God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 592: One sword without the first

Originally, seeing Jiang Fan giving Yu Rui a necklace, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually gave her a diamond ring!

Diamond rings, aren’t they all for marriage proposals?

Could it be that Jiang Fan--

Oops, it's annoying!

This is too sudden!

I'm not even prepared yet!

Where is the best place to hold the wedding?

The realm of the sky? Bartholomew Cathedral? Do not! Mount Everest!

Only the top of the world is worthy of the wedding between himself and Jiang Fan!

and also!

Do you want to quit the entertainment industry after marriage?

How many children should I have?

Boy or girl?

Should I hire a nanny at home?

Where can my children go to school?

Can I apply for cram school?

What if the child falls in love early?

Seeing Su Lingyu staring at the ring blankly, his expression changed like a face in Sichuan opera, Jiang Fan suddenly felt bad!

"Lingyu, are you okay?"

"Huh? Ah! I promise you!"

Su Lingyu finally reacted and spoke directly!

Jiang Fan looked blank!

"Promise me... what?"


Su Lingyu was stunned!

Isn't Jiang Fan asking for marriage?

It's a shame!

Bastard **** bastard!

If you don't propose, what diamond ring would you give?

This is how to do!

Just now!

In the theater, the lights suddenly dimmed!

Then, the big screen lights up!

A verdant bamboo forest suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

"In the third year of Longwu, the loyal minister Changfeng's family was accused of trespassing and weaving. Emperor Longwu was furious and cut off Changfeng's family all over the house! There is only one single person left!"

"Seven years later, the aliens invaded, and the three great masters approached the city..."

As the narration sounded, Jiang Fan, dressed as snow and wearing a mask, slowly appeared on the big screen!

The movie begins!

As soon as the picture appeared, countless exclamations sounded in the theater!

"It's time to tell! What a beautiful view!"

"The rich oriental charm is really full of poetry and picturesqueness!"

"The male protagonist is so handsome! Although there is a mask, you can read countless emotions just by looking at the eyes!"

"It's all like this at the beginning, isn't it more exciting in the back?"

The crowd is looking forward to it!

However, as the story progresses, the voice of the crowd gradually decreases, and in the end, it disappears directly!

Everyone was deeply attracted by the movie!

Jiang Fan's superb acting skills and Su Lingyu's beautiful face are already like a black hole, completely capturing everyone's eyeballs, even souls!

Let them, completely into the play!

The sound of Jiang Fan playing the piano appeared, and they were enjoying it!

Jiang Fan was swaying around with swords, and they were full of emotions!

Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu strolled hand in hand, they looked intoxicated!

Jiang Fan fought the three great masters alone, and their blood boiled over!

Especially, when the two parted and kissed, everyone was in tears!

Until the end of the movie, everyone still didn't react!

for a long time!


"The acting, the background, the director, the editing, the screenwriter, the soundtrack... Oh my God! This is absolutely, the most perfect movie!"

"Especially when the two kissed at dusk, it was too sweet!"

"There are three great masters who have been fighting alone for a long time! This, this fight is simply indescribable!"

"When I die, my heart will be broken!"

"It's so good! Divine work! This is a divine work!"

Everyone stood up!

The applause was fierce, like thunder!


"The roaring dark horse! "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" turned out!"

"The premiere of "Yi Jian Wushuang" was successful! Chinese wind swept Vienna!"

"The acting is bursting! The counterattack from the takeaway to the actor!"

"Sweet fried CP! The story of Changjin and Hongling!"

"During the premiere of Takeaway Star, Su Lingyu was suspected of proposing marriage!"

"The positive rate is 9.9! Three minutes to take you to the masterpiece "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"


The reputation of "Yijian Wushuang" has completely exploded!

Since the premiere last night, after a whole night of fermentation, the headlines of the entire Vienna media, whether it is a new era of self-media or old-fashioned newspapers, are almost all reports related to "Yi Jian Wushuang"!

And this is just the beginning!

"Yi Jian Wushuang" is like a nuclear bomb in the film and television industry, which is sweeping across Europe at a faster speed!

As the party concerned, Jiang Fan and others, at this moment, have already taken a plane to go straight to the city of seven hills!

According to the original plan, it was supposed to go to Gaul first, but there seemed to be a little problem with the dealers in Gaul, so I changed the itinerary on both sides!

After more than an hour, the plane finally reached the city of seven hills!

Qiqiu is the capital of Italy, with a long history, among which historical sites such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon are also popular places for tourists to check in!

As Jiang Fan and others got off the plane, the reporters and fans who got the news in advance rushed up like a swarm of bees!

"Takeaway Star! Idol!"

"Oh my God! It's really him! So excited!"

"Leave me all! Takeaway star! Come and accept my virginity that has been treasured for you for many years!"

"Bitch! Get away! Don't jump in line!"

"Everyone listen to my organization and come one by one!"

"Asshole! Quickly make way for our reporter!"

The entire airport was suddenly in turmoil!

Jiang Fan and the others are like a lone boat, surrounded by groups!

"God, why are there so many people?"

"This fan is too enthusiastic!"

"Where are the people from Phil's company?"

"Yes, they are Italian distributors, why haven't they appeared yet?"

A group of crew members are obviously a little flustered!

Although it is protected by airport security, there are too many fans!

"Here, Mr. Water, what should I do?"

Wang Yi is also in the circle!

They have never seen such a passionate fan!

"It's okay, little scene!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Compared to the scene where thousands of fans are chasing and blocking the Internet celebrity street, this is really nothing!

"Everyone! Please listen to me..."

Jiang Fan didn't finish speaking, at this moment, a penetrating voice suddenly sounded in the distance!

"Go away!"

The sound just started to appear, and it was extremely low, but when it reached everyone's ears, it looked like thunder!

Everyone was staggered by the sound, unconsciously, letting out a path!

Immediately afterwards, at the end of the road, a thin young man, already leading a group of sturdy men, slowly walked towards Jiang Fan and the others!

As soon as he saw this person, Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

This young man is not easy!

Soon, the young man has arrived in front of everyone!

However, beyond everyone's expectations, the young man actually looked at Su Lingyu directly!

"Hello Miss Su, my name is Paul! Paul Nicholas!"

As soon as Paul's voice fell, Su Lingyu's expression immediately changed!

Yu Rui took a step forward and directly stood in front of Su Lingyu!

"Hehe, Miss Su, what do you mean?"

Paul asked with a smile!

"Less garlic! Before we were filming in Los Angeles, the lady was almost kidnapped by your family. You won't forget about this soon, will you?"

Yu Rui's face is gloomy!

When filming in Los Angeles, two people broke into Su Lingyu's room!

If it weren't for Su Lingyu's play in Jiang Fan's room at that time, I am afraid he would be kidnapped!

And those two people are the men of the Nicholas family!

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