God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 614: Steer's Banquet

"How to do?"

Butch wiped away the tears and slapped his backhand!

"What? What can we do? Don't spread the news as he said! Do you really want him to kill him again?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of subordinates suddenly dispersed!

"Damn it! No wonder, that group of **** in Vienna will give him an order to kill him!"

"This kid, must have snatched those guys too!"

"Asshole! Shameless villain! You didn't tell me such important news!"

"Okay! Other people, don't blame Lao Tzu for not being particular!"

"If you want to be unlucky, let's do it together! Hehehe..."

Butch smiled, very sinister!


"Left full rudder, put the handbrake, yes! That's it!"

"Relax completely when cornering, don't be nervous!"

"The accelerator is stomped to death, remember, your foot is useless before the end!"


At this moment, Les was driving, and Jiang Fan kept teaching on the co-pilot!

Soon, the car has arrived on the territory of another underground force!

"Understand by yourself, we have to continue to work!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Les and got out of the car first!

When I saw Jiang Fan, a group of idols who had been gathering downstairs was shocked!

"This kid, why are you so familiar?"

"Yes, it's the takeaway star!"

"Oh my God! It's really him!"

"This fat sheep actually took the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Hahahaha! Tell the boss about the good news!"

Made a fortune!

The thugs are boiling!

All of them were grinning, took out their guns and daggers, and surrounded Jiang Fan and the others!

Jiang Fan and Lu Bu also smiled at each other!

Haha, really made a fortune!

Les sitting in the car covered his forehead!

It started again!



This building has been more than two thousand years old and has undergone several transformations during the period. It is one of the landmark buildings of the City of Seven Hills!

Among them, several famous artists and scholars are buried!

So even if it is the largest wealthy family in the City of Seven Hills, Nicholas would not dare to risk the world's ruin and hold a banquet here!

Steer chose the closest private house here!

Soon, it was eight o'clock in the evening!

One after another luxury cars appeared at the gate of the house!

In the courtyard, countless high-ranking figures in the City of Seven Hills, already holding champagne, began to talk and laugh in twos and threes!

As the host, Tisr, at this moment, is talking softly with a few big figures in the business world!

"Steier, I heard that the "Yijian Wushuang" crew, which has been very popular recently, came to the City of Seven Hills?"

"It is said that Su Lingyu is also here?"

Several people asked one after another!

"Yes, I believe, you will see it in a while!"

Steele smiled slightly!

"Oh? They are coming to the banquet too?"

Several men were suddenly excited!

"Steyr, but I heard that your contradictions are not small!"

"Yes, it is said that for Su Lingyu, Coppola..."

Before one of the men had finished speaking, Steier's complexion suddenly sank!

Several people were shocked, and they hurriedly stopped!

At this moment!

"Mr. Coppola!"

"Mr. Coppola is here!"

"Huh? Isn't the one beside him Su Lingyu?"

"It seems that Nicholas became the new distributor is true!"

"No wonder so many reporters gathered outside!"

There was a hustle and bustle near the gate!

I saw that Coppola was carrying Su Lingyu and greeted a group of reporters outside the door!

"This bitch! Sure enough! She really came!"

When he saw Su Lingyu, Stilton's eyes were red!

However, he immediately took a deep breath!

Forcibly suppress his hatred!

Hey, I have already arranged it!

In a while, let this **** never stand up!

"Miss Su! Will this time in the City of Qiqiu be able to have a movie like in Vienna?"

"Miss Su! Why didn't you see the takeaway star!"

"Miss Su! Is your relationship with Takeaway Star the same as the rumors?"

"Miss Su! The takeaway star fell into the river with your dad, who do you save first?"

A group of reporters were incoherent with excitement!

Facing these difficult problems, Su Lingyu smiled slightly!

"Thank you for your concern, Takeaway Star may come over a little later due to temporary incidents!"

"In addition, I'm afraid I will disappoint everyone, because in the City of Seven Hills, there is no internal screening arrangement!"

"But you don't have to be disappointed. Although there is no introductory film this time, the staff of our crew will send you an extended version of the promotional video and clips. This is a gift from our crew!"

"As for the remaining questions, as our distributor in the country we care about, please Mr. Coppola to answer you!"

Su Lingyu said, nodding directly at Coppola!

Soon, the short interview was over, and Coppola, Su Lingyu and others finally walked into the house!

A group of guests immediately surrounded them enthusiastically!

After all, compared to Steer, Coppola is the real Patriarch!

Even if it is suppressed by the veteran society, it is by no means comparable to the straw veteran Steier!

The most important thing is to say hello to Su Lingyu beside him, it is already worthy of being surrounded!

But at this moment!

"Miss Su! Long time no see!"

Steer strode suddenly!

"Mr. Steele! Hello!"

Su Lingyu's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded to Steer!

As soon as the crowd saw the two meeting each other, they all dispersed with interest!

After all, the things about Steier and Su Lingyu, almost all the people present know it!

However, although these people dispersed, they all pricked their ears!

"I didn't expect Miss Su to come here too! Last time I said goodbye, I thought I would never see you again!"

Steer laughed!

"Mr. Steele joked. The City of Seven Hills is so beautiful. Even without this publicity, I'm afraid I will come often!"

Su Lingyu smiled softly!

"Steier! You are the master, don't just stare at Miss Su, but leave the other guests out! I will take Miss Su around, and you can accompany the other guests!"

Coppola suddenly spoke!

"Hehe, that's okay! Miss Su, we'll talk later!"

"Mr. Steel, please!"

As Steer left, Coppola's expression suddenly sank!

Steer, this guy has revenge, he must have a follow-up trick to leave so obedient!

"Barr! No matter what happens in a while, remember, you must stay with Miss Su!"


Barr nodded directly!

But at this moment!

Outside the gate, there was suddenly another uproar!

"It's Mr. Dibino!"

"And the genius Paul!"

"Unexpectedly they are here too!"

"In a banquet, three big figures from the Nicholas family actually came!"

Hearing the voices of the crowd, Coppola was stunned!


What is he doing?

The point is that Paul actually came too!

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