Jiang Fan is completely trapped!

son in law?

I helped you so much, so you want your daughter to sleep with me!

How shameless!

But I like it!

Just thinking about what to do, you actually took the initiative to send it to your door!

"Mr. Maxim, you don't need to tell a joke! I don't mean anything to your two daughters!"

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly sank!

Maxim was stunned!

Others are also at a loss!

Takeaway Star is obviously rejecting Maxim!

Could it be that he has any dissatisfaction with Leonid?

If so, then this is an opportunity for people like them!

If Jiang Fan can be hired as a son-in-law, then...

All of them showed excitement for a while!


"However, it would be nice to have them both as followers! Since I want to take them away in the future, then I will give you another big gift!"

As Jiang Fan said, he actually held Maxim's head!

Everyone was taken aback!

In the villa, even at this moment, a few unusually terrifying auras suddenly appeared!

This is the worship of the Leonid family!

However, it hasn't waited for them to take action!

"The heavens and the earth are black and yellow, make me live forever!"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!


Suddenly, Jiang Fan was surrounded by violent winds!

In the next moment, a green glow appeared above Maxim's head!


The wrinkles at the corners of Maxim's eyes began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the white hair on the temples turned black!

Even the skin on the face and hands began to become smoother!

In an instant, Maxim's whole person was actually ten years younger!


"This, what kind of tactic is this!"

"It makes people directly younger so much!"

"It's horrible! This, this is God's grace!"

Everyone was shocked!

The eyes looking at Jiang Fan are already full of fear and worship!

Even Agata and Ajelena were equally shocked!

Mr. Water, how much ability do you have?

Maxim was trembling all over, he felt it, a kind of vitality that he had never had before!

That is, the power of youth!

"Daughter, son-in-law, what is this?"

Maxim looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

When a miracle rises to a miracle, it is not shock, but awe!

"Small means! Ask God to borrow my fate!"


"Is this the method he used in Gaul?"

"A miracle! This is a miracle! No wonder he is called the gift of life!"

"Mr. Water! Let me regain my youth too! Any amount is fine!"

"Yes! As long as you can restore my youth and bankrupt my family, I will not hesitate!"

The eyes of the crowd changed from fear to greed in an instant!

"Everyone, I was originally in Gaul, and I have used up my life, but because the accumulated blessings moved God, so I gave me another 40 years of qualifications!"

"Just now, I have given Maxime a ten-year birthday, so now, there are only thirty years left!"

"If you want, you must cherish it!"

Facing the greedy crowd, Jiang Fan smiled!

Hehe, the air is really full of the smell of wealth!



The Lamborghini is driving fast to the hotel!

After Jiang Fan said those words, everyone was boiling!

And Jiang Fan directly told Gaul's set again, and tomorrow afternoon, he will take a secret shot at Leonid's villa!

Thinking of those endless causal points, Jiang Fan almost laughed!

However, we have to hurry up tonight!

Can't let it go on both sides!

Fight, style blooms!

Su Lingyu's face on one side became more gloomy!

This pervert!

Actually proud to be like this!

No way!

Tonight, my old lady will do you!

Su Lingyu is getting fierce, but at this moment!

Jiang Fan's face suddenly changed when he was driving, and he suddenly hit the steering wheel!


The originally extremely fast Lamborghini made a weird drift, and actually drew a semicircle directly!

The next moment, there was a loud noise on the road where the car was supposed to pass, and a big hole with a diameter of half a meter was exploded!

At the same time, a light blue flame suddenly rose from the pit!

"Jiang Fan!"

Su Lingyu exclaimed!

"It's okay! It's a special seed bomb! I've encountered it before!"

At that time, he was assassinated by Xu Chuan, and the other party used this kind of bullet!

At this moment, Victor and others who followed also rushed up!

"Mr. Water! Are you okay?"

A group of bodyguards got out of the car and immediately surrounded the Lamborghini!

"Get everyone away! It's a sniper, and the opponent is at least 1,500 meters away!"

After Jiang Fan got off the car, he waved directly!

"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect you to have encountered two assassinations when you first arrived here! Mr. Water, our Vasily family is not well protected, you..."

Victor looked ashamed!

He is almost ashamed now!

Lost your lord!

Two assassinations, their protection is weak but like shit!

Didn't even help me at all!

"Victor! Between friends, you don't need to say so much! Besides, I'm fine!"

Jiang Fan patted his shoulder with a smile!

"Mr. Water..."

Victor's moved eyes flushed!

"Well, there should be no more assassinations on the road, go back to the hotel!"

"Then, that sniper?"

Victor wants to send someone to investigate it!


"He? Hehe..."

Jiang Fan smiled weirdly and got into the car directly!

The roof of a building that is 1,600 meters away from here!

A killer lying on the ground, holding a sniper rifle, was looking through the scope and staring at Jiang Fan incredible!

too exaggerated!

What kind of car skill is this?

Can actually drift like this!

The key is, how did he discover that there was a sniper?

Just when the killer looked dumbfounded, behind him, suddenly a cloud of black smoke appeared out of thin air!

The next moment, a palm-like palm suddenly stretched out of the black smoke!

The killer seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned over!

However, at this moment, that hand slightly twitched its fingers!

next moment!


At the foot of the killer, a black flame suddenly appeared!


The flame does not damage the clothes at all, but it is like sulfuric acid to the flesh!

Almost instantly, the killer's two legs became two white skeletons!


The killer suddenly let out a miserable howl!

"It's too weak, you dare to assassinate the master with this kind of stuff?"

The black smoke dissipated, and Curtis, who was shrouded in the cloak, suddenly appeared!

"You, you are a necromancer!"

The killer looked at Curtis with horror!

"Wow! You can actually see who I am! So, do you want to say the messenger happily, or do you want a perfect feast for the dead?"

"I, I say! I say everything!"

"Good boy, Jie Jie!"

In half an hour!

In the hotel!

"Master, the other party is a killer hired by a small family, the purpose is to reward the underground forces!"

Curtis looked at Jiang Fan respectfully!

At this moment, besides him, Lu Bu and Wang Yi are also in the room!

"Very good! Wang Yi, write it down!"


"Foster father, where do you start next?"

"Yuri was the first to assassinate me, right? That's him!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

Tonight’s Green City is destined to set off a frenzy of claims!

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