God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 724: Strengthening of the title and success method

The two of them watched Jiang Fan walk into the hotel with enthusiasm, and immediately glanced at each other!

"Unexpectedly, my lord is so particular!"

"Yes! People who care so much about their subordinates are unprecedented in the power!"

"Brother, let's go buy something!"

"Yeah! You can't waste all the hard work of the adults!"

With a grateful look, the two finally left!

Seeing these two people leave, Jiang Fan was relieved!

But then he got a headache again!

It is indeed a good thing to have two more tenth-level masters for nothing!

But the loyalty of these two people is a big problem!

No matter how good Justin hides it, it will be exposed sooner or later after a long time, and once this matter is known by Isaac...

Forget it!

Although it is rare at level ten, if they really find out——

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a sudden murderous flash!

It's just that he knows whether this murderous intention is aimed at Douglas or Justin!

Back in the room, Jiang Fan immediately entered the system space!

Now, it's finally time to take a good look at the new features!

Jiang Fan waved his hand and directly opened the activated title synthesis interface!

The title synthesis interface is a bit similar to a small stove, with a groove inlaid with titles on it, and blazing flames on the bottom!

Title synthesis: Choose one title as the main title and burn the remaining titles to increase the main title level and have a certain chance to add burning title attributes!

Note: The title of being burned will completely disappear!

Jiang Fan took out the Emperor's Sorrow and put it on the groove of the small stove!

Emperor's Death (not activated): When the host convinces ten emperors, this title will be passively activated!

Current progress: 310!

Although this title does not have a level, and the attributes have never appeared, Jiang Fan has a hunch that once this title is activated, the attributes will definitely explode!

As for combustible products, just use "the hero of the world"!

Heroes of the rivers and lakes: This is the title produced by Song Jiang's admiration for you! Wearing this title will increase your favorability by ten percent!

Jiang Fan threw the "Jianghu Hero" into the stove!

"Ding! Overlord's burning title is upgraded to'Emperor's Death'!"

"The Emperor's Sorrow gets 20 energy points!"

This is the end of the promotion sound!

"This is over?"

"Ding! It's over!"

System, my banana, you sun!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

I burned a title for nothing, so I didn't even see any splashes!

Is it because the level of "Emperor's Sorrow" is too high?

Jiang Fan turned on the exercises to strengthen again!

Strengthening the exercises is concise and clear!

There are two types, strengthening and evolution!

Strengthening is to continue to level up by consuming certain props after the Dzogchen Dzogchen!

And evolution is to make it evolve into another technique!

Character: Jiang Fan

Exercise: Nine Suns Scripture

Strengthening mode: Consume the fragments of the heavenly book to make the technique continue to be upgraded!

Note: The fragments of the heavenly book can be obtained through the mission world, and can also be purchased through the system!

Jiang Fan took a look at the price of the fragments of the heavenly book, and ordered one for a thousand karma!

Only one purchase after each order is completed!

And to upgrade the Nine Suns Scriptures to the next level, you need three fragments of the heavenly book plus 15 thousand causal points!

This one is simple!

As for evolution!

Upon seeing this, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Evolution Mode: Obtain the "Nine Yin Scriptures" to evolve the technique to silver level!

Note: Once the evolution mode is selected, the internal force accumulated by the host will be proportionally converted into the internal force of the new method!

Of these two modes, one is to continue to accumulate, and the other is to lose part of the cultivation base in exchange for a broader future!

No, it must evolve!

As for the "Nine Yin Zhenjing"...

Jiang Fan glanced at Little Hades's pacifier, then shook his head directly!

This thing is a universal card, you can use it or try not to use it!

He has reached level ten, and the chances of appearing in the Gaowu world must have become even greater!

And once the technique evolves to the silver level, you have to follow your own level. Unless you have skill points, the level is not enough, and it is impossible to reach the level of the practice points!

Open the character panel again!

Name: Jiang Fan (strong man status)

Level: Ten

Occupation: Intermediate Wanjie Takeaway

Equipment: Slightly

Combat skills: slightly

Abilities: Prediction of danger, wind energy (Elemental)

Taoism: The Secret Method of Maoshan Tianshi (Incomplete)

Dharma phase: Three heads and six arms

Mount: Demonized Nightmare

Servant: Li Shishi, Lu Bu

Pet: Alien Juvenile (rich and honorable)

Yes, yes, just wait to see level 15 attributes!

Jiang Fan smiled and wanted to close the properties interface!

But at this moment!


The same feeling as last time!

There must be something missing!

Jiang Fan browsed again, suddenly his complexion changed!

"System! My pedigree!"


The bloodline is gone!

No wonder I always feel that my strength is a bit low!

"Ding! The host used the T virus for a timeout, causing the gene to collapse drastically! The Spider-Man bloodline has been emptied!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

I don't know if I should laugh or be angry!

The Spider-Man bloodline will be purified sooner or later, and now it’s gone, which is equivalent to saving 100,000 causal points!

However, I don’t know how long it will take to get the pedigree I want!

Now emptying the bloodline is equivalent to losing part of the strength in disguise!

This T virus is really tyrannical!

Even the blood can be burned away!

I don’t know what the T virus would look like if it became a bloodline!

"Ding! The "Resident Evil" world has a certain probability of getting Alice's'T Virus Super Evolutionary Bloodline'!"

"Ding! The "Resident Evil" world has a certain probability of getting the "T Virus Super Rage Bloodline" of the "Avengers"!"

"Ding! The "Resident Evil" world has a certain probability of getting Dr. Isaac's'T virus super mutant bloodline'!"

"Ding! The "Resident Evil" world has a certain probability of getting Wesker's'T virus super rebirth bloodline'!"

"Ding! The "Resident Evil" world has a certain..."

"It's okay! It's okay! You talk so much just to show that you're awesome?"

"Ding! The system just wants to simply express the host's ignorance!"


"Ding! The system prompts! The host still has five thousand loans unsettled, please be cautious!"

"your sister!"

In this world, the only thing that can really make Jiang Fan feel helpless is the system!

Look at the total number of causal points, there are more than three thousand!

You will be able to repay the bill in another two thousand, easy!

Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan immediately called Justin and Curtis to talk about the "Sword of Thorns"!

Justin's face turned blue when he heard Jiang Fan had entered the "Sword of Thorns"!

"It's so big, my lord! You, you can't, you don't believe it!"

"Am I like a fat man who broke my promise?"

Jiang Fan gave him a dissatisfied look!

"Yes, yes! Your lord promises money and divides four horses! Certainly not—"

"I'll divide you into four parts! I won't have to read more books in the future! Don't worry, I'll keep you fine!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you, sir!"

Justin's only reliance now is Jiang Fan. Even if Jiang Fan asks him to sell his ass, he will have to push up his **** and obediently do it!

Then Jiang Fan repeated the old trick and asked Curtis to extract Justin's soul. As for the body, he was thrown into the backpack again!

The system backpack is good, time is forever!

After dealing with all this, Jiang Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief!

And Su Lingyu and others are also back!

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