Jiang Fan recalled carefully and suddenly raised his eyebrows!

Ruins No. 3!

It was the first time I met with Long Yan, and Long Yan wanted to help him enter Ruins No. 3!

At that time, Long Yan said that after three months, counting the time, it is indeed two months before the opening of the third ruins!

Are they talking about a place?

When Isaac saw Jiang Fan's expression, his eyes moved slightly!

"Do you know that place?"


Jiang Fan thought about it, and suddenly said: "I haven't heard of it, but that place, shouldn't it be easy?"

"You react fast enough!"

Isaac didn't doubt he was there, and continued to speak!

"That place is indeed not simple, but the most troublesome thing is not the ruins itself, but other forces!"

"Two years ago, there was a melee in that place, and our'Sword of Thorns' suffered heavy losses! As for the other forces, almost the entire army was wiped out!"

There was a trace of regret in Isaac's eyes!

"It's a pity, so many good boys! They were all ruined by the Night Demon!"

Sure enough, it is Ruins No. 3!

Long Yan said at the time that the first person to discover the Ruins of No. 3 was the Night Demon!

The Nightmare also became the leader of the "Nightmare" of the ten largest assassin organization just because of the discovery of the No. 3 Ruins!

It seems that after I go back, I have to have a good chat with Long Yan!

"Who is the Night Demon?"

Jiang Fan pretended not to know!

"He is the leader of the'Nightmare', one of the top ten assassin organizations!"

"This Night Demon is very powerful?"

Jiang Fan nodded and continued to ask questions!

"Strength is still second, his strongest is the layout!"

"That time, experts from all sides gathered, but he took advantage of his strength to count everyone in!"

"Finally, the various forces that provoked each other took action, and that's why it caused such a situation!"

"Because of this, we urgently need talents who are good at layout and break the game!"

"Jiang Fan! I have carefully investigated all your past records, even that humble game-Seven Kingdoms Tournament!"

"No matter what kind of opponent you are from, you have never lost! You are a genius of layout. If it were you, you would definitely be able to fight against the Night Demon!"

Isaac looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

But Jiang Fan laughed!

"I'm just a bit clever, Lord Isaac, this kind of important task, let's forget it!"

Both Douglas were stunned!

Jiang Fan turned down!

But Isaac showed an unexpected expression!

"Of course, I won't let you do it for nothing!"

"If all goes well, your reputation in the'Sword of Thorns' will definitely be the same!"

"When the time comes to give you real power, then it is logical!"

"The most important thing is that I will fulfill your wish! You can choose this wish!"

"Even...destroying Zhou's family!"

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank and stood up suddenly!



"I promise you!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were so bright that people dare not look directly!

"Very well, I will tell you the specific situation later, but now, there is one more thing!"

Isaac smiled, and suddenly pointed to Douglas!

"Remember what I said? Kill Augustus and I will give you a gift! They are just gifts!"

"From today, they belong to you!"

Isaac slowly stood up from his seat!

"By the way! Those two'hands with swords', don't use them at will! Otherwise, they will most likely kill you first!"

"Jiang Fan! Good luck!"

Right in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, Isaac's whole person gradually faded, and then disappeared completely!

During the whole process, Jiang Fan also didn't feel the slightest energy fluctuation!

"What level is this guy?"

Looking at the disappearing Isaac, Jiang Fan shook his head after a long time!

Douglas and Christine looked at each other and suddenly bowed to Jiang Fan!

"grown ups!"

"Well, introduce yourself!"

Jiang Fan motioned for the two to sit down!

"My lord, my name is Douglas, and I am a tenth-level earth-type superpower!"

"My name is Christine, and like my brother, I am also a level ten ability person. My ability is to control plants!"

The two spoke respectfully!

The abilities of these two people...

Jiang Fan pondered for a long time, then suddenly spoke!

"You two, do you know how to farm?"

If you let these two people farm the land, it would be a perfect match!

From plowing the soil to planting the autumn harvest, it is a one-stop service!

And if someone planted one crop, he could harvest ten crops!

Douglas looked dumbfounded!

"Plant, farm?"

"Forget it doesn't matter! Let's go!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and was about to leave the cafe!


"My lord! You, you'd better put away that ring!"

Kristen spoke suddenly!


"You still don't know the rules of the'Sword of Thorns'. Within our power, although there are differences in respect and inferiority, the superiors and subordinates rely solely on strength to speak!"

"The Lord of Thorns represents the highest combat power in the power, and if you want to become a new Lord of Thorns, you only have to... defeat the predecessor!"

"In other words, if the'hand holding the sword' sees your ring, you may have a lot of trouble!"

Douglas said cautiously!

"Those hands that hold swords are strong?"

"This...to become a sword-holding hand, you also need to be at least...thirteenth level!"


Isaac is really overcast!

No wonder he told himself not to summon his subordinates casually, this is so easy to happen!


"Huh! What is the thirteenth level! My Jiang Fan is fearless!"

Douglas was shocked!

Is the strength of adults stronger than they thought?

Jiang Fan had already taken off the ring and threw it directly into the system backpack!

"Remember! I don't wear this ring, just because its shape is too LOW!"


Douglas both looked shocked!

After a long time, he nodded again and again!

"My lord is talking about it! I understand, I understand!"

The adults are really pretending to be forceful!

Soon, several people have returned to the hotel!

"By the way, I am going back to China tonight. Go back and prepare for it. Let's go with me!"

These two people are the people of the "Sword of Thorns", you have to shove them away and go back and hide Justin!


"My lord, we have nothing to deal with!"

"Just leave like this?"

Jiang Fan was shocked!

"Yes it is!"

"Then, then you should bring some money, right?"

"This, my lord! Starting today, we will be your personal subordinates, and you will be responsible for our salary!"

"Damn! Ahem, then, should I get a few changes of clothes?"

"It's okay, sir, you give us the money and we will buy it ourselves when the time comes!"

"You always have to take things for washing, right? Cosmetics can't be less!"

"Leaving tonight, it's also night in China, no one will see it! It's the same when going out during the day to buy!"

"You, you can bring some local specialties! I'm afraid you won't be used to eating Chinese tomato sauce!"

"The adults are really joking. With so many delicacies in China, we can just eat hot pot! Who else can eat ketchup?"

Why eat hot pot!

Jiang Fan looked dull!

"Then, that, **** it! I don't care! You have to bring something! This is a bank card, buy it now!"

Jiang Fan became so angry that he kicked Douglas on the **** and drove them out!

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