God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 598: Divino's ambition

However, the next moment, Coppola was full of ecstasy!

Among the Nicholas family, in addition to Baal, there is another tenth level!

It's just that the tenth level is a member of the Senate!

In addition to these two tenth levels, the most powerful is the ninth limit Paul!

So before, Coppola had no advantage in terms of power or force!

The point is, the more he gets to the later stage, the more disadvantaged he is!

If Paul also breaks through the tenth level, it is absolutely impossible for him to regain the strength of the Senate at that time!

And now, the takeaway star can actually fight against Paul, which is a godsend for him!

As long as the takeaway star entangles Paul and waits until Barr solves the tenth level, then at least the family will no longer have the qualifications to challenge himself!

And you can slowly withdraw your rights!



"Yes, Mr. Takeaway Star, they didn't embarrass you, right?"

Coppola also looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Huh! That kind of stuff can't even hurt me, and it's worthy of being a foster father?"

Jiang Fan hadn't spoken yet, Lu Bu had a proud face and spoke directly!


Coppola was stunned!

And at this moment, Villa Dibino!

"Coppola, bastard!"

Di Bino slapped it **** the coffee table!

"Does this **** think I can't tell!"

"He obviously came here on purpose and took the crew away!"

"Damn it! How dare you rush to the door to ask someone!"

"Coppola! You actually embarrass me so much, this matter is endless!"

Debino's frantic roar!

"Father, calm down..."

"Calm down! You trash! Would I be so embarrassed if you shot it earlier?"

Divino roared, slapped him hard, and slapped Paul's face directly!

"Father, it's not that simple! Before, we underestimated the crew!"

"What do you mean?"

Di Bino frowned!

"In this crew, not only the takeaway star, the tall man, and the woman next to Su Lingyu, these three people are not simple!"


Divino was taken aback!

"The strength of this takeaway star is very likely to be the pinnacle of the ninth level! Although that tall man is not as good as me, but in terms of momentum, he is stronger than the average ninth level!"

"As for that woman, even though there is no trace of power fluctuations all over her body, just now, I clearly saw a glimmer of electricity in his palm!"

"If I just shot, it is very likely that I will hurt you!"

Paul explained carefully!

"This, the strength of this crew is actually so strong?"

Di Bino looked shocked!

"Yes! At the beginning, I only thought that the big tall one was the strongest. I didn't expect that the other two were hiding so deep!"

"They are now picked up by Coppola. If Coppola persuades them, I am afraid that the forces of our Senate will be hit harder!"

Paul looked solemn!


Dibino squeezed his fist tightly!


At the beginning, he just regarded the crew as a fat sheep, but he didn't expect that this was actually a tiger with hidden fangs!

"Father! Should I shoot tonight and kill the takeaway star?"

"No! Coppola has sent Barr to protect them now! It's useless for you to go!"

"Then, then contact the Grand Elder! As long as he lets Dylan take action and entangles Barr!"

Paul speaks directly!

Dylan, it is the tenth-level master of the Senate!

"it's useless!"

Dibino shook his head!

"When we were about to assassinate Coppola, he refused to send Dylan, let alone now!"

"Then always try! Otherwise, the takeaway star is really bought by Coppola, and we are the one who is unlucky!"

"Dylan is the treasure of the Great Elder, unless it is related to his life and death, otherwise he will never send it! Unless..."

Di Bino's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Father, what do you think of?"

"Steier! The fool, Steier, is the man who pulled up with one hand! As long as there is something wrong with Steier, the senior elder will definitely not leave it alone!"

"Also, I remember that Coppola taught Steer a lesson because of Su Lingyu!"

"As long as I tell Steer that Su Lingyu is in the City of Seven Hills, this idiot will definitely go to trouble Su Lingyu!"

"At that time, Coppola will definitely not be able to get around Steyr!"

"And Steer is taught, the elder must be furious!"

"Hey! Maybe, we can still take advantage of their fallout to grab even more benefits!"

Divino got more excited as he talked, and finally laughed wildly!

"Father is really amazing!"

Paul is even more surprised!

The best thing is that Barr and Dylan were both defeated, and even both died in battle!

At that time, I will be the strongest of Nicholas!

Or maybe even become the youngest senator!

For a while, both of them laughed proudly!


Nicholas Manor!

The history of this manor has exceeded two hundred years!

Not to mention the land occupation, just the old castle standing in the middle of the manor is not something ordinary families can own!

The convoy had just arrived under the castle, and an old man in a tuxedo had already greeted him with a group of bodyguards!


Seeing Coppola get out of the car, the old man immediately took two steps forward!

"Introduce you, this is the butler of the manor, Baird!"

Coppola smiled at Jiang Fan and the others!

"Hello! Baird is at your service!"

Baird smiled and bowed slightly to everyone!

"Wow! What a fanciful butler!"

"Is this a personal butler? I have seen it!"

"As expected of a big family, this butler is really amazing!"

A group of crew members looked excited!

But Jiang Fan's complexion moved slightly!

If you remember correctly, the person who was sent to kidnap Su Lingyu at that time seemed to be the housekeeper!

It stands to reason that since he is Coppola's butler, there is no reason not to know the relationship between Coppola and Su Lingyu!

How could you do such a stupid thing for Foo?

"Miss Su, Mr. Shui, the banquet is ready inside, please come in!"


His thoughts were interrupted by Coppola, Jiang Fan didn't want to, and strode into the castle!

Soon, as the banquet was over, the rest of the staff were taken directly by the servants in the castle to rest, while Jiang Fan and others were led to a lounge!

Coppola first poured a glass of red wine for Jiang Fan himself, only then smiled slightly!

"Mr. Water, this is the red wine produced by our manor. It tastes pretty good. You can try it!"

"No need, everyone is in a hurry, Mr. Coppola, if you have anything, you should just speak up!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly!

Coppola's face is stagnant!

Huaxia people, are they so happy to speak?

This is seriously inconsistent with the meager F4!

However, this is also good!

"Okay, I'll just say it! Mr. Shui, you've seen it before. There is an extreme discord between me and the Senate!

"The Senate is actually a worm that is parasitic on the Nicholas family and **** blood!"

"So, I hope you can help me fight against the Senate! Let me completely control the family!"

"As long as you agree to help, I—"

"No way!"

Beyond everyone's expectations!

Before Coppola finished speaking, Su Lingyu had already spoken directly!

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