God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 713: I want to fight four

"Boom boom boom~~"

Early the next morning, Jiang Fan, who was still asleep, was awakened by the roar of countless helicopters!

According to the plot, today is the semi-final, and the venue of the game is another even bigger venue!

When they were ready, Jiang Fan brought a few people into the wind and rushed to the new venue without delay!

The area of ​​the new venue is even greater, and at the same time it is full of strong Devildom style. The overall look is like a worm's nest!

At this moment, the entire venue is full of seats!

There are desperately screaming spectators everywhere!

And on the ring, a one-eyed monster who was almost beaten into rotten flesh was looking at his opponent with fear!

There, a long-haired man with a strange mask was looking at him mockingly!

This person is exactly the crow in Toguro's team who is good at controlling demon bombs!

"Please, please! Forgive me!"

"I, I'm no more, I quit!"

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The one-eyed monster begged desperately!



The crow suddenly flew high, and then gently pressed the one-eyed monster's head!

next moment!


The whole body of the one-eyed monster was exploded into a pile of minced meat!

"Done again!"

"So handsome!"

"Crow! I love you!"

A group of viewers were extremely excited!

And the referee waved his hand vigorously!

"Fifth battle, victor, crow!"

"Dear viewers, due to the destruction of the Five Lian Evil Team, Toguro Team qualified for the final!"

As the referee's voice sounded, the audience's voice became even more excited!

"Okay! Next is the second round of the semi-finals. Please enter!"


On the opposite side of the rest area, a group of five monsters immediately walked to the ring triumphantly!

But Jiang Fan and others have not yet appeared!

"Hmph! As expected, the same information I got! Yousuke team has been wiped out!"

Suzuki, the dark props master who looks like an old man, has a proud face!

He is very good at making all kinds of magic props, his team can enter the semi-finals, almost all of his credit!

"Great! In this way, we can enter the finals!"

"Yes! Next, we only need to defeat Toguro and win the championship!"

"Hehehe, thank you those big chaebols! If it weren't for them, how could you win so easily!"

"Isn't it! When I think of the horror of Jiang Fan, I even want to abstain!"

Several monsters laughed!

Look at the referee at the same time!

"Hey! Yusuke team hasn't appeared yet, it proves that they abstained! Hurry up and declare our victory!"

"Yes! That's right!"

Several monsters are screaming and happy!

But at this moment!

"Who said I abstained?"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind them!

Several people look back at the same time, the next moment!


"It's that monster Jiang Fan!"

"He he he he he he, isn't he dead?"

"It's got it!"

"Help! Help!"

The five monsters **** off in fright, and they all knelt down with a plop!

"My lord! My lord is forgiving!"

"We can't compare! Let's quit!"

"If we know that you are alive, we wouldn't dare to come out with a hundred courage from us!"

"Please don't kill me!"

Suzuki even tore off the old man's mask, revealing his true colors!

"My lord, as long as you let me go, even if you let me lick your ass!"

Suzuki burst into tears and knocked his head!


Didn’t it mean that Jiang Fan was dead?

If they hadn't been watching for a long time and found that there was no shadow of Jiang Fan and the others, even if they used a knife to force them, they would definitely not come up!

Everyone is dumbfounded!


"Then, that's the Riyuga team!"

"In the previous semifinals, they solved their opponents in two minutes!"

"Such a powerful team is begging for mercy?"

"It's incredible!"

"Is this Jiang Fan's strength already terrifying to this point?"

The crowd all looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

But Jiang Fan sighed!

"You are really hard to see the extreme, I don't want to kill you...nothing! Get out!"

Although the causal points and props are indeed tempting, Jiang Fan really doesn't want to dirty his hands!

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

Suzuki and others were overjoyed, got up and ran!

The referee looked dumbfounded!

After a long time, I spoke!

"... Jiang Fan team won and qualified for the final!"

"Dear viewers, tomorrow will be the final of our competition, please--"

"No need!"

Before the referee had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already grabbed the microphone and looked directly at the rest area of ​​the Toguru team: "Play today!"


"He is going to play in the final today?"

"Is this kid crazy?"

"As expected of a monster, this kind of desire to fight is even stronger than Toguro!"

There was a tumult from the audience!

And Toyulu and others sitting far away in the rest area were all startled!

"Don't promise him!"

Zuo Jing suddenly said with a gloomy expression!

"You have just finished a battle. Although your opponent is not strong, you still consume some energy!"

"The strength of this kid is unfathomable, and he must never leave him a chance!"

Zuo Jing said, he must gesture to the referee!

But at this moment!


A big hand suddenly pressed on Zuo Jing's shoulder!


Zuo Jing was startled!

"Zuo Jing, you are not a fighter after all! Get out!"

The corner of Toguro's mouth was raised, and he strode towards the ring!

And Wuwei and Ya also walked over!

Zuo Jing hesitated a bit!

Finally keep up!

Soon, the two parties have all come to the edge of the arena!

"Actually, I really want to play the final today!"

"What a surprise!"

"so excited!"

"Kill Jiang Fan! Kill Jiang Fan!"

"Toguro! Kill them!"

The audience is completely boiling!

At this moment!

Zuo Jing suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"As you can see, I'm just an ordinary person, and the one behind you, shouldn't it be?"

He pointed at Little Hades!

"Yes, at the moment, he is indeed an ordinary person!"

Little Hades smiled!

"Very well, since we are not fighters, how about using this arena to bet on our lives?"

"Sure, I--"

Before Xiao Hades had finished speaking, Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!

"There is no need to promise him! He is doomed to lose in this battle!"


Everyone was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan has already rushed to the ring!

"Crow, you go!"

Toguro's mouth hooked!


With a move, the crow has already entered the ring!

"Jiang Fan, I will completely blow you up into a pile of powder!"

Ya looked at Jiang Fan coldly!



Jiang Fan suddenly laughed wildly!

"You? You are too weak!"

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Hu Yulu and others!

"You go together! I want to hit the four of you!"


The originally noisy venue was suddenly as quiet as death!

next moment!

"This kid, are you crazy?"

"Too crazy!"

"I have never seen such an arrogant human!"

"Simply domineering!"

"Whether he can win or not, this kid is definitely my idol!"

And Fengzhi Zhen and the others are even more horrified!

Too domineering!

Not to mention Hu Yulu, even the strength of Crow and Wuwei is beyond everyone's reach!

And Jiang Fan, actually wanted to challenge the four of them!

One pick four!

Regardless of Jiang Fan's strength, just this courage is simply unparalleled in the world!

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