God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 665: What's the use of **** like you

As soon as Holland spoke out, everyone was taken aback!


"Hahaha! Is this old man crazy?"

"Old man, don't come out until you reach level ten, it's really not enough for my foster father!"

"Senior Holland, although you are known as the killer of the mage, you are really not the opponent of the master, let's go!"

"That's right! Old man, look at you like this, so you can live for another two years if you don't help, don't rush to death!"

"let's go!"

Wang Yi and others shook their heads!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help but speak!

"Well, I respect your age, or you should find a place to walk around! We are in a hurry, I will invite you to have tea if I have a chance in the future!"

Holland was stunned!

With a dumb look!

"You, are you taunting me?"

"This, I can't talk about ridicule, it's totally kind!"

Jiang Fan's face is sincere!

"Fuck, bastard!"

Holland was furious and suddenly pulled out a dagger!

next moment!


The old man's speed was almost faster than lightning, and he was in front of Jiang Fan in an instant!

The dagger had already been spotted on Jiang Fan's neck!



A cold light flashed in Jiang Fan's hand, and he directly swung the dagger out!


The old man was shocked!

He has been trapped at the ninth level for more than thirty years!

With the accumulation of these thirty years, his speed has definitely surpassed the ninth level limit!

However, this kid actually swung his own dagger so easily!


He must be lucky!

Holland's eyes were fierce, and he directly used his full strength!

For a while, the sky is full of shadows of daggers!



Jiang Fan almost didn't even look at it. The pine pattern ancient sword in his hand was almost like a shield. The old man couldn't even get close to him a meter in front of him!

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Holland's eyes are about to stare out!

"Master, I advise you again, don't delay my time, go!"

Jiang Fan kindly persuaded him again!

"Don't think about it! That Shouyuan, I'm going to make a decision!"

Holland suddenly roared, his whole body soaring!

The speed is three points faster!

This is already his limit, he is almost fighting like a burnt life!


"Stubbornness! Seeing your age, I will teach you a lesson if I don't kill you!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and the evil swordsmanship was deployed in an instant!

Compared with speed, among the same level, there is no faster than evil swordsmanship!

"Swipe it!"

Holland only felt that almost all of his pupils were a splendid sword shadow!

This sword shadow is too brilliant, and it actually makes him have the illusion of blindness!

next moment!

He just felt cold all over!


As soon as Jiang Fan's sword was retracted, he turned and left!


Holland screamed and was about to catch up!



As soon as he moved, the clothes all over his body suddenly exploded into rags in the sky!

For a time, the old man was smooth and clean!

The body, which resembles dried orange peel, is directly exposed to everyone!

The old man opened his mouth and trembled all over!

too fast!

How could there be such a fast sword in this world!

Compared with his own speed, it looks like a tortoise!

too strong!

It's so shocking!

"Wait, wait! I, I can't live for too long! As long as you give me my life, I am willing to serve you as the Lord!"

Holland screamed suddenly!


"Heh! I haven't been able to break through the tenth level in 30 years. What use do I use for a trash like you?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly, and the car door closed!



The car quickly went away, leaving only Holland trembling in the wind!


The old man spouted a mouthful of blood, and then, with a look of unwillingness, slowly fell to the ground!

This former legend, the killer of the mage, was actually ashamed and angrily killed by Jiang Fan's words!

Seeing this scene, people suddenly flickered on the surrounding buildings!

The exclamations continued to sound!

"Holland was so easy to be seconds by him!"

"The point is, he didn't even test the true strength of this kid at all!"

"So strong, is it level ten?! Hidden clumsy deliberately?"

"Impossible! If he wants to hide his clumsiness, he might as well adjust his aura to an ordinary person!"

"Yes, maybe his strongest is speed!"

"There is still a chance! Keep up!"

The figure is so dazzling, chase Jiang Fan up again!

And in the car!

Jiang Fan silently glanced out the window, then suddenly sneered!

"Huh! Liling Zhifazou! A group of people with half their feet in the coffin are not honest yet!"

"Foster father, you mean, those people who followed are the same as Holland, they are all old guys?"

"Not all, some people should be hired...a group of flies!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Master, these old guys, they have an average age of ninety. The end is approaching. As long as there is a chance, they will definitely not let it go! I think they won't stop so easily!

Curtis' expression is a bit solemn. Although these people are no longer at the peak of their bodies and strengths, everyone has their own unique skills!

As far as he knows, Holland has a trick "Meteor Fall", the speed of an instant is almost comparable to that of level ten! It's just that the old man was stunned by Jiang Fan before he was able to show him!

"You are wrong. The more this kind of people are, the more afraid of death. As long as they understand the gap, they will definitely retreat!"

"Forget it, I wanted to give them a chance, since I'm looking for death by myself, you don't have to be polite!"

Jiang Fan said, suddenly looking at Wang Yi!



Wang Yi hurriedly braked!

The car hadn't stopped, Jiang Fan had already rushed out!

At this moment, a group of people who were following Jiang Fan were startled when the car stopped!

This is a low-rise building complex, the road is narrow, the car stopped here, it is simply a chance for them to ambush!

However, I haven't waited for them to make a move!

"What's the matter? How did this kid rush out?"

"Looking at the direction, it turned out to be us!"

"What does he want to do? Why did he take out the sword?"

"No, he seems to want to shoot us!"

"Is this kid crazy?"

The crowd exclaimed!

And Jiang Fan had already rushed up to a two-story building, facing a dazed old man, pierced out with a sword!


The old man exclaimed and flashed sideways in a hurry!


Although the old man is extremely fast, his scalp is still shaved off!


The old man screamed and backed desperately!

And the other tall man beside him had already hit Jiang Fan with a punch!

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth and swung his long sword abruptly. At the same time, his left hand made a fist, and he directly hit the tall man with a backhand punch!



The sound of Jian Xiao and fist colliding almost sounded at the same time!

next moment!

The old man's head suddenly flew up!

But the entire right arm of the tall man was completely exploded by Jiang Fan, and even half of his chest disappeared!

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