God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 582: Small business can't withstand the toss

Fourth floor!

Treasure Vault!

"Mr. Takeaway Star, treat this as your own home, don't be polite!"

"Look at this pair of earrings, they were handed down in the 17th century! They fit Miss Su's ears, they fit perfectly!"

"And this, this is a Renaissance sculpture, placed at home, in Beijing, Beier has a face!"

"and this……"

With a flattering smile, Da Xiong kept introducing Jiang Fan to the collection in the treasure house!

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

Fingers just flicked across the collection!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 33 causality points if you sell this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 27 causality points if you sell this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 40 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high value..."

Seeing the causality rise, Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed!


Sure enough, the wrong way, the quickest money!

When Jiang Fan left the big bear's treasury, the total number of causal points had exceeded the fifteenth mark!

And Su Lingyu and others also returned with a rewarding experience!

Everyone smiled and satisfied!

"Go slow! Come again when you have time!"

The big bear smiled very brightly, and waved goodbye to Jiang Fan and others!

Until Jiang Fan and others disappeared, he shed helplessly, two lines of tears!

"Boss! Sorry! Hua Xia has a saying, "Wealth and disaster prevention"

Petuch patted the bear on the shoulder!

"Break your sister's fortune!"

"This beast! Do you know how much he took me?"

"My savings for ten years! This vampire! This monster who eats people without spitting out bones!"

"Damn Chinese people! They are simply locusts! They are the monsters of hell!"

"Order it! From now on, as long as it is a business related to Huaxia people, we will not touch it!"

"Damn! I'm done! I have suffered such a big loss, and the rest of the underground forces will definitely take the opportunity to attack me!"

The big bear was sobbing!

"Well, boss, I suddenly thought of a good idea!"

Petuch suddenly looked at the big bear!

"We are indeed very weak now, but what if those forces are weaker than us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hey! You said, if we offer a reward, let those forces deal with the takeaway star..."

"Aha! My dear Petuch, you are still bad!"

Big bear eyes shine!


It doesn't matter if you lose something, as long as your opponent loses more than him, then everything will be fine!

Seeing Daxiong's expression of joy, Petuch looked terrified!

These few words just now were all taught by Jiang Fan!

The point is that when Jiang Fan told him these words, even Daxiong's reaction was guessed!

This monster, his scheming, is actually stronger than his strength!

Never provoke him!

Also think of a way to be friends with him!

Perhaps, with his help, he can...

There was a sudden flash of light in Petuch's eyes!

And Jiang Fan and others, at this moment, have come to Patrick's watch shop!

Before Jiang Fan entered the door, Jeff, who was guarding the door, suddenly screamed like a little girl who was grouchy and insignificant!

Then, desperately rushed towards the basement!

"Boss! It's not good! That beast is here again!"

At this moment, Patrick is wearing a bandage on his leg and is drinking alcohol!

Hearing Jeff's scream, he was taken aback!

"Who? Who is here?"

"That vampire! That leech! The takeaway star!"


Patrick was stunned!

"Didn't Big Bear say that he had already shot? That bastard, how could he—"

Before Patrick finished speaking, Jiang Fan had entered the basement with a smile!

"Hi! Patrick, how are you doing?"

Patrick blinked his eyes, rolled his eyes, and fainted!


"Big Brother! I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"I really just took a job casually!"

"I beg you to see me for the good and the old, and let me go!"

"Our small business cannot withstand the toss of your old man!"

Patrick knelt on the ground, looking at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

What evil did you do in your last life!

How can you offend such a pervert!

Forget it being shameless, but it's so powerful!

Even the big bear is planted!

"Don't worry, this time, I'm not here to rob you!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"It's not here to rob?"

Patrick looked surprised!

"Then, what are you?"

"How much do you know about that buyer?"

"Well, our business has rules and it is not allowed to inquire about the identity of the buyer! However, the other party should be just a middleman! For sure, there are others behind!"

"how do you know?"



"Listen to me, as a successful black market businessman, sometimes, feeling is the most important thing!"

Patrick explained in a hurry!

"Okay! Help me find out the identity of that person, we'll be cleared!"


"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Also, here, do you have any rivals? Why not recommend it to the buyer!"

"what do you mean……"

Patrick's eyes lit up!

"That's right! I plan to do more, ah no! Visit a few more!"

"Understood! Don't worry! Leave this to me!"

Patrick looked happy!

What's your bad luck?

The opponent is more unlucky than himself, that is the best!

No one can think of it. In the spirit of loss and disadvantage, this little black market businessman named Patrick gently flapped his wings. In the end, it turned into a terrifying storm that swept across Europe's underground forces!

Leaving from Patrick, it's noon!

After a few people have lunch, they will take a look at the nearby scenery!

Although Su Lingyu has been here more than once, this time because of Jiang Fan, she has experienced an unprecedented joy!

As for Lu Bu, it is the first time he has seen western scenery, and he is also watching it with gusto!

Only Yu Rui was a little absent-minded!

Time is fast, it's already afternoon!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Master! This is Joseph! Are you not in the hotel?"

"Yeah! Come out to play!"

"Then, that concert..."

"Almost forgot, I will pass now!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan immediately took a few people and went straight to the Grand Theater!

Today, but the day when Joseph was in the band and performed!

Soon, the group has arrived at the Grand Theater!

And Joseph, had already been waiting at the door!

A few people entered the theater, only to realize that it was actually full of guests!

Moreover, looking at the costumes, they are definitely upper-class figures!

"Master, please come with me!"

Joseph arranged a seat for Su Lingyu and others, and then took Jiang Fan to the backstage!

"Master, this time, I will arrange a piano solo for you!"

"The next show is over, it's yours!"

"Yeah! I get it!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

And on the stage, the host is also ready to start the announcement!

But at this moment!

"Master Joseph! It's not good!"

A man who looked like an assistant suddenly ran to Joseph!

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