God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 581: Don't be too dangerous

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a sudden murderous flash!

All those who pointed their guns at Jiang Fan suddenly had a heartbeat!

I just felt that what I was pointing at was not a person at all, but a natural disaster that was about to erupt!

At first sight, Jiang Fan had already emptied his right hand!

But at this moment!


A light blue curtain suddenly enveloped Jiang Fan and the others!

"Protection shield?"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly and saw that Petuch was the one who made the shot!

This was supposed to be Big Bear's subordinate, but he was actually helping him!

Big Bear was also stunned!

"Petuch! What are you doing! Why do you want to help them!"

"Sorry, Mr. Big Bear, I don't want to die yet, I advise you, it's better to let them put down the gun!"

"What do you mean?"

Da Xiong's face is unbelievable!

"Mr. Big Bear, I am sorry to tell you that we may have provoked an existence that can't be provoked at all!"

"In short, if your men shoot, including me, today, all of us will die!"

Petuch smiled helplessly!

Everyone was stunned!

"Mr. Petuch, what are you talking about?"

"Existence that can't be offended? Is he talking about the takeaway star?!"

"Mr. Petuch, but a ninth-level ability person!"

"Even he said this, is this takeaway star really so powerful?"

"Nonsense! I didn't see Mr. Big Bear, what he was labeled like!"

A group of gangsters, although they are still carrying guns, but at this moment, they are all shaking nervously!

Big Bear is even more stunned!

Petuch is a powerful existence he hired at a high price!

Before that, as long as Petuch made the shot, no one who offended him would have a good end!

But this time, Petuch not only didn't help himself, but actually helped this takeaway star!

The only explanation is that Petuch can't provoke this person at all!

damn it!

I should have thought of it long ago!

That's it!


For an instant, Big Bear was covered in cold sweat!

Petuch didn't dare to provoke existence, he couldn't afford to provoke it even more!

"Put down your guns!"

The big bear suddenly yelled!

All the gangsters all breathed a sigh of relief!

Just now, although they were pointing their guns at Jiang Fan, they still had a horrible feeling that people would fall to their heads anytime, anywhere!

And when the gun was put down, this feeling disappeared without a trace!

"It looks like this big bear is good to you! It actually protects him like this!"

Jiang Fan turned a blind eye to these people. Instead, he gave Petuch a faint glance!

Just now, if it weren't for Petuch's shot, there would definitely be only one fate for these people!

Petuche's face was gray, and he barely smiled at Jiang Fan!

too frightening!

At the moment Jiang Fan's murderous aura appeared before, Petuch felt that his heart seemed to be squeezed fiercely!

That feeling is absolutely different from before!

Although Jiang Fan did it before, he was not murderous, it was just a kind of coercion!

But this time it was different!

He had never experienced this violent murderous aura!

Once Jiang Fan makes a move, it will be necessary here, and blood will flow into a river!

Although he and Da Xiong are only an employment relationship, Da Xiong and these people are still loyal to him!

Therefore, he risked the danger of angering Nu Jiangfan and warned Big Bear in advance!

Fortunately, Daxiong was smart, and Jiang Fan was able to suppress his murder!

"Mr. Takeaway Star, Daxiong is the first time he has dealt with Chinese people. If you are rude, please also Haihan!"

"I believe that he can definitely give you a satisfactory compensation!"

Petuch barely smiled!

"Yes! Yes! I am willing to compensate!"

At this moment, the big bear has completely woken up!

And Su Lingyu had already been stunned!

Following Jiang Fan, it is 10,000 times more refreshing than shopping!

She had never experienced this kind of traveling in the lair of underground forces and was pointed at the screen by dozens of pistols!

At this moment, in front of Su Lingyu, a door to a new world seemed to be opened!

It's so exciting!

The key is!

Jiang Fan is too domineering!

Facing this kind of sight, just squinting his eyes, unexpectedly, the matter was settled!

In an instant, she had an unspeakable admiration for Jiang Fan!

"Compensation? Let's hear it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

In this world, there is really no better word than these two words!

"I, I am willing to pay 10 million!"

Big Bear hurriedly spoke!

Everyone gasped!

What a big hand!

What the big bear said, but the euro!

Ten million is more than 70 million RMB!

For anyone, this is a sum of money, a huge sum of money!

However, Jiang Fan sneered!

"Mr. Big Bear, you seem to have no sincerity!"

Everyone was stunned!

Including Yu Rui, their eyes widened!

It's fine if you go to the old lair to visit, and beat up the boss of the other person. You don't even mention it, but you don't think it is too small if they have paid you 10 million euros. This is really like squeezing people like mud!

Too bully!

Big Bear is even more shocked!

Is this too small?

However, seeing Petuch desperately shaking his head, Big Bear had to speak aggrievedly!

"Outside, Mr. Takeaway Star, what do you think is appropriate?"

"I am not interested in money, where is your treasure room?"


Big Bear's eyes widened!

The rest are also trapped!


This is no longer a bully, it is simply, riding a man **** on his neck!

"I don't have a treasure room!"

Big bear screamed directly!

To rob his treasure room, it is better to kill him!

"It doesn't matter, I just ask casually, why are you so excited?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, suddenly turned around and looked at the wall behind him, and then took a deep breath!

next moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly burst out from all over his body, a terrifying coercion like a dozen typhoons!

Even the ground under his feet began to crack apart!

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Jiang Fan faced the wall, suddenly, with a punch!


There was a loud noise, almost the whole building trembled!

In the next moment, in front of everyone, a horrible hole with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the wall that was half a meter thick and poured with reinforced concrete!

What is even more shocking is that the wall that was blasted away, no matter whether it is steel or sand, all burst into a large amount of powder!


Everyone swallowed their saliva unconsciously!

"It has to be..."

"This, is this still a human?"

"I don't know, anyway, I don't plan to be a gangster anymore, it's too dangerous!"

"Me too, I'm going to test for a lawyer!"

"I'm going to work in a funeral home, and know a few more colleagues, at least when I die, be decent!"

A group of gangsters were all scared, their teeth trembled!

Petuch also turned pale!

Before, he only felt that Jiang Fan was stronger than himself, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to be so tough!

With this power, it is easier to kill yourself with a punch than to squeeze a bug to death!

Da Xiong didn't say a word even more, resisting the pain in his body, he got up directly!

"Mr. Takeaway Star, I just remembered wrong! The treasure house is on the fourth floor! Please, anyway, move it away!"

Big Bear really wants to drive!

If you don’t have any money, you can still make money. If you don’t have any scum left, you will be completely finished!

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