"Augustus' phylogeny! This thing should help you a little bit!"

"Oh my God! Praise you! I am the most generous! My most merciful master!"

The Necromancer wanted to hug Jiang Fan and kiss him!

Phylogram is the source of the Necromancer. In addition to the soul mark of the Necromancer, it also carries all the insights and knowledge of a Necromancer!

As long as this thing exists, even if the body and soul power are disperse, there is still the possibility of resurrection!

Unfortunately, Augustus did not have this opportunity!

As long as Curtis erases Augustus's soul mark, then he is equivalent to getting everything Augustus!

Become a level ten in an instant!

For Curtis, this is simply a supreme reward!

But Jiang Fan frowned and looked at the system prompt just now!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the three Hellhounds (cubs)! The Shuiyu Sword and Mother Sword feedback 221 causality!"

This thing actually gave me more than 200 causal points!

However, the three-headed hellhound just now was actually just a cub?

What level of strength should the real three-headed hellhound be?

Also, I always thought that this stuff was a fiction before, but I didn't expect that the real world actually existed?

The secrets of this world seem to be far more than I thought!


At the same time, Europe!


More than a hundred kilometers west of the capital Rendon!

A magnificent building covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters stands still!

Here is the heart of the Council of Light-San Siro Cathedral!

But for the Dark Council, there is another name here!

The Judgment of Light!

It and the Holy Court, which is located in the city of seven hills, known as the brain of the parliament, are each other's things, firmly controlling the power of the entire Europe!

At this moment, a young man in a white robe was walking hurriedly across a long corridor and into the back of the church, in a small building with only seven floors!

The wall of this small building is mottled, covered with creepers, morning glory and other vines, and it is full of run-down aura, but as soon as entering here, the young man immediately slowed down, even his expression became full of solemnity!

Just because this is the center of the entire court!

The young man wanted to go to the second floor, but he hesitated, and finally stopped and turned to a room on the first floor!

In this seven-story building, there is a real big man on each floor, but compared to the one on the second floor, the temper on the first floor is obviously wider!


The young man knocked gently on the door!

"Come in!"

A somewhat old voice slowly sounded!

The young man pushed the door and walked in, and immediately saw a spirited old man in a red robe!

"Master Green!"

The young man made a cross on his chest, then bowed slightly!

"It's Odom, what's the matter?"

"Master Green, Master Miller, something happened!"

"Miller? What happened to him?"

Green was slightly startled!

Odom hesitated, and suddenly put a mobile phone on Green's desk!

Green turned on the phone, and a scene from Miller's appearance to Jiang Fan's killing Miller and others suddenly appeared in front of him!

The more Green looked at his face, the more ugly his face became. In the end, a thick layer of holy light burst out from all over his body!

After watching the video, Green suddenly slapped it on the table!

"This idiot! Joined forces with the Dark Council!"

"The entire face of the Council of Light was completely lost by him!"

At this moment, the color of charity on his face has disappeared, replaced by endless majesty and anger!

Odom trembled in shock, he didn't dare to speak at all!

After a long time, Green finally took back the Holy Light and spoke slowly!

"Bringing Miller's body back, although he made a little mistake, he is still a loyal servant of the God of Light after all!"


Odom quickly agreed!

"Also, since this takeaway star dared to kill the servant of the God of Light, it must be a heresy! This kind of person cannot be kept!"

"My lord is saying, then, who should be allowed to eliminate the evil?"

Odom asked hurriedly!

"In the court, who is at the captain level?"

"Captain level?!"

Odom was stunned!

In the courthouse, only those who reach level twelve or above are eligible to serve as captains!

"My lord, you—"

"Are you questioning me?"

Before Odom had finished speaking, Green had already spoken coldly!

"No! My subordinates don't dare! My lord, the only ones who are still at the captain level are... Francis!"


Green was obviously startled, but he nodded, "Then let him go!"


Leaving Green's office, Odom suddenly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead!


Master Green actually let that monster shoot!

This time, I am afraid that the entire city that never sleeps will suffer!


At this moment, Jiang Fan didn't know that he had been missed by the Illumination Council. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care at all!

Soon, the convoy has arrived at the hotel!

Su Lingyu and Yu Rui and others went shopping in the middle of the street. Seeing that Jiang Fan did not intend to continue to make a claim, Wang Yi and Lu Bu also hurriedly followed suit and went to show their hospitality!

After all, in their hearts, Su Lingyu might be the mistress of the Jiang family in the future!

Please please now, and never lose money in the future!

When Jiang Fan returned to the room, he was immediately ready to enter the system space!

I was anxious for revenge just now, and many things have not been done yet!

Especially the title synthesis and the strengthening of the exercises, these two do not know how much surprises there are!


At this moment, the knock on the door rang!

Jiang Fan frowned and opened the door with an annoyed look!

I saw a pair of handsome men and women standing outside the door!

These two people are Douglas and Christine!

Originally, the two had already discussed it. Although Jiang Fan was ruthless and tough, they had to maintain the dignity of a tenth-level powerhouse, and they would never lose the chain!

It's just that when they saw Jiang Fan's gloomy face and felt the extremely terrifying aura, both of them were immediately shocked!

"It's so big, my lord!"

The two were trembling and barely put on a smiling face!

Okay, terrible look!

It seemed as though he was about to carry his gun into battle, but he encountered a strong man who was attacked by his aunt!

Unfortunately, they are exactly that aunt!

"My lord? Are you Isaac's subordinates?"

Jiang Fan understood the identity of the two in an instant!

"Yes, it is!"

"What's the matter?"

"Master Isaac said that you have fulfilled the first condition and want to talk to you!"

The two dared not look at Jiang Fan's eyes at all!

But Jiang Fan frowned!

"Okay! Let's go!"

Soon, a few people left the hotel!

Only then did Jiang Fan breathe a sigh of relief!

Thanks to the fact that these two people were frightened by themselves, even though Justin’s room has an array of barriers, the senses of the tenth-level strong are so keen, if they are discovered, it will be troublesome!

I got into a car parked under the hotel, and it didn't take long for a few people to come to a cafe!

As soon as Jiang Fan walked in, he saw Isaac who was watching a video!

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, Isaac suddenly smiled from the heart!


Jiang Fan is definitely a true genius!

Not only did he make a breakthrough, but his realm could be stabilized in an instant!

If that's the case, it's all right, he actually killed three tenth ranks in one go afterwards!

Even he has never seen such a talented person!

Jiang Fan, it is simply a gift from God!

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