God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 613: You're just an actor

Everyone was stunned!

Butch was even more shocked!


This look is terrifying!

It looks like a bloodthirsty dragon with a ferocious head!

Normal people should never have such a look!


Butch pulls the trigger as soon as he moves his finger!

But at this moment!


Right in front of Butch's eyes, the pistol in his hand was actually straight and split into two!

Butch didn't even see, something cut the pistol open!

"This, how is this possible!"

Butch suddenly took a step back and looked at a group of men!


The word "gun" in his mouth has not yet been exported,

Lu Bu moved too!


A loud noise!


Just a simple straight punch!

In the entire office, all Butch's subordinates all let out a miserable cry and flew upside down!

The blood sprayed by everyone, even more instantly, completely dyed the entire office red!

Les was stunned!


No, it's impossible!

It must be yourself, dazzled!

They are just actors!

How could there be such a powerful strength!

Butch is sweating even more!

Beside the takeaway star, unexpectedly, there is such a master!

However, I still have a chance!


Butch suddenly let out a scream!

next moment!


The wall next to the office was suddenly shattered by a punch!

Immediately afterwards, a brawny man with a full body and anger ignited three feet, already roaring frantically with an indomitable momentum, and blasted Lü Bu with a punch!

Les was stunned!

The scared teeth are trembling!

This person is Buqi's subordinate, that terrifying ninth-level master!


That's it!

No matter how powerful the bodyguard of Takeaway Star is, it is definitely not Carter's opponent!

A group of injured brawny are overjoyed!


"Hahaha! These **** are dead!"

"Thirty million!"

"Carter! Kill them!"

Seeing that Carter's fist was about to hit Lu Bu's head!

Butch even showed a triumphant smile!

But at this moment!


A crisp sound!

Carter, who was unstoppable, was actually pinched his head!

Even the vindictiveness with his bodyguard was crushed!

Jiang Fan!

Everyone gasped!

Carter was even more horrified, his face was full of unbelievable!

With such speed, such strength, plus the vindictiveness that can crush him, the opponent is absolutely--


Carter's scream is not over yet, Jiang Fan has already squeezed Carter's head and pressed it **** the ground!


The whole building shook violently!

In the next moment, Carter has been smashed to death!

Under him, countless cracks spread all the way to the surrounding walls!

Everyone was stunned!

He opened his mouth and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

"Weird, monster!"

"Carter actually didn't even have a chance to fight back!"

"This guy, is it level ten?!"

Butch's face was even more pale, and his eyes were almost rolled up in shock!

No wonder, this movie hard drive will be driven to a high price of 10 million!

No wonder, the head of the takeaway star is worth 20 million!

No wonder, the underground forces and black merchants in Vienna will jointly bid!

so horrible!

This takeaway star is not theirs at all, they can eat it!

Even if the entire underground forces of the City of Seven Hills make a move together, they can't eat it!

Li Lingzhi fainted!

Butch was completely awake, as if being poured with a bucket of ice water!


Butch knelt directly to Jiang Fan!

"Water, Mr. Water! Forgive me, forgive me!"

"Spare? Of course you can!"

Jiang Fan clapped his hands and looked at Butch with a smile!

"So, how much do you plan to pay for life?"


"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 24 causality points if you sell this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 32 ​​causality points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 18 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high price..."

The melodious reminder sounds constantly!

Jiang Fan's bones are even crisper!

In the world, there is really no more beautiful voice than this!

"Foster father! Asked clearly over there, there are four others who are about the same as Butch!

Lu Bu came over directly!


Jiang Fan nodded!

In addition to the search from Butch just now, at this moment, the total number of causal points has reached seven thousand five hundred points!

There are more than two thousand, and you can fill up the Nine Suns!

Really looking forward to the full-level Nine Suns Scriptures!

The two left the vault and returned to the office!

At this moment, Wang Yi was leaning on Erlang's legs, drinking tea slowly!

In his hand, more than a dozen bank cards have been neatly placed!

But Butch, tearfully opposite him, barely accompanied the smiling face of tea and handed water!

As for Les, even though he was holding a teacup at the moment, he was still at a loss!

too exaggerated!

It's just like dreaming!

Do not!

Even if it is a dream, he can't think that one day, Butch will bring him tea and water!

What made him even more unexpected was Jiang Fan, who would suddenly reach this point!


That's Carter!

Such a brave powerhouse, Jiang Fan gave him a second to meet him!

What kind of strength is this special?


You are just an actor!

Don't make a few more movies, you practice knitting skills!

Les thoughts were all messed up!

The whole person has a sense of chaos in time and space!

Seeing Jiang Fan came back, Wang Yi immediately greeted him!

"Mr. Water, according to your instructions, we will not accept any gold jewelry. These are all Butch's funds!"


Jiang Fan took it smoothly, drew two cards and threw them to Wang Yi!

Wang Yi suddenly lost his teeth!


Following Mr. Water, it is so promising!

"Les, have you drunk enough tea? If you have enough, work hard!"

"Huh? Oh! Good, good!"

Les finally reacted, and immediately ran to Jiang Fan cautiously!

"As for you..."

Jiang Fan gave Butch a meaningful look!

"Big Brother!"

Butch knelt down again with a "plop"!

"Brother! Please! Forgive me! I'm just a crap!"

"I, all my cash is given to you! If you still feel that it is not enough, I will go to the bank for a loan now!"

"As long as you let me go, everything is easy to discuss!"

Butch howl and cry!

Nima is too cruel!

I have never met such a shameless person in my life!

Obviously he has such a strong strength, but he seduce him to kidnap them, and then blackmail himself in turn!


You have such a strong strength, are you not good at grabbing it?

Why do you want to torture us so much!

"Get up! Remember what I just told you just now, use your best ability to spread the news about us as far as possible!"

"Yes, yes! I remembered! Don't worry, I will release all the news from the crew!"

"Very good! Goodbye bye!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, turned and left!

"Old, boss! What happens next?"

Seeing Jiang Fan leaving, one of his subordinates cautiously leaned forward!

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