God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 595: Don't talk about it


As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Paul had stared at him firmly!

Slap! Too much face-slapped!

No one has ever dared to be so presumptuous to the Nicholas family and Paul to him!

It is a large international company like Phil, who was here yesterday, also honestly, and waited for a full three hours!

And Jiang Fan, not only the one who dared to beat him Paul, he actually uttered such a wild word, it was simply looking for death!

In an instant, Paul's whole body agitated!

The pure white vindictiveness, almost like the essence, has already sprayed out!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically!

The strength of this grudge has far exceeded the nine-level standard!

Even, it has brought a faint silver brilliance!

All the vindictiveness is transformed into silver, which is the sign of level ten!

Paul, as expected, he has reached the tenth level!

If he does make a move, the whole crew will have disastrous consequences!

Seeing, Paul is about to do it!

At this moment!

"Want to do it?"

Suddenly Jiang Fan was full of mockery, and gave Paul a light look!


Sweeped by Jiang Fan, Paul's heart suddenly jumped, and he couldn't help but step back!


This look is so strange!

It was like a giant dragon, looking mockingly at a crab with its teeth and claws!

This kid, obviously only has an eighth level of breath, how could he have such a look?

The point is, how could he be so calm? So calm?

It's like a rock that shook huge waves!

In Paul's heart, suddenly there was a strong panic for no reason!

The arm that was about to be raised froze directly!

Seeing Paul's actions, everyone was stunned!

Paul actually, persuaded!

"This, just now, what happened?"

"Master Paul, actually gave in!"


"Could this kid be tougher than Master Paul?"

A group of bodyguards was stunned!

The face is unbelievable!

The crew was even more shocked!

At the gate of the house, in front of dozens of bodyguards with live ammunition, with just one look, he actually frightened a half-step 10-level master back!

This kind of thing is unprecedented!

Jiang Fan is really domineering!

The eyes of everyone looking at Jiang Fan were full of worship for an instant!

"lead the way!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!


Paul gritted his teeth, hesitated again and again, and finally took away his anger!

"Get out of the way!"

Paul waved his hand, snorted, and walked into the villa first!

This kid is too evil!

See what my father means for a while, and then do it!

In the villa, although the layout is simple, but it is full of luxury!

Even the oil painting hanging in the corner is an authentic Renaissance!

At this moment, in the living room, an old man in his sixties is half leaning on the sofa, looking at a newspaper!

The old man was slightly fat and kind, but if you look closely, you will find that his eyes are full of cunning!

This person is one of the members of the Nicholas Senate and Paul's father, Divino!

Seeing everyone coming in, Dibino suddenly frowned!

However, he remained motionless, just changed the layout of the newspaper and read it again!

And Paul did not speak, just sneered, and stood behind Di Bino!

Upon seeing this scene, everyone immediately knew what was going on!

This Dibino is obviously present, pretending to be forced!

Deliberately neglect them!

From the initial invitation at the airport, to Paul’s dismissal, and now Divino deliberately ignored the crew. Although the crew didn’t know what Divino wanted to do, they all knew. This time, Divino’s The purpose, I am afraid, is not just to cooperate with the crew, it is that simple!

For a time, everyone's heart was cast a shadow!

Even Su Lingyu frowned!

After hesitating for a while, Su Lingyu took a step forward and wanted to speak!



At this moment, the sound of the canvas being torn suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from, and suddenly saw that Jiang Fan was standing next to an oil painting, but the oil painting was actually torn off!

The torn piece is in his hands!

Everyone was stunned!

The corner of his mouth twitched even more when he saw Jiang Fan's move from the corner of his eye!

This oil painting, however, is the real master!

As for Paul, he was directly angry!

"Asshole! You, what are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to take it down and have a look. Who knew this thing was so weak!"

Jiang Fan's face is innocent!

"You! Do you know who painted this painting? How old is it? You, you are simply—"

"Okay! Look at your interest! How much money, I will lose!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand impatiently!

"You lose? You are an internet celebrity, can you afford it!"

Paul was so angry that he was so angry!

Does this idiot think that this is the work on the roadside stall? This is the real master!

A full value of three million dollars, worth a knife!

But the next moment!


Jiang Fan raised his hand and threw a card directly at Paul!

"Kari five million euros, the rest will be used as cleaning expenses!"

Since looting the underground forces and black merchants in Vienna, Jiang Fan is now very wealthy!

The crowd was stunned again!

Paul was stunned directly!

What's wrong!

An internet celebrity, where does so much money come from?

Could it be that in China, Internet celebrities are so easy to mix?

But his surprise was not over yet. Jiang Fan seemed to have too much hand strength when he threw the card just now. He actually waved his hand and directly smashed a porcelain plate placed next to the oil painting!

"This is from the Ming Dynasty—"

"This is two million, shut up!"

Jiang Fan threw out another card!



Jiang Fan stepped sideways, a pair of medieval armor was directly knocked apart by him!


"Don't talk, take the card!"

Next, Jiang Fan has become a destructor with increased strength!

I don’t know how many things he smashed in the living room!

There are more than a dozen cards in Paul's hand!

The crowd was completely shocked!

Just this moment, Jiang Fan threw out tens of millions!

The key is that the entire living room was almost smashed by Jiang Fan!

This is so obvious that we want to demolish the house for others!

"Sure enough, rich and capricious!"

"However, this is too proud!"

"No more! It's so inhumane!"

"However, these things are not worth so much money! Couldn't it be this foreign devil who deliberately touched porcelain?"

The crowd whispered!

And Paul has been dumbfounded!

the first time!

This is the first time that someone in the Nicholas family is so presumptuous!

Is Nicholas short of money?

Of course there is no shortage!

Jiang Fan is clearly on purpose!


Slap again!

damn it!

He and his father originally wanted to give them a good start, but now it is good that the entire Nicholas family has been made a joke by Jiang Fan!

Even Dibino finally couldn't sit still!

Go on, I don’t know if Jiang Fan’s pocket is empty, but his house is gone!

"Huh? What happened just now? How did it become like this in the house?"

Divino put down the newspaper and frowned!

Everyone's mouth twitched!

This forced pretense is really too reluctant!

Compared to Jiang Fan, it is simply pretending to be fragmented!

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