God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 714: The agency is exhausted

But the crow on the ring flashed with anger!

"Jiang Fan! You are too crazy!"

He suddenly showed his figure and waved to Jiang Fan!

An invisible demon bomb that no one can see has suddenly emerged from Jiang Fan's eyes!

next moment!

Crow's right hand, shook it hard!


A fire light soars into the sky!

Cover Jiang Fan in an instant!

The violent explosion sound almost spread throughout the venue!

And on the ring, there is even more smoke and dust!

"What a terrifying power!"

"Jiang Fan is dead!"

"Hehehe! This **** human, deserves it!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't see the scene of blood and blood splashing!"

The monsters in the audience are so excited!



As the smoke dissipated, everyone's eyes widened in an instant!

I saw that Jiang Fan was still standing there!


"I said, you are too weak!"

Jiang Fan looked at Crow's gaze, full of mockery!

The crow who didn't take off his mask was not even up to tenth level!

And the golden bell of the eleventh pass, even Miller’s close-up eruption of the holy light can withstand, let alone a small bomb?


Crow looked shocked and threw a monster bomb again!

However, this time, Jiang Fan grabbed the bomb and smiled at Crow!

Then, give a strong grip!


In front of everyone, the bomb was pinched by Jiang Fan and suddenly burst into flames!

"Me, my goodness!"

"Is this guy a steel and iron bone?"

"so horrible!"

"The attack power is already so strong, and now even the defense is so strong!"

"No wonder he dared to pick four!"

A group of monsters are dumbfounded!

Xiao Yan Wang and the others stared even more!

too strong!

Compared to him, Yusuke, who is rich in blood, is simply a soy saucer!


Toguro took a deep breath!

Suddenly stepped onto the ring!

Brother Huyu Lu and Wuwei hesitated, but they also followed suit!

The audience was completely boiling in an instant!

"They actually went up together!"

"Is Jiang Fan really so tough that he needs the entire Huyulu team to play?"

"Shock! This time, it's really worth it!"

Although Jiang Fan's complexion was still plain, a strange light flashed in his eyes!

The first step is done!

Since the system doesn't want to let its own layout, but to really fight, well, not only to fight, but also to fight in excess!

However, who said that the layout can't be done with rigidity?

As early as when I started my first shot, in fact, the game has already started!

The reason why he kills his opponents in seconds, provokes Hu Yulu, and angers Zuo Jing, is to let everyone know that he is a powerful and crazy existence!

The purpose of all this is to let the Toguro team come on stage together!

One-to-four, in the eyes of everyone, there is no chance of winning at all, but in fact, this is the best opportunity Jiang Fan has painstakingly created!

Next, all we need to do is--


An extremely terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly burst out from Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan's whole person has turned into a phantom, and suddenly rushed towards Hu Yulu!

Everyone's eyes widened!


Jiang Fan is really crazy!

It doesn't matter if one pick is four, he actually returned, and took the initiative!

And the target he chose was surprisingly-the crow!

Everyone was stunned!

Since Jiang Fan was going to kill the crows from the beginning, why must the Hugulu team all come to power?

The crow was even more shocked!

With a wave of both hands, countless bombs all appeared in the air!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan is like a rhinoceros with steel and iron bones, completely ignoring those demon bombs, just rushing towards the crow!

At the same time, a long sword glowing with silver had appeared in his hand!

Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

"Damn it!"

The crow flew up suddenly in the sky!

In Jiang Fan's hands, the sword light flashed!


This sword seemed to be half slow, it just smashed the crow's mask!

For a moment!

Crow's originally dark hair turned all golden!

At the same time, an unusually powerful wave of demon power suddenly broke out!

Including Toguro, everyone took a step back!

This mask was specially worn by the crow to suppress his demon power!

Once the mask is damaged, his strength will show a qualitative leap!


"Trash! The next sword is your death date!"

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his long sword and pointed at Crow!

"You, what did you say?!"

Crow was stunned!

"I said you were rubbish! Do you really think I couldn't kill you with a sword just now? I just want to see your true strength!"

"Unexpectedly, all your demonic powers are only at this point!"

"Trash! I knew it, I should have killed you just now!"

Jiang Fan looked contemptuous and contemptuous!


Crow Qi's whole body trembled!

"Jiang Fan! I want you to die!"

Crow roared suddenly, and for an instant, the whole body's demon power was condensed in his hands!

Visible to the naked eye, an extremely strange monster power bomb has taken shape!

This bomb is like a patchwork of countless twisted human heads, and bursts of miserable wailing continue to burst from it!

Especially the terrifying demon power contained in it, even Jiang Fan was shocked!

Even the golden bell of the eleventh level may not be able to hold it!


In the face of such a terrifying demon bomb, Jiang Fan's eyes were as bright as a star!

It's done!

"Hehe, dare to provoke the crow! This kid is really looking for death!"

"By the way, brother, since he still wants to fight the crow, why should we be on stage?"

Brother Hu Yulu mocked Jiang Fan, and suddenly looked at Hu Yulu with surprise!

Hearing what Huyulu brother said, Huyulu and Wuwei were startled!

And the next moment, the bomb screamed, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

The crow roared even more, and shook his right hand heavily!


In this moment!

Jiang Fan turned back and rushed towards Hu Yulu and others!

"Damn it! This kid wants to bring the bomb over!"

To Yulu three people suddenly wake up, and they are about to back away!

But at this moment!


A roar like a monster suddenly burst from Jiang Fan!

The goal is Brother Toguro Lu!

Monster Roar: This is Shrek's unique skill. Once used, the opponent will enter a sluggish state!

For an instant, Brother Toyu Lu's eyes were dull!


Toguro stretched out his hand to pull his brother, however!

In Jiang Fan's hands, there was another flash of light!

The next moment, Wu Wei, who had already retreated to the back, suddenly roared, and the giant axe in his hand slashed at Hu Yulu fiercely!

Turning against each other: This item is a one-time item! After use, you can turn any two people into enemies!

Jiang Fan chose Wuwei and Huyulu!

Hu Yu Lu turned back and blocked, and Jiang Fan had already grabbed Brother Hu Yu Lu with a grin, and threw him at the bomb with his backhand!

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