Everyone was taken aback!

I don't understand Su Lingyu's reaction, how could it be so big!

Even Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

"Jiang Fan! Absolutely can't agree!"

"Nicholas's Senate, it's not that simple!"

"The other party, but there is a tenth level existence!"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan nervously and said directly in Chinese!


Wang Yi and others were stunned!

Nicholas, there is actually another tenth level!

"grade ten?"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

The Nicholas family actually has two tenths!

With the addition of Paul's half-step tenth level, even in China, this is a first-class family!

Unexpectedly, Nicholas is actually quite capable!

However, it has never been someone else's suggestion that can influence Jiang Fan's decision!

"It doesn't matter, level ten, that's it!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Su Lingyu!


Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

Tenth level, nothing more?

If it wasn't for Jiang Fan to be too mad, it could only mean that the tenth level would have no deterrent effect on him at all!

Is Jiang Fan crazy?


However, since Jiang Fan joined the crew, he has never done anything wrong!

Jiang Fan's madness is completely madness, as it should be!

Seeing Jiang Fan's confident look, Su Lingyu's heart was shocked!

As expected of the man I like!

This kind of spirit is hard to find in the world!

Yu Rui is even more beautiful, beautiful eyes flashing!

At this moment, she didn't even notice that she looked at Jiang Fan's eyes with a strange emotion!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at Coppola and Barr with a smile!

"Mr. Coppola, there is no free lunch in the world. I don't reject helping you, but what can I get?"

Nicholas can actually afford two tenths!

In other words, it is definitely a fat sheep!

For the sake of causality, let alone level 10, even at level 100, Jiang Fan would dare to roll up his sleeves and rush forward!

Coppola was slightly startled, then his face was overjoyed!

Unexpectedly, what Jiang Fan promised was so happy!

"As long as you are willing to help me, no matter how much money, you can open it!"

As soon as Coppola's voice fell, everyone suddenly showed horrified expressions at the same time!

The last person who dared to brag this way was Divino!

Jiang Fan's offer directly stunned him!

Almost sparked a war!

And this time, it's different from last time!

Although Paul has a half-step tenth grade, but he is full of calculations, he is still a ninth grade!

Barr is different!

Even if he is the worst tenth level, it is also tenth level!

Is the real super power!

If the opponent is really angry, even if the aftermath of the fight is enough to crush them into slag!

At that time, they don't know if Jiang Fan has anything to do, but they are dead!

"and so on!"

"Mr. Coppola! Let's make the price!"

"Mr. Water! Be careful!"

"Oh, I don't want to go out anymore, I want to go home!"

Everyone looked horrified!


"Shut up!"

Jiang Fan furrowed his brows and gave a sigh of relief!

"Since Mr. Coppola is so sincere, my requirements are not high, cash is waived, let me enter your family vault and just pick a few things!"


Everyone was taken aback!

When is Jiang Fan so easy to talk?

Even Coppola was stunned!

However, he nodded immediately!

"No problem! As long as you can take it away, just take it!"

Most of Nicholas' funds flowed in the market. In the family vault, except for some oil painting antiques, there was only a large amount of gold!

Even if Jiang Fan takes those things, how much can he take?

made money!

Only Wang Yi and Lu Bu twitched!

This idiot!

Isn't he thinking that he earned it?


The brutal and inhumane search is about to begin!

The terms are negotiated and everyone is happy!

Coppola's eyes narrowed!

With Jiang Fan's help, this time, I will definitely be able to attack the Senate and take back the family rights!

At that time, Nicholas will inevitably usher in a rebirth!

In the future, let alone the first family in the city of seven hills, even if it becomes the largest family in the country of Italy, it is not impossible!


Coppola was excited and raised his glass directly!

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet!

"Master! Wait for me! Master is talking about things, don't you—"

The voice of Butler Baird suddenly sounded outside!

next moment!


The door was directly kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, a fat man with similar eyebrows and Coppola had already rushed in!

Behind Little Fatty was the butler Baird with a panic face!


As soon as the little fat man came in, he was already excited towards Su Lingyu and rushed over!

It's a pity that he hasn't ran two steps yet, two fat legs tripped his left foot and his right foot, and directly hit the ground!


A muffled sound!


The little fat man cried out in pain, tears streaming out!

"Master! Master! Are you okay?"

Baird was taken aback, and quickly ran in to help the little fat man!

"Asshole! Foo! Why are you here!"

Coppola suddenly yelled!

This little fat man is his son, Foo!

Damn it! Is he Zhao Sier?

Jiang Fan is excited!

Just now the style of the left foot stumbling on the right foot is indeed the martial style of Zhao Sier!

"Master, yes, it's my fault! Master heard that Miss Su is here, so he has to come..."

Baird explained in a hurry!

"Huh! What can I explain? Master, where do I want to go, isn't it my freedom?"

Foo wiped away his tears and immediately recovered his arrogant expression!

"Asshole! What are you?"

Coppola looked angry!

"Me? Daddy, don't forget, if you hang up suddenly one day, I will be the new patriarch!"

Foou smiled proudly!

Everyone was stunned!

This Foo seems a bit stupefied!

Su Lingyu's lips twitched!

This is exactly why she is unwilling to come to the Nicholas family!

This little fat man is really too sturdy!

And Coppola, his face turned blue, suddenly roared!

"Fart! Who taught you this!"

"Then you leave it alone!"

Foou waved his hand triumphantly, and leaned slightly toward Su Lingyu!

"Ms. Su, I missed you last time, how are you?"

"so far so good……"

Su Lingyu looked embarrassed!

"Then not tonight we..."

Foo hadn't finished speaking, Coppola had already covered his mouth!

"Sorry, Miss Su, Mr. Shui, made you laugh! Baird! What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you take the young master away!"

"Yes! Master, let's go out first!"

Baird hurriedly grabbed Foo and walked toward the door desperately!

"I'm not leaving! I haven't finished yet! Sue! Have dinner together in a while!"

"I have prepared two tons of roses for you!"

"And the proposal ring!"

"You will be moved!"

"By the way! Don't forget to wear an evening dress, it's more compelling..."

The little fat man's voice was getting farther and farther, and finally disappeared!

In the room, the atmosphere has reached its limit!

What a shame!

Why are you so handsome!

Coppola now, can't wait to hit him to death!

"That, Mr. Water, why don't we go to the vault first?"

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