God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 720: I can hit ten thousand

real world!


With Jiang Fan falling into the water, a group of fans almost went crazy!

"You two perverts!"

"Asshole! Murderer! Return my idol!"

"It's over! My idol, God is jealous of the talent!"

"Idol! I don't want you to be alone, I want to accompany you to death!"

"Oh, my goodness! Give me back my idol!"

And Su Lingyu and others were already stunned!

They all stopped and looked at the river dumbly!

I can't believe my eyes!

Jiang Fan, how could he die?

How could it die!

As for Curtis, he is going crazy!

The person he can't wait to die is himself!

If the owner is alive, sooner or later he will avenge himself!

And although he is still alive, he is about to die soon!

Feeling that Jiang Fan's breath has completely disappeared, Augustus and Miller all smiled coldly!

"Little bastard, it's cheaper for you!"

"An evil soul has been purified again!"

The two smiled triumphantly, but at this moment!


Under the surface of the river that had become calm, a terrifying aura suddenly rose up!

Then, in the incredible eyes of everyone, Jiang Fan actually slowly rose from the river, and then stepped on the surface of the water, slowly walking towards the river bank!

Water movement and wind power!

Jiang Fan actually walked on the water!

"Oh my God! Idol!"

"Hahaha! The idol is not dead!"

"Too strong idol! Damn it!"

"Kill these two old bastards!"

A group of fans screamed in excitement!

The host Jimmy blushed!

"Camera! Fuck your sister! Why did you run away again?"

"Hurry up and come back for shooting!"

"Mr. Water! Come on! I am promoted and raised to become the first host of Everbright City. It's up to you!"

And Wang Yi and others laughed even more!

Curtis even completely disregarded the dignity of the Necromancer and twisted his **** directly!

Although Su Lingyu and Yu Rui didn't react excessively, their faces were flushed, and their small fists were tightly squeezed!

As for Augustus and Miller, they were completely stunned!

"No, it's impossible!"

"He, his breath, what's the matter?"

"Level ten! Break through!"

"How is this possible! All the breath just now obviously disappeared!"

The corners of their eyes twitched!

Afterwards, they all looked ruthless!

"What about the breakthrough!"

"Even if you are a genius, you need time to stabilize your realm!"

Miller stepped forward, his right hand pointed at Jiang Fan suddenly!

"Holy Light!"


A holy light that was more condensed and more powerful than before, suddenly fell from the sky, and suddenly blasted Jiang Fan down!



Jiang Fan waved!

It was like hitting a fly, that incomparable holy light was actually shattered by him!


Miller's eyes widened suddenly!

Augustus trembled even more!

But Jiang Fan smiled, and his whole person suddenly disappeared completely!

"what happened?"

"Where did he go?"

Miller was terrified!

But Augustus pointed at Miller in fear, shaking all over!

Miller was shocked, only to realize that he had an arm on his shoulder at some point!

He turned his head to look, Jiang Fan was looking at himself with a smile!

"Master Miller, your holy light seems not working!"


Miller was horrified, but it was a pity that he hadn't waited to hold up the shield!


Jiang Fan actually strangled his neck in front of everyone!

Everyone was stunned!

Too simple!

Tenth-level powerhouse!

The magician of the Council of Light!

It was so, and Jiang Fan was killed by him!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at Augustus with a smile!

Augustus trembled all over, and suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan!



The three hellhounds almost turned into a phantom, suddenly rushing towards Jiang Fan!



Everyone only saw a flash of cold light!

The next moment, the three Hellhounds still in mid-air, all three heads soared into the sky!

Augustus almost stopped peeing!

too frightening!

Although Jiang Fan's breath at this moment is tenth, his strength has already completely surpassed this category!

Without a word, the old guy wants to turn into a cloud of black smoke and run away!

It's a pity that he just moved, and a big hand has already pinched his head!


Poor old mage, his body exploded into a ball of bone meal again!

A black smoke suddenly burst out of Augustus's head!

"Little beast! You wait for me—"

It's a pity that Augustus hadn't finished his cruel words, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and spit out the black smoke that was still in the air!

"Do not!!"


The black smoke exploded in an instant!

Everyone was stunned!

With a dull face!

Just a moment!

Miller, the three-headed hellhound, and August were all three tenths, but Jiang Fan himself was beheaded to death!

That's three tenth levels!

Not three cabbages!

It's too fierce!

It's so frightening!

"Love, idol, too exaggerated, right?"

"With this strength, is idol a master?"

"I don't know what to say, let's show everyone my breasts!"

A group of fans were shocked and overwhelmed!

Looking at the Douglas and Kristen brothers and sisters here from a distance, they were completely sluggish!

Too tyrannical!

Seeing Jiang Fan beheading the three of Augustus, it is clear that even half of his strength is useless!

The adults actually want them to protect this monster?

It's so easy to be hacked to death by Jiang Fan!

Could it be that their laziness recently caused dissatisfaction with adults?

But, you just kill us directly!

Let us look at him, this is too scary!

As for Su Lingyu and others, their eyes are full of little stars!

And the most excited is the host Jimmy!

"Amei thief! Sri Lanka One! Savadika!"

"Too awesome!"

"It's developed! It's developed!"

"The live host of the takeaway star kills the top three in seconds. From today onwards, I will be a well-deserved host!"

"Takeaway Star! Mr. Water! Excuse me, how do you feel about killing these three tenth levels?"

Jimmy leaped forward and directly slammed the microphone in front of Jiang Fan's eyes!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

"What do you think... This kind of food is forced, I can hit 10,000!"


Jimmy's nose is thrown out!

It's crazy!

But this is so handsome!

A group of fans screamed even more!

"The idol is so aggressive!"

"you are so handsome!"

"Ahhhhh! My girlish heart! It's going to melt!"

"Well! My iron-blooded Stallone's body is about to bend!"

"Dear viewers! This is the end of this talk show!"

"I'm the host Jimmy! Please, at the end of the show, please scream the most passionately for our idol water!"


With the screams of fans, Jiang Fan and others finally left here!

As soon as he got on the car, Jiang Fan took out a small box made of crystal and threw it to Curtis!

Curtis took a look, his eyes widened!

"Master, this, this is..."

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