God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 687: Skeleton Tomb Tree Roots

Jiang Fan took a closer look and frowned!

That thing was a piece of dry tree trunk!

The introduction on the brochure is: the dry roots in the tomb of skulls and crossbones!

"What is this?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Master, do you know the Tomb of Skulls in Bali?"

Bali Skull Tomb, originally an underground limestone quarry!

In 1786, the plague broke out in Bali. In order to solve the problem of insufficient cemetery and public health crisis, people transferred the bones buried in all cemeteries in the city to this place. Since then, they have been used as a cemetery until 1814!

So how big is this tomb? Most people may not even imagine it!

Its length is 200 miles (about 321.87 kilometers), and it is stacked with 6 million human bones!

"Master, in such a huge tomb, think about it, how strong the power of death will be!"

"And this dry root of the tree was dug out from there!"

"This thing has absorbed the death power of those bones over the years. It is an ominous thing to avoid in the eyes of others, but for us Necromancers, it is simply a treasure!"

"As long as I have this thing, I am absolutely confident to reach level ten in the future!"

Curtis looked excited, and his extremely pale face was faintly glowing red!

"Since there is a root, there must be a tree. Why don't you look for a tree? Besides, wouldn't it be good to just go there and practice?"

Lu Bu looked curious!

"The tree has long been destroyed by the Council of Light! Also, the Tomb of the Skeletons has been enchanted by them, and we can't get in at all! The roots of this tree were secretly brought out!"

Curtis sighed!

"All right, I bought it for you! This thing... Damn! One hundred thousand dollars?!"

Everyone was stunned!

This thing is so cheap?

"Necromancers are inherently few, and apart from our dark council and individual supernatural powers, this thing is not available to others at all, so it is cheap!"

Leonard explained!

Several people were talking gossip, and soon, it was the turn of the roots of the tree to be auctioned!

The root of the tree is only a section of the length of the arm, and it is contained in a crystal box engraved with magic symbols!

"Everyone! The next one is from the roots of the Tomb of Skulls! This thing..."

The host racked his brains for a long time, but did not figure out how to introduce this thing!

This thing, how bad you look at it!

In desperation, he looked directly at the unlucky mage who spent 10 million and bought a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil!

"The starting price, one hundred thousand dollars!"

"One hundred thousand! I want it!"

The unlucky necromancer spoke immediately!

"Two hundred thousand!"

Curtis suddenly smiled!

The unlucky face sank: "Five hundred thousand!"

The host was directly excited!

Originally, he thought there was only one Necromancer who would want it, but he didn't expect that there would be people bidding!

"Everyone! This is--"

It's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking yet!

"one million!"

Curtis' voice became cold! At the same time, two groups of green ghost fires floated out of his pupils, and he glanced directly at the hapless mage!


"It's actually level 9!"

"There are only a handful of ninth-level necromancers in the world. Is this guy Curtis?"

"Yes! It must be him!"

The crowd changed!

The unlucky guy was even more shocked, and swallowed the bid that had already reached his lips!

At the same time, he bends down at Curtis very respectfully!


Curtis smiled triumphantly!

At the same time grinning at Jiang Fan!

the host!

Have you seen it, I am Curtis in the circle, and I am also the number one character!

The host is helpless!

"Okay! One million, the roots of this skull tomb belong to—"

"five million!"

At this moment, in a private room above the venue, a gloomy and unusual sound suddenly sounded!

Curtis' triumphant smile directly froze on his face!

And Jiang Fan and others are even more grinning!

The Necromancer's face is livid!

It's hard to pretend to be a force in front of the owner, and he was beaten in the face so quickly!

Oh shit! No matter who you are, today I am Uncle Curtis, you must be good-looking!

Curtis looked directly at the private room angrily!

It just so happened that the curtain on the window of the private room suddenly opened, suddenly revealing a tall and thin man like a skeleton!

This man was wearing a black cloak like Curtis, but on the neckline of his cloak was embroidered with a blood-red pentagram!

And his exposed head was pierced with countless blood-red twisted runes!

"God! Augustus the Necromancer!"

"He is there!"

"So, he is also running towards this root of the tree?"

"Usually a Necromancer can't see it, but I actually saw three today!"

"The most important thing is that one of them is actually a master above level ten!"

The crowd was shocked!

The look in Augustus's eyes was even more fearful!

The tenth-level necromancer is completely different from the ninth-level!

The most important difference is that they have their own dimensional space, so they can continuously summon all kinds of weird creatures without chanting and cast spells, forming an army of dead spirits, and completely drowning their opponents!

At the same time, after reaching level ten, their survivability is greatly enhanced!

Unless you find a phylogenetic, you can't kill them at all!

As soon as he saw Augustus, Curtis was shocked!

Respectfully bowed to Augustus, then sat back on his seat honestly!

Unexpectedly, the present world report would come so soon, he was bullied as soon as he finished threatening others!

However, as soon as he sat down, Curtis was already full of hideous expressions!

"Damn it! This greedy, dirty, ugly monster! I didn't expect him to come!"

"It's shameless that a level ten person is still robbing me for something!"

"When I reach level ten one day, I must take this old guy's bones apart and make the soup!"

Curtis cursed desperately, and Augustus had already smiled triumphantly!

This cut root belongs to me! After all, no one would offend a Necromancer for this thing!

Unexpectedly, at this moment!

"Five hundred and one hundred thousand!"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded!

Everyone was startled, their eyes widened and looked in the direction of the sound!

"It's that Chinese man!"

"Is he crazy?"

"Chinese warriors don't need this thing at all!"

"Could it be that he did it for Curtis?"

"Probably, he is the master of Curtis!"

"There is a kind! For the sake of my own servant, dare to challenge the tenth-level Necromancer!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, full of admiration!

Leonard also looked shocked!

Worthy of being a Chinese, really strong!

"the host!"

Curtis looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

An unspeakable touch suddenly appeared in my heart!

The host is so great!

It turned out to be right with Augustus for himself!

"You don't need to be polite, just take it quickly, we still have to do business!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and looked directly at Augustus!

Augustus's face is very ugly at this moment!

Several millions are of no importance to him!

The key is that there are people who dare not give themselves face!

And this is just a level nine like an ant!

Looking at Jiang Fan coldly, Augustus suddenly closed the curtains again!

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