God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 688: What's your name, lad

"Five hundred and one hundred thousand, a deal!"

Seeing Jiang Fan got such a thing, there was already a trace of regret in everyone's eyes!

Augustus did not increase the price anymore, obviously he had already murdered Jiang Fan!

I'm afraid that if he can't even go out of two streets, he will have to be turned into a skeleton by Augustus!

After the credit card transfer is over, a staff member will soon invite them to inspect the goods!

At this moment, the hapless Necromancer's eyes rolled, and he actually followed!

Curtis frowned!

"Asshole! What are you doing with you?"

"My lord, I, the dinosaur skeleton I just bought hasn't been inspected yet..."

The hapless guy was taken aback and hurriedly explained!

"Forget it, let's go together!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

This unlucky guy obviously wanted to take the opportunity to see this cut of the root of the tree. For the Necromancer, the allure of this thing was too great!

"Thank you, sir!"

Unlucky look grateful!

Soon, a few people came to an empty room!

Except for the crystal box with the roots of the skull tomb tree, the dinosaur skeleton is there!

The hapless guy went to look at the bone shelf enthusiastically, and Curtis had already picked up the box excitedly!


The box opened, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the empty room!

Accompanied by a miserable howl!

The staff who led everyone here screamed in fright and sat down on the ground!

And the hapless guy desperately twitched his nose desperately!

This rich smell of death is more fascinating than any taste in the world!

Curtis was trembling all over with excitement!

"What a strong breath of death! It's actually stronger than I thought!"

Curtis was stroking the roots of the tree obsessively, his appearance was almost the same as the pervert touching his thighs!

Jiang Fan saw a chill, and the goose bumps almost disappeared!

"Respect, respectable lord, can you, can you let me touch this cute and charming little guy?"

The hapless guy actually didn't know when he came up, begging Curtis with a hopeful look!

"Okay! Just let you touch it!"

Curtis is in a good mood at the moment!

Besides, besides the two of them, no one thinks how precious this thing is!

Show off baby, it has always been human nature!

Seeing Curtis agreed, the hapless guy was overjoyed!

Reach out, just want to touch it!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan actually buckled the box!

"grown ups!"

The hapless guy was stunned!

Curtis was also a little confused!

"Hehehe, boy, what's your name?"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the hapless guy with a gentle expression!

It's just that, in the eyes of Curtis, this smile is obviously full of bad intentions!

The hapless guy obviously didn't know Jiang Fan's insidious cunning, and immediately spoke honestly!

"My lord, my name is Justin!"

"Good name!"

Jiang Fan smiled again!

"Justin, I think you and I are very congenial, I don't know why, I suddenly want to give you something!"

Everyone was stunned!

Afterwards, Curtis and others suddenly felt chills!

They really know who Jiang Fan is!

That is a demon who eats people without spitting out bones!

Give someone something for no reason, this is even more nonsense than a pie in the sky!

Justin was also stunned!

"My lord, you, you want to give me something?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and suddenly took the crystal box, and then, directly from the root of the skull tomb, he cut a full length of five centimeters, and handed it to Justin together with the box!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Justin was even more shocked!

"This, this is for me?"

"Of course! Take it! Maybe someday I need your help!"

Justin obviously felt something was wrong!

However, the natural greed of the Necromancer firmly prevailed!

He involuntarily stretched out his hand, took the crystal box in one hand, and hugged it firmly in his arms!

"Thanks, sir?"

"You're welcome, let's go!"

"Good, good!"

Justin was trembling with excitement. For fear that Jiang Fan would regret it, he ran away!

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the greedy Curtis did not even object to it from beginning to end!

"Curtis, that's the root of the skeleton tomb! The boss gave him so much, why didn't you respond?"

Lu Bu looked curious!

"Xiaobu, do you think the master is a great good person?"

Curtis asked in a cold sweat!

"This, definitely not!"

"Then do you think that the master's advantage is so good?"

Curtis trembled all over!

"Don't forget, at that time, the owner just gave Dick a worthless bow and helped Albert get Fernan's true inheritance rights. Now, he actually gave out such a valuable thing. You guessed it. Ghost Justin, what have to pay?"


Everyone gasped!

Jiang Fan had already smiled sullenly, and beckoned to several people!

"The hunt begins!"


An inconspicuous Ford Focus merrily Benz on the boulevard!

Justin was holding the square plate in his left hand, and holding the crystal box tightly in his right hand, his entire face was almost full of laughter!

With this small root of the tree, he only needs to continuously absorb the power of death inside, which is enough to reach level 9 in a short time!

So lucky!

There are such idiots in the world who give away benefits!

However, if the Huaxia guy was a bit stupid and gave it all to me, it would be even better!

Do you want to try to contact him again and take the rest?

If that is the case, he will become a Necromancer in the future!

When Justin thought of this, he couldn't help staying on the crystal box and kissed it!

"Ah! This fascinating breath of death!"

Justin took a deep breath of the dead spirit that overflowed from the crystal box, and looked intoxicated!

However, he was taken aback for a moment, and he always felt that something seemed wrong!

At this moment!


In front of the fast-moving Fox, a black vortex with a diameter of five meters suddenly appeared!

The next moment, a head as high as three meters, his whole body looked like a terrifying giant stitched together by all kinds of rotten meat, suddenly leaped out of the whirlpool!


Justin screamed suddenly!

The voice was frightened and changed!

next moment!


A loud noise!

Abomination has lifted his big hand that looked like a window frame, and slammed it on Fox's hood!


The whole car trembled suddenly, and the next moment, all the windows exploded at the same time!

Justin let out a miserable cry and was thrown out of the car directly!


Justin fell to the ground fiercely, his head bled!

However, he still held the crystal box tightly!

"Hate! How can there be hatred!"

Abomination is a general term for a necromantic creature. Although it is slow and clumsy, it has super power!

This kind of monster, the whole body is pieced together by dead corpses, and then cast by a necromancer, can it be formed!

According to the different mana of the Necromancer, the strength of hatred is also different!

And the power of this abomination has definitely reached the ninth level!

In other words, its owner is at least the ninth limit!

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