But facing Isaac again, Jiang Fan was even more shocked!

Even if he had broken through and reached this state, he still couldn't feel the breath of Isaac!

Can't feel it at all!

As if in front of him, is an ordinary person!

Damn it!

What level is this Isaac?

"Jiang Fan, you are really beyond my expectations!"

Isaac put down the magazine and issued a sincere admiration!

"Even I didn't expect that Augustus would cast a taboo spell to summon three cubs of hellhounds, and I didn't expect a tenth-level magician to appear!"

"But not only did you make a breakthrough, you actually killed them all! It's amazing..."

Isaac sighed and looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, full of undisguised appreciation: "...One-to-three, even when I was in the tenth grade, I would not be like you. So simple!"

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

Isaac has just reached the tenth level, so he can also be one-to-many?

Why is he?

Is this guy really so tyrannical?

"Don't be so surprised, there is no mortal who can be ranked on the world list!"

"However, you are the most talented of everyone I have ever seen!"

After Isaac said this, he suddenly added another sentence!

"The strongest! No one!"

Hearing Isaac's words, Jiang Fan hadn't reacted yet, but Douglas and Christine were completely stunned!


Jiang Fan is the only one who can make an adult say this kind of evaluation!

He got his "not bad" comment back then, and has now reached the world list!

And Jiang Fan's future achievements, isn't it limitless? !

The hearts of the two were beating, and suddenly there was a sense of pride in witnessing history!

But at this moment!

"Of course I am the strongest!"

Jiang Fan's tone is plain, just like expounding a fact!

It's a fart to kill three tenth-level experts at the beginning of the tenth level!

I can do it at level 9!

It's just that the price is a bit heavy, not to mention hurting the innocent!

At the same time, he even more rudely sat down opposite Isaac!

At this time, simply looking at the momentum, the two were actually between the two!

Everyone was stunned!

Even Isaac is a little lost!

In a trance, he seemed to see a submarine blue dragon waiting for the wind and clouds, combing its scales and grinding its claws!

The Canglong goes out to sea, unstoppable!

In the future, this son must be an unborn horror!

Isaac's heart trembled, and he felt like he had made a deal with the devil!

However, relying on his own strength to suppress Jiang Fan for ten years is absolutely not a problem!

And ten years later, or in a shorter period of time, everything has nothing to do with him!

At this time, Jiang Fan had already picked up the magazine Isaac had read before and turned two pages at will!

This turned out to be a gourmet magazine!

And seeing Jiang Fan's performance, Douglas and Christine's hearts almost jumped to their throats!

This kid is too presumptuous!

No one has ever dared to touch an adult's stuff!

However, Isaac was not only not angry, but smiled!

"I don't have much personal time. I like to make some snacks in my spare time. You can take it to watch if you like!"

"Forget it! In terms of cooking, all the chefs in this magazine are no match for me! You like cooking, I will teach you when I have time!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

Isaac was startled!

What a strong momentum!

I actually feel like I'm in a disadvantage!

Brother Douglas' eyes widened even more!

It's crazy!

Actually want to teach adults!

Where is the self-confidence of this kid?

"Haha, good! I'll wait and see!"

Isaac looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, becoming more and more curious!

"Simple, but let's talk about the second test first!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"There is no second test!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

"You heard that right, you are qualified!"

"Why? It shouldn't be that simple, right?"

"Indeed! The second task I arranged for you was to test your mind and perseverance!"

"The third task is to test your loyalty after you join in!"

"But now it seems that it is unnecessary!"

Isaac picked up the coffee in front of him, took a sip, then smiled!

"You killed the people of the Light Council, unless you hide in Huaxia and won't come out for a lifetime, otherwise, they will chase you all the way to the end of the world!"

"And if you betray us one day, I only need to tell the Light Council of your identity, then... slap!"

Isaac made a shooting gesture at Jiang Fan!

"You are so cloudy!"

Jiang Fan was surprised!

"You, you, you, you, how dare you talk to adults like this!"

Douglas almost didn't pee in shock!

Is this kid not afraid of death or a lunatic?

The adults are angry, the whole street will have to die!


"It's ok!"

Isaac smiled more happily!

"I like to see this little guy's annoyed expression! This is a very precious memory!"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

Isaac is really nasty!

"Stop nonsense! Can you tell me next, your true identities?"

"Well, I will tell you a little bit!"

Isaac pondered for a moment, and finally spoke!

"The force led by me is called the'Sword of Thorns'!"

"Under me, there are five'lords of thorns', and underneath, there are thirteen'hands with swords', and the rest are small characters!"

"From today, you are the sixth-Lord of Thorns!"


Jiang Fan's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Isaac like a ghost!

"You, are you right?"

It is definitely not difficult to hear from Isaac's tone that the weight of this "lord of thorns"!

Jiang Fan thought that Isaac would give himself a **** of a "hand holding a sword"! Or even lower!

But he never expected that Isaac would give him this position!

Douglas and Christine were completely stunned!

I just feel that my mind is trembling faintly!

"Don't be surprised, I am not wrong! But you have no real power right now, but at least, you have the qualifications to mobilize two'hands with swords' at any time!"

"Okay, here's this ring for you!"

As Isaac spoke, he suddenly took out a silver ring!

And on the ring, there is also a pattern of thorns engraved!

"This is the mark of the'Lord of Thorns', put it on... Huh? Your nail ring is very unique!"

As Isaac spoke, he glanced curiously at the poisonous nail ring on Jiang Fan's hand!

"From a friend!"

Jiang Fan took the ring of thorns and put it on directly. The size was actually right!

There was a sudden move in his heart!

Could it be that Isaac had this idea when he first met him?

"OK! From today on we are in a boat. What do we need me for?"

Jiang Fan is already ready to follow Isaac to fight the house!

"Two months later, a ruin will open. At that time, I need you to lead a part of the ‘Sword of Thorns’ manpower and get something from it!"


Jiang Fan faintly felt familiar!

It seems like, where have I heard this word!

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