God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 600: Three European Power Systems

Nicholas family vault!

Unlike the underground forces and black merchants that were looted before, the Nicholas family's vaults, just guards, have a full ten!

And everyone's strength is above level four!

The door of the vault is made of special alloy, and it is almost impossible to open it by violence!

Coppola entered three sets of passwords, and passed fingerprint iris authentication, and then opened the vault!

"Mr. Water, please!"

Coppola pointed at the opened vault door!

Jiang Fan nodded and stepped into the vault!

"My God! This, this, is too exaggerated!"

Wang Yi, who was following Jiang Fan, opened his mouth as soon as he entered the vault!


This is definitely a genuine vault!

In the eyes, almost all is golden gold!

As far as he can see, the value of these gold alone is at least one billion!

"Don't make a fuss, it's just floating money!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly, and walked directly into the vault!

Wang Yi was startled!

As expected to be Mr. Water, with so much gold, it's not tempted at all!

This concentration alone is far beyond ordinary people!

No way!

I have to learn from Mr. Water!

What's more, following Mr. Shui, these floating wealth, what's the deal!

As long as he takes care of his old man, he will get more in the future!

"Mr. Water, wait for me!"

Wang Yi hurried to keep up!


"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 41 causality points!"

Jiang Fan gently rubbed a pair of oil paintings, and then smiled at a camera in the corner!

next moment!


He put the oil painting directly into the backpack!

Counting this oil painting, the total number of causal points I got has exceeded two thousand!

And this is just half of the income from the transfer of oneself in the treasury!

There are so many good things about Nicholas!

It's more than the guys in Vienna combined!

At this moment, in the vault monitoring room, Coppola was shocked!

Originally, Coppola wanted to see Jiang Fan's preferences through monitoring, but he did not expect to see such a shocking scene!

"This, this kid, how did he do it? Where did he receive those things?"

Coppola's eyes widened, all eyes are incredible!


No matter what it is, as long as Jiang Fan reaches out and touches it, that thing will disappear instantly!

Such an ability is simply unheard of!

"Barr, he, how did he do it?"

Coppola turned around and looked at Barr next to him!

Just looking at it, his heart jumped!

At this moment, Baal, as if being enchanted, looked at the surveillance screen motionlessly!

"Barr? Barr!"

Coppola shot Barr directly!


Baal jumped up like a mouse with his tail trampled on!

"This, this is space magic! This is definitely, space magic!"

"But! How is this possible?!"

Barr's face is all over, unbelievable!

"Space magic?!"

Coppola gasped directly!

Although he hasn't practiced, but because he has been with Baal for a long time, he has some understanding of various abilities!

In Europe, the three most famous power systems are grudge, magic, and magic!

The branches of magic are endless, the most all-encompassing!

However, there are ten of the most powerful spell factions!

Space magic is one of them!

Space magic is powerful, but the prerequisites for practicing are also surprisingly high!

Among them, the most basic one is that if you want to practice space magic, you must reach level ten!

If what Jiang Fan just used was really space magic, wouldn't it mean--

"Barr, this kid, is it really, level ten?!"

Coppola gasped directly!

"I, I'm not sure!"

Barr frowned, and the deer on his neck was almost twisted!

From the first sight of Jiang Fan, he was faintly jealous!

From his eyes, of course, he can see that Jiang Fan is only Grade 8!

The strangest thing was that he could clearly see Jiang Fan's strength, but he felt an unprecedented pressure from Jiang Fan!

This is not normal!

It felt like seeing a delicious puffer fish, but didn't dare to swallow it!

Because you know that once you eat this thing into your stomach, you will only be poisoned to death!

Therefore, he only reminded Coppola before!

And now, seeing Jiang Fan's performance, he was even more shocked!

If what Jiang Fan uses is really space magic, it can only explain one thing!

Jiang Fan's strength is definitely stronger than him!

Jiang Fan only deliberately suppressed his strength at level eight!

Especially, the glance Jiang Fan looked at the camera just now!

There are so many things in those eyes!

"Boss, we seem to have to change the plan!"

Baal took a deep breath!

Coppola frowned suddenly!

Their previous plan was to use Baal to kill Dylan!

As for Jiang Fan's task, it is to entangle Paul!

When Barr beheaded Dylan, everything fell to the ground!

As for whether Jiang Fan can entangle Paul, or whether he is alive or dead, Coppola doesn't care at all!

After all, Jiang Fan and them are not relatives!

And it’s better for Jiang Fan to die. On the one hand, it can reduce the anger of the Senate; on the other hand, the wealth Jiang Fan has taken is returned to Nicholas!

Moreover, Coppola has already planned, even if Jiang Fan is fine, then he will have to be handed over to the Senate Council for punishment!

After all, even though I will have an absolute advantage in force, a large part of the real power of the family is still in the hands of the senator!

Sending Jiang Fan as a scapegoat to the Senate is also an effective way to prevent the other party from jumping over the wall!

No matter how they are calculated, they are still making money without losing it!

But now, no longer!

If Jiang Fan's strength is really so terrifying, then if they do, it will only bring Nicholas a catastrophe!

When I thought of this, Coppola felt a trace of regret for no reason!

"The original plan remains the same! However, this takeaway star must never be offended!"


"Also! You have to get Dylan out quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late for him to leave!"

"However, Dylan is the veteran's trump card, I want to draw him out, unless it's a family meeting!"

"Then hold a family meeting!"

Coppola's eyes were fierce!

"Don't miss this opportunity! If you miss this time, there will never be such a good opportunity again!"



Putting away a stone sculpture, Jiang Fan finally nodded in satisfaction!

The treasury has been transferred by him, and counting the last thing that can be sold, the causality points he got in the treasury have exceeded three thousand!

At this moment, the total number of causal points has reached a full seven thousand!

Seven thousand causal points!

With another three thousand, one's own Nine Suns can reach the realm of Dzogchen!


Jiang Fan stretched his waist and was about to leave the vault, but at this moment!

"Mr. Water! Look, what is this?"

Wang Yi's voice suddenly sounded in a corner!

Jiang Fan walked over and took a look, and saw that in the corner where Wang Yi was, there were a pile of bottles and cans!

At this moment, Wang Yi was holding a crockpot with an eagle-like mouth, with a curious look on his face!

"This style seems to be something from the Lianghe civilization period. If it is genuine, it will have a history of at least four thousand years!"

Jiang Fan glanced at it casually!

Although he doesn't know much about antiques, the style of this thing is too obvious!

"Then this is a good thing! Would you like to see it?"

As Wang Yi said, he passed the crock pot directly!

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