God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 591: The young **** of wealth is beckoning to you

For a whole afternoon, almost all the underground forces in Vienna were all in one piece.

At the same time, a terrible legend has gradually spread!

"Have you heard? Guilt Nemesis, just appeared on Siegel's site in the North District!"

"What you're talking about is that shameless trio of three people who are supposed to pay compensation, but actually robbed?"

"That's right! The white mask that offers the price, the hands-on Hercules, and the one who likes to seduce others to kidnap him, the abnormal fat guy!"

"Once the perverted fat man is kidnapped, the white mask and Hercules following will appear!"

"First, Hercules took the initiative and abolished the opponent's most powerful existence, and then the extremely shameless white mask came forward and began to claim!"

"It is said that their methods are quite brutal! Wherever they go, there is no grass! Pelleger was robbed and his head was bald!"

"Nima! So terrible!"

"Of course!"

"It's nothing, the worst is—"

One of them, before finishing speaking, was suddenly interrupted by a smiling fat man!

"Excuse me, is this Dorom's site?"

"Yes! Who are you?"

"Don't you know me? My name is Wang Yi! The deputy director of the crew of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

Wang Yi introduced herself eagerly!

"Wang Yi?"

"The deputy director of "Yi Jian Wushuang"?"

"That, perverted fat guy!"

Everyone's eyes widened, and then, desperately backing away!

"What are you doing? Come kidnap me!"

Wang Yi hastily stepped forward!

"No! No! No! No!"

A group of bullies hurried back three steps, waved their hands again and again, and collectively shook their heads!

"It seems that you don't know my benefits! I will briefly introduce you!"

"First of all, kidnap me, you can get the takeaway star to come!"

"Look, this is a bonus given to him by Big Bear! A full five million!"

"In addition, by kidnapping me, I can also get the movie hard drive of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

"Do you know what the price of this hard drive is? Seven million!"

"The total is twelve million!"

"Young man! As long as you do it, twelve million will be in your hands! How many years less struggling!"

"The road to success is right in front of you! You must cherish it!"

"Come on! Kidnap me! Look, the **** of wealth is beckoning to you!"

Wang Yi is good at temptation!


"No! No! No! No!"

A group of gangsters, the cold sweat is coming down!

This guy is really a pervert!

too frightening!

It is said that the black merchant Abino did not resist his temptation. In the end, he lost a full 35 million worth of antiques and cash!

Even with that denture, which is said to be from the 17th century, was taken away by the white mask!

These guys are locusts!

Do not!

Worse than locusts!

Obviously, it is a natural disaster!

"Damn! Doesn't it give me face?"

Wang Yi's complexion changed, and his face was full of hideousness!

"If you don't kidnap me, I will kill you!"

"Brother, our boss has already spoken before, saying that as long as you don't let us kidnap, we will die!"

"Are you going to use a gun or a knife? I have a Browning with a small recoil, which is just right for a novice like you!"

"If you use a knife, we have a big knife from China's ghost head, which is extremely sharp, and it is sharp and sharp!"

"But before you do it, can you let us write a suicide note?"

A few gangsters look at death like home!

Wang Yi was stunned!

However, he gritted his teeth fiercely!

Apart from anything else, as soon as he took off his pants, he began to put water in front of the building!


"I'm peeing in front of your building! Don't you want to beat me?"

Wang Yi gave a strange laugh!

For these underground forces that are just a face, this is Chi Guoguo's face!

It's an extreme insult!


"It's okay! If you like, you can go into the building to pee!"

"The marble floor allows you to flow freely! Full of poetry and picturesqueness!"

"If you don't like it, the office is also a good choice! The cashmere carpet from the middle is very absorbent and will not stain your shoes!"

"Even, we can provide a variety of drinks to ensure that your urine lasts for a long time! Let your urine have a good time! The urine bursts!"

A few gangsters are flattering!

"Fuck! This can be tolerated!"

Wang Yi was dumbfounded!

Finally, he finally put on his pants helplessly, and walked towards the opposite car!

"Mr. Water, no! This group of guys, no matter what they do now, they won't get caught up!"

"Isn't it just some compensation? This business is too difficult to do!"

Jiang Fan sighed!

"Foster father! Why don't you just grab it!"

Lu Bu's eyes were cold!

Back then, his turf was all grabbed!

"Grab a fart! If it was useful, I would have done it! Let's go! The next one!"

Jiang Fan has a hideous look!

It's a pity that the rest of the underground forces seem to have made an appointment, and none of them are willing to get involved!

Seeing, the time has passed seven o'clock!

In one hour, the premiere will begin!

"Forget it! Go back!"

On the Vienna side, it is estimated that if we continue, there will be nothing to squeeze out!

Let Wang Yi drive, Jiang Fan began to count his own harvest this afternoon!

After returning from the world of "God of Gamblers", his causal point has reached more than two thousand and one hundred!

This afternoon, I have earned nearly two thousand points one after another!

Now, in my own hands, I actually have a full four thousand more causal points!


Sure enough, people don't get rich without windfall, and horses don't have night and grass or fat!

Where is the next stop?


Jiang Fan's eyes are full of energy!

Soon, several people have arrived at the premiere!

Here is a private theater exclusively owned by the Strauss family!

Can be used by five hundred viewers to watch the movie at the same time!

Choose the location here, the most important thing is to prevent the movie from leaking!

After all, only by eliminating piracy, genuine dealers like Strauss can maximize the benefits!

After a brief walk through the process, Jiang Fan took a seat next to Su Lingyu!

"Don't you save Wang Yi? Why have you been there for so long?"

Su Lingyu looked curious!

"By the way, I made a few new friends!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"That's not right! Wang Yi laughed so violently, it must be something good! You guys, shouldn't it be..."

Yu Rui frowned, revealing a look of disgust!


Man, there really isn't a good thing!

"Yes, we just went to prostitutes, you bite me!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"You! Shameless!"

Yu Rui gave Jiang Fan a fierce look!

"Hehe, concession and concession!"


Yu Rui can't wait to bite Jiang Fan!


"for you!"

Jiang Fan suddenly waved his hand and threw a pearl necklace directly to Yu Rui!

On this necklace, every pearl is round and round! Excellent color!

The point is, a string of pearls, each of which is almost the same size!

This thing is absolutely valuable!

Yu Rui was stunned!

"You, did you give it to me?"

A ripple suddenly appeared in Yu Rui's heart!

"Well! Your neck is white and long, like a big goose, this necklace is cheaper for you!"

"You bastard!"

The ripples in Yu Rui's heart suddenly turned into turbulent waves!

Angrily can't wait to choke Jiang Fan to death!

And Jiang Fan has already taken out another simple, but noble diamond ring!

Pass it to Su Lingyu!

"Here, it's for you!"

"Diamond ring?!"

Su Lingyu was stunned!

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