God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 622: Guide Wang's first chapter

The original lively banquet, for a moment, was completely quiet!

Even the breathing sound almost disappeared!

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the transparent straight line that Paul hit!

Through this line, people with good eyesight seem to be able to see that Paul's face has been completely deformed, like a big bowl of tomato sauce on a rotten potato!


Soon, a series of bubbles popped out of Paul's mouth and sank completely into the pond!

No more sound!

Half-step ten!

The dignified half-step tenth level!

It was so, was slapped by Jiang Fan, and then drowned in this small pond!

And until then, everyone reacted!

"Oh! What strength is this!"

"Too, too scary!"

"It's not a slap in the face, it's a Vulcan cannon!"

"A missile has no such power!"

The crowd was stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

And Barr, who had just returned, was also stunned!

This is so special, this is too exaggerated!

The other party, but half a step tenth!

How could the takeaway star hit him like a child?

Coppola opened her mouth wide, and she suspected that there was something wrong with her eyes!

Su Lingyu and others were also stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan stupidly!

This strength is more nonsense than science fiction movies!

Wouldn't Jiang Fan hide a cannon in his hands?


Di Bino knelt directly!

He dare not think about anything now!

As long as Jiang Fan is willing to let him go, let alone Paul is his son, even if he has a child at this moment, he will definitely let Jiang Fan kill him!

As long as he can save his life, he can't care about anything!

"Water, Mr. Water, Rao, Rao, Rao..."

Before Divino finished speaking, Jiang Fan snapped his fingers!


Di Bino trembled all over!

Then, he fell down!

In a blink of an eye, Divino and his son were completely beheaded by Jiang Fan!

The crowd was stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

too frightening!

This kid is simply a lunatic!

This is the big man in the Nicholas family!

A future tenth level, a veteran!

Jiang Fan actually killed them all!

This is going to be with the Nicholas family, endlessly dying!

Even Su Lingyu was stunned!

However, her horse's complexion was condensed!

Now that Jiang Fan has done it, then she will accompany Jiang Fan and bear it together!

"Takeaway Star!"

Coppola saw that Divino was slain, and for a moment, he felt his head buzzing!

He is not ready to go to war with the Senate!

At this time, all the plans were all messed up!

For an instant, he looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, full of anger!

But at this moment!

"Patriarch! Dylan was seriously injured by the takeaway star, don't offend him!"

Barr almost teleported to Coppola's side, whispering very fast!


Coppola's eyes full of anger, suddenly became extremely frightened!

Only at this time did he remember the horror of Jiang Fan!

Not to mention that Jiang Fan killed Divino and the others, even if Jiang Fan shed the blood of the entire Nicholas family, he can only endure it!

damn it!

I was too impulsive just now!

Don't get angry, Mr. Shui!

"What? Think I shouldn't kill him?"

Jiang Fan suddenly asked softly!

"No, no! I didn't mean that! Since you think that two idiots, Divino and Paul, deserve to die! Then they definitely have a reason to die!"

Coppola hurriedly said with a cold sweat!


The crowd was stunned!

Looking at Coppola's eyes, they were all incredible!

Not only did Coppola not embarrass Jiang Fan, he was still there, flattering him!

Moreover, looking at Coppola's appearance, he didn't dare to provoke Jiang Fan at all!

Who is the real identity of this takeaway star?

Can actually scare the patriarch of Nicholas into this look!

"Since it should be killed, so be it!"

"Yes Yes!"

Coppola nodded repeatedly!

"By the way, three days! Seize the opportunity!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and waved directly!


Leaving the villa, Wang Yi immediately came up!

"Mr. Water, let's go back to the manor now, isn't it too early?"

"Oh? Does Director Wang have any comments?"

"Hehehe! I can't talk about opinions, just an immature idea!"

"tell me the story!"

"The ones we went to in the afternoon are indeed fat sheep, but the rest may not be mosquitoes! Besides, even mosquito legs are meat!"

Wang Yixiao's spring tide is rippling!

"Hehehe! What Director Wang said won my heart! As the saying goes, it's better to follow goodness, so why don't we turn around?"

Jiang Fan's smile is even bigger than Wang Yi!

"Then go around?"

"Turn around!"


The underground forces and black merchants in the city of seven hills can be regarded as blood mold that has fallen for eight lifetimes!

This evening, I don’t know how many people were robbed, no! The bankrupted the claimant bankrupted, all his **** were stripped!

And the story about the three demons also spread farther and farther along with the night, drifting in the wind to a foreign country!

On the private plane to Gaul, Jiang Fan and Wang Yilu Bu yawned!

Su Lingyu frowned while watching!

"Yu Rui, how many of them didn't sleep last night? Why are they so sleepy?"

"Huh! They didn't sleep well, they were too excited to fall asleep!"

Yu Rui sneered, and immediately looked at the jade bracelet on her wrist with joy!

Su Lingyu nodded, and re-appreciated the gem ring on his finger!

As for the rest of the crew, almost everyone has a piece of top-quality jewelry!

Everyone squinted happily!

Not bad!

These things were given to them by Jiang Fan!

It's just that everyone is in a tacit understanding and didn't ask the origin of these things!

In short, everyone agrees that where the crew appears, there will be underground forces being robbed, and it has absolutely nothing to do with them!

But Jiang Fan now barely lifted his spirits, looking at his own causality!

This morning, just after a group of people had breakfast, Coppola sent a large batch of antique pearls!

Last night Jiang Fan severely injured Dylan and killed the two Divino, which was a fatal blow to the Senate!

Of course, Coppola will not miss such an opportunity!

Therefore, he attacked the veteran club overnight, staying up all night, and completely uprooted the veteran club!

And these antique jewels were all copied from the homes of several elders! It is his gift of thanks to Jiang Fan!

And this large number of treasures, thrown out that cannot be exchanged, has contributed a full 3,000 causal points to Jiang Fan!

Worthy of being a first-class family, the background is really deep!

Adding to the results of Jiang Fan's robbery overnight, at this moment, the total number of causal points has actually reached twelve thousand points!

A causal point of 12,000 points!

This is definitely a real huge sum of money!

This time, the trip to Italy was a real profit!

Not only did he accumulate so many causal points, but most importantly, Jiang Fan got Dylan's advanced tenth level experience!

When he came to the bathroom, Jiang Fan immediately entered the system space!

"System! Improve the Nine Suns Scripture!"

"Ding! The ninth level of the Nine Suns Scriptures requires 9745 causality points. Does the host improve?"



A burst of white light sprinkled down!

The next moment, the true energy in Jiang Fan's body was almost like a landslide and tsunami!

In an instant, the blood vessels and meridians all over his body suddenly bulged because of this terrifying true Qi content!

An unprecedented powerful feeling made him suddenly roar!

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