

"Easy! Sergey is my subordinate, and now he is seriously injured by you, even if you pay a million!"

"As for my table, add another 100,000!"

"Also, these two chicks behind you are pretty good, stay with me this night, this matter will pass!"

Big Bear took a cigar and smiled!

This takeaway star is really stupid!

What does he think he is here?

Actually, he dared to bring two women in!

However, these two girls are really good, myself, I have never played before, such top-notch goods!

When you are tired of playing, you will definitely make a profit if you sell it out at that time!

And hearing the words of Big Bear, everyone's expressions changed!

Yu Rui's face sank, she was about to speak!

However, Jiang Fan waved his hand gently!

Then, he looked at the big bear blankly!

"Are you serious?"

"Nonsense! Do you think Lao Tzu is joking? Boy, do as I said just now! Otherwise, even the Strauss family won't be able to keep you!"


As soon as the big bear's voice fell, Jiang Fan had already rushed out!

He choked the big bear by the neck!

Big Bear's pupils shrank!

The seven-level vindictiveness suddenly covered the whole body!

We must break free from Jiang Fan's shackles!

However, this grudge just appeared, Jiang Fan directly pinched!


The vindictiveness of the big bear all over his body was crushed by Jiang Fan!

Petuch looked horrified!

What kind of strength is this?

Grief can be neutralized, pierced, and pierced, but I have never heard of it, it can be crushed!

The big bear is even more staring!

"Petuch! Save me!"

The big bear was scared, and suddenly screamed!

However, Jiang Fan had already grinned!

Then, in the horrified gaze of everyone, Jiang Fan carried this more than three hundred catties, and his strength had reached a seventh-level fighter, and he fell to the ground fiercely!


The whole ground burst into pieces like an explosion!

Da Xiong's whole person, even more miserable, was smashed to the third floor!


There is another loud noise!

The ground on the third floor also spewed out a huge smoke and dust, and the big bear, already moaning, smashed into the second floor!



Two loud noises again!

When the smoke dissipated, everyone saw that the big bear was hit by Jiang Fan from the fourth floor to the first floor!

At this moment, the big bear is having white eyes and is embedded on the ground of the first floor!

And under him, seven or eight thick cracks ran across the entire first floor!

A group of gangsters heard the loud noise and suddenly rushed in from outside!

Many people have guns in their hands!

But when they saw the scene, everyone gasped!

Especially, the hole that connects from the fourth floor to the first floor is almost like an evil eyeball staring at them!

"It's time to tell! What's going on? Yes, do you want to demolish?"

"It looks like Mr. Big Bear was hit by someone from the fourth floor!"

"Is it a takeaway star?"

"It must be! Apart from him, who else would be so frantic!"

"It's too cruel! Just forget us as a scenic spot! Now, even our boss will not let it go!"

"From now on, don't provoke you, Chinese people!"

All the gangsters have a look of horror!

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, a crisp bell rang!

Jiang Fan and the others, already sitting in the exclusive elevator that originally belonged to Big Bear, went down to the first floor!

And the big bear barely held up an arm!

"Fuck, bastard!"

At this moment, the bear is full of blood!

Staring fiercely, Jiang Fan is coming!

"Go! Kill him for me!"

The big bear suddenly let out a scream!

In the next moment, all the gangsters pointed their guns at Jiang Fan!

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