God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 648: I don't like the look in your eyes

At this moment, Korold had reached behind Jiang Fan, his fist was only half a centimeter away, and he could smash Jiang Fan's head!

However, his fists are stuck tightly, and he never dared to make a point anymore!

Just because Jiang Fan has completely squeezed Jacques's neck, he can completely squeeze Jacques to death with just a small amount of force!

Everyone was stunned!

That's a tenth-level magical technique!

And it's also a defensive shield of glory!

Jiang Fan actually smashed it with three punches!

This strength is simply terrifying!

"Spare, spare..."

Jacques' crotch was thoroughly drenched, and light yellow urine was dripping down the trousers!

too frightening!

This guy is a monster!

I will die, I will definitely die!

But Jiang Fan stopped looking at him at this time, instead slowly turned around, staring at Kold with an unusually cold look!

For an instant, Korder only felt a tremor in his heart!

Inexplicably, there was a trace of unspeakable fear!

"What did you scold me just now?"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!

"Little beast! Quickly let go of Master!"

Korod gritted his teeth and roared directly!

Jiang Fan smiled!

At the moment when everyone looked blank, he suddenly held Jacques's left hand!

next moment!


Jacques' left hand was broken by him!


Jacques suddenly let out a scream!


"It's over! It's over!"

"Too ruthless! This guy is a lunatic!"

"So violent, is he a demon!"

"Oh, master! Give me the phyla! I don't want to die!"

Everyone was shocked!

Too cruel!

too crazy!

The Fernan family will never let them go!

Korod was even more pale!

The face is unbelievable!

"If you scold me once, I will break one of his limbs. If you count the neck, you still have four chances!"

"Come on! Keep cursing! Don't stop!"

Jiang Fan ridiculed his face!

Cordero's face is blue!

However, the next moment, he suddenly pinched Su Lingyu's neck!

"Let go of Master Jacques! Otherwise, what do you do to Master, I will do to this woman!"

"It's shameless!"

"Dignified tenth level, the methods are so nasty!"

"Let go of Miss Su! Have the ability to come to me!"

Lu Bu and others looked angry!

But Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

"Oh? Then you can try! Everyone here, as long as you dare to move one of their fingers, I'll crush this idiot's neck immediately!"

"is it?"

Korod smiled sullenly, and suddenly his hands tightened, and he almost suffocated Su Lingyu!

Jiang Fan's expression remained unchanged, and suddenly he kicked Jacques's knee!


With a crisp sound, Jacques's knee was crushed by Jiang Fan's kick!


Jacques suddenly let out a mournful cry!


Korod was stunned!

It was the first time that he saw Jiang Fan such a arrogant existence!

"Don't stop! Keep strangling! As long as you strangle Miss Su, this idiot's life is gone!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Korod gritted his teeth angrily, did not dare to gamble anymore, and loosened Su Lingyu!

"You, what do you want?"

"Simple, apologize to me first!"

Jiang Fan said, a gold coin in his hand disappeared in a flash!

Cursed ancient Aztec gold coin: Those who use this gold coin will surely be cursed by Aztec and become an undead spirit whose desire can never be satisfied!

Tip: The system has completely eliminated the effect of the curse! But the effect of gold coins is also greatly reduced!

Note: With this gold coin, the user will be transformed into an immortal spirit within three minutes! But it is only valid for level one and below!

With Jiang Fan's level of caution, how could there be no back-ups!


Korod took a deep breath, finally nodded, and then said very simply, "I'm sorry!"


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Cold is it? You don't seem to have any sincerity?"

Korod's face changed!

"What do you want?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then slowly said: "Kneel down!"


Korod's eyes widened suddenly!

The others were also stunned!

Jiang Fan's expression sank, and suddenly he held a finger of Jacques and broke it fiercely!


A crisp sound!


Jacques howls desperately!


The murderous in Krod's eyes, almost a strong waist overflowed his eye sockets!

But Jiang Fan once again held a finger of Jacques and broke it again!


"Ah!! Kneel down! Are you he? I will kneel down!"

Jacques is almost going crazy!

Even the eyes are red!


Korod didn't dare to hesitate anymore and fell directly down!

Everyone was stunned!

"Oh my God! As expected, Mr. Jiang, too sturdy!"

"Able to force a level ten master to kneel down, no one has ever seen it before!"

"Master! I praise you! You are the incarnation of the Lord of Hell!"

"Foster father mighty!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, full of fear and admiration!

But Korod stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

The hatred and murder in his eyes are as thick as the deepest dark cloud!

"I don't like the look in your eyes!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily, then suddenly raised his foot and stepped directly on Kold's head!

Push him down and step on it!


"Mrs., too arrogant!"

"This Nima is too domineering!"

"Unprecedented! Unprecedented!"

Everyone just feels heartbroken!

grade ten!

Playing with the dignified tenth level is like a dead dog, except for Jiang Fan, there is no one else in this world!

Jiang Fan at this moment is simply indescribable!

Korod's head was stepped on by Jiang Fan, and his whole body was trembling!

At this moment, a strong sense of shame almost overwhelmed everything!

He clenched his fists, and suddenly let out a deafening roar!


The whole ground trembled violently!

With Kold's knees as the center, the whole land sank a full 30 centimeters in an instant!

Everyone, including Jiang Fan, took a step back!

The next moment, Korod raised his head abruptly, his bloodshot eyes fixed on Jiang Fan!


Korod roared again and suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

At this moment, Jiang Fan flicked his right hand and threw Jacques out directly, and then, with both arms!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan was knocked out by Corod with one punch!

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan smashed through three walls one after another, and fell directly onto the open space outside the villa!


Korod roared, like a mad bullfighting, he slammed into the wall directly and followed him!


Curtis suddenly exclaimed!

"What Berserker?"

Everyone is shocked!

Only Danielle's complexion changed!

"Among all ten levels, after the kendo master breaks through, what he gets is unparalleled attack power!"

"After the magician breaks through, what he gets is the powerful talent to instantly cast all magic below level ten!"

"The breakthrough of a melee master is perfect control of the body!"

"But the Berserkers are different. Although their speed and defense have reached the level of surpassing ninth level, the most terrifying growth is strength!"

"Unparalleled power!"

"The strength of this power is even enough to make up for the shortcomings of speed and defense!"

"In other words, they are a terrifying, humanoid nuclear bomb!"

As soon as Danielle's voice fell, Kold had already blasted Jiang Fan again!

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