God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 664: Haha 60 million are all mine

76 Tverskaya Street!

At this moment, in a bedroom, Yuri is lying lazily on the bed, watching the night news!

"According to our news, there was an unidentified gun battle in the middle of Juan Avenue this morning! According to witnesses, a total of six guns shot each other with guns. The police arrived and successfully captured six gunmen. One of them was allegedly It's a subordinate nicknamed "Yuri the Hoe"..."

"Huh! This idiot dared to betray me!"

Yuri turned off the TV and spoke slowly to the secretary on one side, who was also his mistress!

"Yulia, tell your subordinates, that **** who betrayed me, he can go to death!"

"Good boss!"

Yulia smiled charmingly!

"By the way, is there no news about the killer hired?"

Yuri asked suddenly!

"I just heard a subordinate say that when the assassin was assassinated in the afternoon, he seemed to have missed and was caught!"

"Trash! Didn't that guy claim to be on the gunman list? Killing an actor is so troublesome!"

Yuri looked dissatisfied!

"I heard that the takeaway star has a strong bodyguard, he caught the killer! Boss, will the other party retaliate against us?"


Yuri sneered!

"They are actors, can there be any forces to retaliate against me? Besides, do they have evidence? Ha ha, capitalism is really amazing, as long as you have money, you can solve all troubles!"

"The boss is right, shall we go to sleep?"

"Hey hey, of course, my little cutie, see what I do tonight—"

Before Yuri finished speaking, the door of his room burst into pieces!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan had already taken Lu Bu and others, strode in!

"You, who are you?"

Yuri's previous smirk completely froze on his face!

"Oh, you are looking for someone to kill me, and you ask who am I?"

"You, are you a takeaway star?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Yuri was stunned!

After a long time, he suddenly laughed wildly!

"Idiot! How dare you take the initiative to bring him to the door! Come here! Catch him for me!"

"Hahaha! Sixty million! Sixty million are all mine!"

Yuri was excited, and the fat on his stomach trembled!


Ten seconds passed!

Half a minute passed!

Two minutes passed!

Not alone!

Yuri is dumbfounded!

The expression on his face was the excitement from the beginning, and gradually turned into fear!

In his house, there are usually at least ten gunmen!

You can get to the bedroom in a few seconds!

Not showing up for so long, that can only show that those people...


Yuri swallowed desperately!

"I found something wrong? Your reaction is still really slow!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and directly raised his hand!

Lu Bu suddenly smiled coldly, and directly pinched Yuri's neck!

"You, what do you want to do? You are breaking into a private house, this is a crime!"

Yuri snarled frantically!

"I'm good at talking, take all his teeth out for me!"

"You, what are you going to do? No, no, um-ah!!!"

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fan and others had already walked out of Yuri's house!

"Only more than fifty causal points, what a poor ghost!"

Jiang Fan grumbled dissatisfied!

"No, boss, he has a lot of money!"

Wang Yi was holding a handful of bank cards with a look of excitement!

"This thing is nothing outside of the body, so take a long-term view! Otherwise, how can you follow me in the future?"

Jiang Fan taught!

"You have a long-term vision, and I will follow you to make a fortune--"

Halfway through Wang Yi's words, he suddenly froze!

He looked at Jiang Fan almost incredulously, and his whole body trembled with excitement!

"You, what do you mean, is..."

"Pharaoh, are you interested in following me all the time?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Wang Yi is a person who is greedy and timid on the surface, but in fact, he has a delicate mind and has his own way of dealing with the world!

Last time in Gaul, he remembered everything clearly in just three hours after the stack of documents was handed over to him!

And every time he took him to robbery, as long as he didn't allow him, he never took a bit more!

Everyone knows Zhang Wentao's stinky temper in the circle, and he changed batch after batch with his deputy director, but Wang Yi always stayed!

What's more, this global promotion is so important that only one Wang Yi followed!

The point is that he clearly knew who he was through the dialogue and reaction between Su Lingyu and Yu Rui, but he didn't say anything!

Such a sleek, smart-minded, strict-mouthed person who knows how to choose is more important to Jiang Fan at this moment than a tenth-level master!

Observations these days are enough for Jiang Fan to make some decisions!

"Boss, I, I, I have! I want to follow you!"

Wang Yi's eyes are almost shining!

The experience of these days has completely brought him into a wonderful world that he had never thought of!

For any man, such an attraction is fatal!

No matter whether it is a child with a beard, or an old man with yellow hair, a man in the world, who doesn't want to be pleased with enmity?

And following Jiang Fan, all this will happen naturally!

The most important thing is that Jiang Fan is too strong, whether it is strength, wisdom, or even tolerance!

Follow such a strange man to see the vast world, that is what people dream of!

"Don't worry!"

Jiang Fan suddenly chuckled!

"Follow me, although there are many benefits, but there are also many dangers!"

"I'm not afraid!"

Wang Yi looked serious!



"Even if it is, Zhou's family?"

"Zhou's family?"

Wang Yi was taken aback!

"Yes! Four great families in the capital, Zhou family!"


Wang Yi gasped suddenly!

"It's okay, think about this question slowly, just give me an answer before returning to China!"

Although Wang Yi is a talent Jiang Fan urgently needs, Jiang Fan will never leave a half-hearted person by his side!

The smarter people are, the more they understand the stakes, and the harder they are to conquer!

However, once such a person is sincere, his role is far better than a fighter who only knows how to kill!

This is Jiang Fan's choice for Wang Yi, and it is also Wang Yi's greatest opportunity in this life!

"Okay, hurry up, I'll be a lot busier tonight!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he got in the car first!

However, a few people were stopped before they left this street!

The person who stopped Jiang Fan was an old man who seemed to be ninety years old!

The old man was short and thin, with white hair, but the momentum all over his body looked like a stormy sea!


Curtis screamed suddenly!

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Although this old man named Holland is only at level 9, the power fluctuations that burst out of his body are unusually strong, and they have definitely surpassed the scope of level nine!

"He is a melee master of abilities. Although he is only ninth level, he is called a mage killer because of his extraordinary speed! He is a legend of the last century!"

Curtis looked terrified!

Any magician is most afraid of such high-speed assassin characters!

Jiang Fan frowned and got out of the car!

"Master, you also came for my head?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Holland smiled in a hoarse voice, then shook his head!

"Boy, give me all the 30 years of life, today, I will let you make a living!"

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