God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 621: A mad dog is a mad dog

Seeing Jiang Fan left, Dylan was stunned!

"Just three days?!"

The injury on his body may not be cured even by the most brilliant surgeon!

But, this pill can heal yourself in three days?

He had never heard of such a miraculous drug!

Could it be that this is the Chinese medicine pill in the legend?

For an instant, Dylan's eyes suddenly showed an extremely complicated look!

Although he told Jiang Fan's experience in reaching the tenth level, he didn't think Jiang Fan could go out alive!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan not only defeated himself, but also repaid his grievances with virtue and gave himself such a precious pill!

Such a bearing is really heartbreaking!

In an instant, Dylan made a decision directly in his mind!

He barely wrapped his grudge against the wound and limped out of the Pantheon!

However, he didn't notice that the large swaths of blood flowing out of his body flowed directly to the ground through the cracks in the ground that the two of them blasted out!

Soon, the ground was completely clean, and there was no trace of blood stains left!


At this moment, Jiang Fan has walked out of the Pantheon!

He had already entered the system space directly before no one was paying attention!

Now the whole person not only changed his clothes, but also cleaned up!

Seeing Jiang Fan walking out, Baird and others were all stunned!

There was a rumbling inside just now!

Seeing the walls burst through!

But the takeaway star, why doesn't it seem like a shit?

This, this is unscientific!

at this time!


Two silhouettes rushed over from a distance, one after the other!

It turned out to be Yu Rui, and Barr!

"Mr. Water?"

"Jiang Fan!"

Seeing Jiang Fan, both of them were shocked!

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"In the villa just now, I felt that there was a strong fluctuation here, so I just came to take a look, Mr. Shui, what happened?"

Barr briefly explain!

"Oh, nothing, I had a fight with Dylan!"


Both of them were stunned!

"Are you OK?"

Yu Rui asked hurriedly!

"I'm fine!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Then, look directly at Barr!

"Dylan was seriously injured and couldn't make a move within three days. If Coppola wants to do anything, let him as soon as possible!"


Baal's heart beats!

Severely injured Dylan, but he did not seem to be doing anything. Obviously, it can only be done by occupying an absolute advantage!

The takeaway star really hides its strength!

What level is this guy?

Level 11? Level 12?

Or, higher!


Fortunately, I didn't offend him at the time!

But as soon as he saw Barr, Baird's legs softened!

There is absolutely no way to hide this incident today!

He couldn't help but wanted to leave secretly!


"Baird! Why are you here?"

Barr frowned suddenly!


"Your own housework, take care of it slowly, Yu Rui, let's go!"

Jiang Fan smiled and got into the car directly with Yu Rui!

At this moment, in the villa, Su Lingyu is chatting with several acquaintances in the circle!

Lu Bu was a few steps behind, and was entangled in questions by a few ladies!

At this moment!

"Miss Su!"

Father and son Dibino, suddenly came over with a smug look!


Su Lingyu frowned!

"Hehe, Miss Su, should you remember what I told you this afternoon?"

Di Bino smiled slightly!

"Sorry, Mr. Shui has already given you a clear answer, this is impossible!"

Su Lingyu's complexion sank!

The Divino and his sons are really heartbreaking!

Forget the movie hard drive, unexpectedly, I want to keep myself!

Simply wishful thinking!

"Miss Su, I urge you to think about it again! After all, Takeaway Star is no longer the master now!"

Paul's eyes are full of ridicule!

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, Miss Su, speak plainly! The takeaway star is dead! So, you better agree!"

Di Bino smiled triumphantly!

"what did you say?!"

Su Lingyu was stunned!

"Remember that he was called away by Coppola's driver just now? Tell you, then, in fact, we designed to lead him away. The purpose is to let the tenth-level strong under the great senior veteran kill him!"

"Now, the takeaway star may be cold!"

Dibino smiled!

"But you don't have to worry! Anyway, that idiot has always been wearing a mask, just find someone to fool around!"

"Thanks to this, otherwise, with his popularity, we really can't explain it!"

The two Divino laughed loudly!

A group of guests are pale!

The takeaway star was actually killed by them?

However, facing the Nicholas family, everyone can only choose to be silent!

Nicholas is too powerful!

It's simply not something they can provoke!

This matter, even if you hear it, can only **** to the stomach!

Su Lingyu's eyes widened!

I just feel that my mind is blank!

Jiang Fan, is dead?

This, how is this possible!

"Foster mother!"

Lu Bu suddenly came over with a sneer!

"Don't worry, the foster father is fine!"

"You, how do you know?"

Su Lingyu was startled!

"If the foster father dies, I won't be able to survive! Besides, just because of their kindness, I want to kill the foster father?

Lu Bu sneered!

Su Lingyu reacted instantly!

That's right!

From the time he met Jiang Fan, the miracles he has created are beyond countless!

Even if he would die, he would never die in the hands of idiots like Divino and his son!

However, when he heard Lu Bu's words, Paul was directly angry!

"Asshole! I almost forgot, and you are a trash! Or, today, I will kill you too!"

As Paul said, a group of grudge suddenly exploded in his hands!

But at this moment!

"Who are you going to kill?"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan?!"

Su Lingyu suddenly looked back, the next moment, she cried with joy!

Jiang Fan is really fine!

But Dibino and Paul were stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with shock!


Why didn't he die?

Just now, Paul really experienced the horrible fluctuations on the Pantheon!

Dylan definitely did it!

But Jiang Fan is now so good to stand here!


Jiang Fan is standing here, what about Dylan?

In an instant, both of them stared wide-eyed!

And Jiang Fan has slowly walked to the opposite of Paul!

"Boy, you just said, who are you going to kill?"


Paul took a step back in shock, didn't dare to look at it, Jiang Fan's eyes!

"Huh! A mad dog will always be a mad dog, nothing can be done except barking!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

He is too lazy to handle things like Paul now!

"You! What did you say?"

Paul turned pale with anger, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan fiercely!

Since childhood, no one has ever dared to insult him so contemptuously!

"I said you are a mad dog! A mad dog that can only bark!"

"you wanna die!"

Paul suddenly roared!

Suddenly, a strong grudge burst out from all over the body!

Then, he slammed Jiang Fan with a punch!

He wants to completely smash Jiang Fan's head!


Jiang Fan smiled coldly, suddenly rounded his arms, and then sent the first one, slapped violently, and slapped Paul's face!


The grudge on Paul's body suddenly shattered!

But Jiang Fan's slap was already firmly on Paul's face!


A deafening, crisp sound suddenly spread throughout the villa!

The next moment, Paul suddenly screamed!

The head with the neck, the neck with the body, like the Tom cat in the animation, with broken teeth, one head smashed a table not far away, then smashed a stone sculpture a little further away, and continued to smash more. The street lamp in the distance, and then far away, fell into the pond a hundred meters away!

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