God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 647: Tenth-level Divine Spell Glory Barrier

"Miss Su!"

Jacques only felt dry for a while!

Without saying anything, he pounced on Su Lingyu!

The old Emil who followed in was stunned!

Su Lingyu was also stunned!

This Jacques, acting so ridiculous!

Such a premium product is simply unheard of!

But he is one of the most unoffendable people in the Fernan family!

At this moment, Su Lingyu was completely panicked!

Originally thought it was extremely safe among the Amir family, Yu Rui was sent out by her early in the morning!

But who would have thought that this Jacques was such a thing!

Seeing that Jacques was about to pounce on Su Lingyu!


The old Emil roared suddenly!

He is willing to go!

I would rather let Danielle take the shot, and definitely not let Su Lingyu be humiliated!

As for offending Fernand and the consequences of Kord's action, he can't care about it!

In order to suppress Jiang Fan's treasure, he has lost a son and grandson, and now he has overwhelmed the entire family!


With the sound of the wind, a figure rushed towards Jacques as fast as thunder!

It is the steward of the Emir family, Danielle!


Korod, who was behind Jacques, suddenly sneered!

Although Jacques is not a weapon, he is a member of the Fernand family after all!

What Jacques does, he doesn't care! But if someone takes a shot at Jacques, he will never be merciless!

Korod suddenly appeared in front of Danielle at a point, and then he blasted out a punch!

This punch can't kill Danielle, but absolutely, it can seriously wound him!

After all, Danielle was only at level 9. Facing Corolla, he didn't even have room for resistance. He could only show a bitter smile in despair!

Seeing, this punch is about to hit Niel's chest!

But at this moment!


A scream of torn air suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, a silhouette came first, suddenly passed Danielle, and hit Korold's fist with a heavy punch!


There was a thunder in the entire hall!

Everyone is covering their ears in pain!

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable, tenth-level master Korod suddenly flew out!

This master was actually blown away by the person who appeared later!


The figure fell steadily to the ground, and then, it grabbed Jacques's neck!

"Jiang Fan!"

Su Lingyu was overjoyed!

The old Emil also breathed a sigh of relief!

Only Danielle was shocked!

Jiang Fan was obviously only level nine, but unexpectedly, he blasted Korod, who was at level ten, into flight!

Fighting at level 9 to level 10, this kind of thing is unprecedented!

Too tough!

No wonder the master did not hesitate and offend Fernan for Mr. Jiang!

"the host!"

"Foster father!"

"What happened?"

At this time, hearing the explosion, Lu Bu and Curtis also rushed out of the room!

However, when they saw this scene downstairs, the two of them were shocked!

At this time, Corod, who had been blasted out of the door, finally got up with a gloomy expression!

At this moment, he was so angry and mad!

Own, but dignified tenth level!

But it was blown away by a ninth level!

What a shame!

"Boy! No matter who you are, let go of Master Jacques immediately! I can, give you a good time!"

Korod walked into the villa step by step, the terrifying aura exuding all over his body, almost everyone could not breathe!

"Tenth level! It is actually a tenth level!"

"What a strong aura! It's amazing!"

"It's over! It's over this time!"

Curtis was trembling with fright!

He didn't expect that when he woke up from sleep, Jiang Fan actually offended such a terrible character!

The key is that his phylogenetic is still in Jiang Fan's hands!

If Jiang Fan died, he would not survive!

And Danielle and others are also pale!

Even Lu Bu's forehead had a layer of fine sweat!

However, in the face of the astonishing Korod, Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

Instead, he looked at Jacques coldly!


"Yes! It's me!"

Jacques was pinched by Jiang Fan, not afraid at all!

Instead, he looked impatient!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had just woke up and didn't wear a mask at all. Jacques didn't recognize him!

"Boy, now that you know who I am, let me go quickly! Don't delay Laozi from doing business!"

"That's not right, I'm so happy, and I can let Krood let you go!"

While talking, Jacques had already squinted at Su Lingyu!

"Let me go?"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly evoked a joking smile!

At this moment, Corod only felt that his hair was going to stand up!

murderous look!

This is an unabashed murderous look!

This kid is going to kill Jacques!

"Boy! Stop it!"

Korod suddenly let out a scream in fright!

Jiang Fan had already grinned, and suddenly punched Jacques in the chest!

"Mr. Jiang! Don't!"

"Oh my God!"

"stop it now!"

"It's over! We are all dead!"

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan, this kid, is simply an irritable old man. He didn't agree with him, and he actually killed people directly!

Not to mention anything else, it's just this domineering, unprecedented!

But, this is a member of the Fernan family!

If he dies, everyone will have to bury him!

And seeing Jiang Fan's fist bang, Jacques screamed in shock!

He never dreamed that there were people who really dared to kill him!

That's it!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan's fist had already hit Jacques heavily!

But beyond everyone's expectations!

The scene of Jacques's tragic death did not happen, but a white barrier suddenly bloomed on his chest!

This barrier was born close to the body, covering Jacques's body in an instant, and even Jiang Fan's hand holding Jacques' neck was bounced away!

"Tenth-level magical technique-glory barrier?!"

Curtis screamed suddenly!

Jacques was actually blessed by the magician!

Although the Glory Barrier is not the tenth-level defensive magic technique, it is the most durable magic technique!

As long as the person being casted is still alive, this magical technique can exist for a long time by constantly absorbing the vitality he lost every day!

Dick unexpectedly thought of this method to save Jacques' life!

"Hahaha! I'm not dead! It turns out that I still have this kind of life-saving thing!"

Jacques, who was so frightened, suddenly laughed triumphantly!

Korod breathed a sigh of relief!

This kid must have been dizzy just now, so he dared to attack Master Jacques!

Now that he can't get a hit, he must have calmed down!

Absolutely dare not continue to shoot!

However, if you dare to kill Fernan, you will never let him go!

Even, he has seen Jiang Fan, being smashed into a ball of meat sauce by himself!


When everyone was relieved, Jiang Fan sneered, and unexpectedly raised his fist again!

Everyone was stunned!

next moment!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly struck him with another punch!


The ground under everyone's feet trembled suddenly!


There was a tiny crack on the glory barrier!

Everyone just thinks that the scalp is going to explode!

Jiang Fan actually dared to make a move!

This is going to be with Fernan, endlessly dying!

Jacques was even more frightened and peeed directly!

He never felt, death, so close!

"Cold! Save me!"

Jacques screamed like crazy!

"Little beast! Stop it!"

Korod roared suddenly, and was about to rush towards Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly hit the third punch, and went up again!


The whole villa shook!

The glory barrier was full of cracks for an instant!


In the next moment, this ten-level barrier was shattered!

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