God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 597: He doesn't really want to talk to me

Everyone was stunned!


Di Bino opened his mouth even more!

After a long time, he suddenly looked ruthless!

"Boy! Are you **** kidding me?"

"Fuck you? No, you look at yourself too high!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

"In fact, this price is already as low as the limit. After all, no matter how much, you can't afford it!"

"You! You bastard! I want you to know the price of daring to tease me!"

Di Bino's face turned from white to red, from red to black, and finally roared!

"Paul! Kill him!"

Paul gritted his teeth and finally took a step forward!


In an instant, his whole body was like a burning flame, rising to the sky!

"I'm finally going to do it! Let some meet you first!"

Before the others reacted, Lu Bu laughed wildly.

"Then kill you first!"

Although Paul was afraid of Jiang Fan, he didn't care about the others!

Seeing, the two are going to fight!

At this moment!


A loud noise!

The door of Divino's villa was suddenly kicked to pieces!

In the next moment, a strong man with a height of two meters has already strode into the villa!

This brawny man is about forty years old, wearing a black suit and thick mustache on his face. With his sturdy body, he is full of tough guy temperament!

However, this big man has a small deer tattooed on his neck, which looks a bit nondescript!

However, Divino's face changed immediately when he saw this man!

Paul's pupils shrank even more!

Take a step back directly!

Even Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

All this is because of the undisguised, terrifying aura on the brawny man!

grade ten!

This ridiculously ridiculous brawny man is actually a tenth-level powerhouse!

"Baal? You, what are you doing?"

Di Bino is obviously very afraid of the big man!

It's just that Barr didn't even look at him at all, and instead stood directly to the door!

In the next moment, a fat man in his forties who was extremely round and mellow had already walked in from the door with a smile!

This fat man wore a well-cut suit, and his face was somewhat similar to Divino!

Upon seeing this person, Su Lingyu immediately showed a relaxed expression!

And Di Bino's eyes narrowed directly!


This person is surprisingly the patriarch of the Nicholas family, Coppola!

"My dear brother, what's wrong in your house?"

Coppola looked at the living room curiously!

Then, suddenly he looked at Su Lingyu with a smile of joy!

"Miss Su! You are here! What a coincidence!"

"Yes, Mr. Coppola, how are you doing?"

Su Lingyu smiled slightly!

"Fortunately, fortunately! I originally wanted to ask Dibino about some of the family management, but I didn't expect to meet you here! But why are you here?"

Coppola looked puzzled!

"Don't you know? Mr. Divino is already the distributor of our "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" crew and the country of interest!

Su Lingyu pointed at Dibino!

"Really? My dear brother?"

Coppola suddenly looked at Dibino!

"Ahem! This, yes! I brought Miss Su and the others, just to talk about things to promote!"

"How can you let you do it yourself and hand it over to your subordinates! Barr, you are in charge of this matter! During the time the crew is in the City of Seven Hills, follow Miss Su!"

Coppola looked directly at Baal!

"Yes, sir!"

Barr smiled slightly!

"Well, brother, it looks like your house needs renovation, so let's go to the family manor first! What do you think?"

"Hehe, I mean the same, then trouble the patriarch!"

Di Bino's face is ashen!

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Coppola smiled, then leaned slightly towards Su Lingyu!

"Miss Su, Mr. Takeaway Star, and everyone, please follow me!"

Soon, a group of people had left the villa and directly boarded Coppola's convoy!

Just getting in the car, Coppola's face has sunk directly!

"Miss Su, are you okay?"

He just got the news before, so he hurried over with Baal!

"It's okay! But it looks like Dibino..."

"I know, you are wronged!"

Coppola apologized!

The veterans want to deal with him, not a day or two!

As soon as Divino shot, Coppola knew what he wanted to do!

Now almost everyone knows the popularity of "Yi Jian Wushuang"!

Forcing Phil to surrender the distribution rights, although it is not good for Nicholas' reputation, but the benefits are real!

For the elders and a group of moths in the family who have no long-term vision, reputation is far less important than profit!

What's more, now Nicholas is in power, but he is Coppola!

At that time, this pot will definitely have to be carried by him!

The key is!

His son Foou is Su Lingyu's number one fan!

As long as you control Su Lingyu, it is equivalent to controlling Foou!

When the time comes, let Foou do a few stupid things, let him take the blame, and the veterans can impeach him. At that time, the rights of the veterans will only be greater!

"It's ok!"

Facing Coppola who was apologetic, Su Lingyu just smiled!

"Miss Su, Footah..."

Coppola still wants to continue speaking, but at this moment!

"Sir, you haven't greeted the takeaway star yet!"

Barr suddenly spoke!

Coppola was slightly startled!

Takeaway star?

This kid is just a Chinese Internet celebrity. Although he is very good in this movie, but even then, it is just an actor!

He Coppola is the head of Nicholas, and he still needs to say hello to this kind of person?

But the next moment, his heart jumped suddenly!

Talking, but Barr!

The tenth level of Baal!

Barr is not only his bodyguard, but also his best friend!

At this moment, he reminded himself not to neglect the takeaway star. Doesn't that mean that this takeaway star is not easy?

"Look at me, see old friends, forget everything! Mr. Takeaway Star, please don't take it off!"

Coppola suddenly smiled and looked at Jiang Fan!

"It's ok!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly!

Then turned and looked out the window!

Nicholas is indeed very powerful, but for him, he is not qualified to take the initiative to contact him!

Seeing Jiang Fan's reaction, Coppola was startled!

In the city of seven hills, anyone wants to approach him and please him!

And being able to let him take the initiative to say hello is even more honored by the other party!

Why does this takeaway star actually don't want to take care of himself?

Is this so crazy?

Coppola frowned!

I'm going to yell!

But at this moment!

"Mr. Takeaway Star, Paul is a master who is about to surpass the ninth level. Just now, he didn't embarrass you, right?"

Barr suddenly spoke!

Hearing Barr's words, Coppola's expression suddenly changed!

A full half an hour has passed since they rushed to the villa in Dibino!

In the meantime, Divino really has too many ways to make the crew subdue!

But by the way, when they rushed past, everyone on the crew didn't even show the slightest nervousness on their faces!

On the contrary, it was Dibino's villa, which was smashed into nothing!

This can only explain one thing!

That is, Dibino has nothing to do with the crew!

Combined with Barr's reaction, he almost understood what was going on in an instant!

For an instant, Coppola's eyes on Jiang Fan were already full of shock!

This takeaway star is actually so powerful?

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