God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 594: Really treat the kennel as a baby

This time, Divino won the distribution rights of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" at any cost, but the benefits are actually only one of them!

His more important purpose is actually to use Su Lingyu to attack Coppola!

The fleet, in a Mercedes-Benz business!

The main members of the crew are all here!

The rest are in the car behind!

"Miss Su, from the way you were before, it seems that you don't have a good impression of the Nicholas family?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Wang Yi took the initiative to speak!

"No, I just don't like those veterans!"

Su Lingyu spoke slowly!

"Once in the City of Seven Hills, I was invited to an event, but when someone made trouble, I beat the organizer!"

"If it weren't for Mr. Coppola from the Nicholas family, I would be injured that time too!"

Listening to the group of people told by Su Lingyu, their faces were stunned!

"This, Miss Su, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with your dislike of the Nicholas family elders, right?"

"No! The troublemaker is one of the elders of the Nicholas family!"


Everyone was stunned!

"The veteran's name is Steer, he is very domineering! Later I was invited by Coppola to go to his manor once, and the other elders were almost the same virtue!"

"In short, they can be said to be the most unwelcome group of people in the city of seven hills!"

"That Paul, is one of the elders, the son of Divino!"

After listening to Su Lingyu's explanation, everyone immediately understood!

"No wonder that Paul is so rampant! It's a pity that the foster father didn't let me do it just now!"

Lu Bu frowned!

With system certification, Lu Bu can enjoy Jiang Fan's own attribute bonus in some aspects!

Language is one of them!

Therefore, as long as Jiang Fan understands the language, Lu Bu can also master it!

Before hearing Paul pretending to be forced at the airport, Lu Bu wanted to do it, but Jiang Fan stopped him directly!

"You may not be his opponent!"

Jiang Fan shook his head slightly!

"He is only at level 9. As soon as our Fang Tian draws a halberd, we will be able to take the head of others!"

Lu Bu looked proud!

Although he is only Level 7 now, but with the domineering internal power of the Nine Suns, killing Level 8 is like cutting vegetables!

If he uses the halberd technique, even at level 9, he is sure of winning!

"Hehe, you deserve to be Jiang Fan's godson, you really can blow!"

Yu Rui on the side smiled coldly!

"Smelly 38! What are you talking about?"

Lu Bu was directly angry!

"Fuck, bastard! You dare to scold me!"

Yu Rui was also angry!

"Okay, okay, stop arguing between you two!"

Su Lingyu quickly came out to make a round!

However, she was also curious!

"Jiang Fan, that Paul, is that strong?"

"It's not too strong, anyway, in the ninth level, I am afraid that there are no opponents!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly!

However, after hearing Jiang Fan's words, the faces of the others changed!

There are no opponents in the ninth level. Could it be that the opponent has already touched the tenth level gate?

Such existence is absolutely extremely powerful!

Even if the spike is a ninth level existence, it is definitely not, it is impossible!

But the next moment, everyone looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

What Jiang Fan said was such an understatement, obviously, he didn't put Paul in his eyes!

Then Jiang Fan's strength, isn't it, stronger!

Especially Yu Rui, the eyes that looked at Jiang Fan for an instant were full of complexity!

To her, Jiang Fan is like a bottomless pool. Whenever she thinks he can find out his strength, she finds that the pool has not yet bottomed out!

But at this moment!

"Strange, this direction does not seem to go to Nicholas Manor!"

Su Lingyu looked at the roads on both sides and suddenly frowned!

"Is this Paul lying before?"

Yu Rui's complexion changed!

Wang Yi and others are even more flustered!

"I knew this kid had no good intentions! Let XX kill him!"

Lu Bu grinned directly!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where you go!"

"People are partners after all, so relax!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone just felt at ease!

With Jiang Fan in the team, it is equivalent to an extra Dinghai Shenzhen in the team!

Soon, the team has arrived in front of a three-story villa full of Gothic style!

Everyone just got off the car, but they were shocked at the same time!

I saw that the door of the villa was actually full of brawny men with guns!

These people are all wearing black suits, and everyone actually exudes a breath of level three or more!

The most important thing is that looking at the aura of these people, it is obvious that they are all elites who have actually seen blood!


Seeing a group of people showing a look of horror, Paul suddenly smiled coldly!

This battle is precisely to deter the crew!

And this set is also the usual method of Divino!

That's how Phil's company was, it was robbed of the distribution rights by Divino!


"Then go!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully, nodded to the others, and walked toward the villa first!

The rest are trembling and preparing to keep up. Unexpectedly!

"Excuse me, you can't go in except Miss Su!"

One of the bodyguards suddenly took a step, blocking Jiang Fan with a mocking expression!

"Mr. Paul, what do you mean?"

Su Lingyu frowned!

"It's not interesting. My father invited you. As for the rest, please wait outside first!"

"After all, the gate of our Nicholas, not everyone can enter!"

Paul smiled proudly!

Everyone was stunned!

Then, furious!


"This is clearly to humiliate us deliberately!"

"I have never encountered such a thing in China!"

"It's simply bullying!"

A group of crew members are all pale!

Yu Rui narrowed her eyes!

Only Jiang Fan, his complexion unchanged!

"Paul! Don't go too far!"

Su Lingyu glared at Paul!

"Excessive? Miss Su, our Nicholas family, but a famous family in Italy! Even if the president comes, we must inform in advance!"

"What's more, it's this group of rubbish!"

"Miss Su, let you come in first, this is already, my father takes special care of it!"

Paul looked arrogant!

At the same time, he glanced at Jiang Fan contemptuously!


Encourage one!

Wasn’t it crazy at the airport just now? Actually dare to refute my face!

Before, in front of those reporters, it was not easy to make a move, but now, I have no worries!

As long as this kid dares to be arrogant, I will let him know how great!

At that time, I am afraid that the goal will be directly achieved without any temptation at all!

However, looking at this kid's appearance, he was obviously scared silly!

Humph! After all, it's just an internet celebrity, this kind of big scene, he...

Paul is still imagining proudly, but the next moment!


A crisp slap in the face suddenly sounded!

The next moment, stopping Jiang Fan's bodyguard, the whole person has already flew out in a whirlpool!

Everyone was stunned!


Opposite, but dozens of guns!

Faced with this situation, Jiang Fan even dared to make a move!

A group of bodyguards are even more stunned!

They still encountered this situation for the first time!

I don't know at all, what should I do!

"you you……"

Paul was also stunned!

Is this kid crazy?

Even if he has some strength, does he care about the life and death of the crew?

At this time, Jiang Fan shook his hand with disdain!

"Damn! I really treat my kennel as a treasure!"

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