Everyone looked stagnant!

And Doujiri's complexion sank even more!

"Zuo Jing! What did you say?"

"I said you were so stupid! Don't you understand? No matter how much effort you make, in the end, you still have to lose!"

Zuo Jing looked indifferent, but his eyes were full of mockery!

"Asshole! Do you think your Huyulu team can win a complete victory? I—"

Donjiri's voice hasn't finished!


With a loud noise, the door suddenly burst!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan, expressionless, has slowly walked in!

"Jiang Fan?!"

"Why is he here?"

"Dogjiri! Didn't you say that someone was sent to kill him?"

Everyone looked surprised!

Toojiri was even more shocked!


He sent a total of sixteen powerful monsters!

They only reported to kill Jiang Fan not long ago, why now, Jiang Fan is here instead!

Jiang Fan scanned the audience silently, his eyes finally fixed on Toojiri!

For a moment, Toujiri felt that he had fallen into a boundless sea of ​​blood mixed with countless blood and corpses!

"Bodyguard, bodyguard... bodyguard!"

"Come on! Come on!"

Dojiri almost screamed like crazy!


More than a dozen powerful monsters hidden in the villa burst out from everywhere in an instant, directly surrounding Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan just flicked his right hand!


A dazzling light flashed suddenly!

next moment!

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff!"

Countless heads suddenly skyrocketed!

Blood of various colors sprayed all over the hall!

A few people from Toojiri were pouring their heads and faces all over!

"Got it!"

"Weird, monster!"

"Madman! This madman!"

Everyone’s scared teeth trembled, and the look in Jiang Fan’s eyes was horrified!

One sword!

Another sword!

How could there be such an exaggerated fast sword in this world!

This is not a secret technique at all, this is clearly his most common shot!

"Dogjiri, do you know what I will do to you next?"

Jiang Fan finally said the first sentence when he came here!

"You, what do you want?"

"You, don't be impulsive!"

"I have money, I can give you money! Give you money that you will never spend in ten lifetimes!"

Toojiri screamed desperately in fright, his crotch was wet!


"I will smash your limbs first, and then cut off your nose, ears, and tongue!"

"Next, I will open a small mouth in your belly to reveal the fat!"

"Then put a cotton wick on it!"

"Do you know what will happen next?"

"After igniting the cotton wick, your fat will melt into oil, and the oil will become the burning aid of the cotton wick!"

"According to your figure, burn for three days and three nights, it must be no problem!"

"Right! This trick is called lighting the sky lantern!"

"In my world, there are very few people who have this honor in history!"

"You are really lucky!"

Jiang Fan's tone is extremely plain!

But the group of people who heard him were almost frightened!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, we, we have nothing to do with Doujiri!"

"Please, please, let us go!"

"We, we didn't do anything!"

"Let us go, we are willing to give you all the property!"

A group of BBC chaebols are scared of feces and urine!

At this moment, Toojiri's face was blue and red, his face was distorted, and he inhaled desperately!

But no matter how hard he tried, he could only make a series of "ho **** ho"!


Toojiri suddenly fell on the sofa!

He was actually scared to death by Jiang Fan!

Everyone just thinks that the scalp is going to explode!

so horrible!

You can kill people even if you don't shoot!


Jiang Fan spit out these two words coldly, and with a wave of his hand, Toujiri's head suddenly exploded to pieces!

And he has already moved, turned and left!

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

Zuo Jing stopped Jiang Fan suddenly!

It can be said that Zuo Jing is the real boss behind the scenes in this competition!

And Toguro is just his thug!

Zuo Jing looked at Jiang Fan mockingly!

"Jiang Fan! I am looking forward to it, you are—"


Jiang Fan kicked Zuo Jing directly!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Zuo Jing was kicked upside down and fell to the ground in embarrassment!



As soon as Jiang Fan returned to the hotel, the door of the room was knocked!


Suddenly, Fengshi Zhen, Sho, and Lingju entered cautiously!

"Fifth team member found?"

"Well, my lord, we met a strange guy just now. He said that as long as you are willing to meet him, you will definitely agree to let him be a teammate!"

"Oh? What about the others?"

"I'm here!"

A gentle voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, an unusually handsome man has strode into the room!

However, this man had a pacifier in his mouth!

This look is really nondescript, but Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

"Little Hades?"

In the entire "Youyou Hakusho" world, there is no one else who can hold such a pacifier in such an awesome manner, except for the little Hades!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the little Hades was stunned!

Jiang Fan actually knew him!

It's the first time that I show my adult appearance!

And the wind changed the complexion of the three people!

Little Hades is the actual manager of the spirit world!

Although his strength is weak, he is truly powerful!

He actually came too!

And also join Jiang Fan's team!

Mr. Jiang, it is too strong!

"How do you know who I am?"

After the initial shock, Little Hades finally couldn't help but ask!

"You don't need to know! Why join my team?"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

The wind shocked the three people again!

too strong!

How dare to talk to little Hades like this!

"I want to make a deal with you!"

Little Hades said solemnly!

"What deal?"

"I want that wish of your contest winner!"


Jiang Fan spoke without hesitation!

Little Hades was stunned!

"You, did you agree?"

"if not?"

"You, don't ask me, why do you want that wish?"

"Because of you and mine!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly: "Resurrect You to help them!"


Little Hades' pupils shrank suddenly!

"Don't be so surprised, I really don't look like a soft-hearted, kind-hearted look! But they are my teammates after all!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and then suddenly muttered, "I'm still waiting for them to order takeaway!"

No one heard the words behind Jiang Fan, but the words in front shocked everyone's heart!

Too noble!

It's so affectionate!

It is too scary to be an opponent with Jiang Fan!

However, having such a teammate is simply reassuring to ten thousand people!


Little Hades took a deep breath!

"Jiang Fan! Don't worry, I won't let you help in vain! I will definitely give you a return that meets this condition!"

"It doesn't matter, but what I worry about is, does the organizer of this competition really have this ability?"

"They don't have it! But their technology can completely repair the bodies of the Yusuke several people. At that time, I only need to bring back their souls from the spirit world to bring them back to life!"


Jiang Fan snapped his fingers heavily!

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