God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 732: The most luxurious instant noodles in history

Chen Ling is still tangling, Jiang Fan has slowly stood up!

It's just that as soon as he stood up, he couldn't help but shake it!

"Jiang Fan!"

Chen Ling hurriedly held Jiang Fan!

Only then did she realize that Jiang Fan's back was soaked!

"Jiang Fan, what's the matter with you? Why do you sweat so much?"

"It's okay!"

Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath, and then he spoke!

Too much pressure!

The fourteenth level master is really terrifying!

The point is that this is completely different from when he was fighting against the first presiding judge of the Holy Light at that time!

This person is Chen Ling's grandfather!

If this old man has to kill him, then it will be in trouble!

Although he has a hole card, it is a big killer that he can't control at all!

If the old man died, how could he have the face to face Chen Ling?

"How about you, you come in and take a rest?"

Chen Ling said, her face flushed!

"No, I'm here this time mainly for your business. Now that your grandfather has let go, I have to hurry up and arrange to deal with Zhou's affairs!"

"What?! You, what you just said is true?"

Chen Ling was stunned!

"Of course! If you don't let your grandfather see clearly, how can he terminate your marriage contract with Lin An?"

Jiang Fan smiled gently!

Chen Ling's heart trembled when she heard Jiang Fan's words!

An unspeakable touch completely enveloped her!

She had never thought that Jiang Fan would do this for herself!

She just felt that her heart had completely melted!

At this moment, she has changed from an iceberg beauty to a pool of spring water!

"Okay, I have to go quickly! Take care of yourself and wait for me to pick you up!"

Jiang Fan patted Chen Ling's hair and smiled!

"Hmm! I, I'm waiting for you!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Jiang Fan put on the mask and soon disappeared into the night!

And looking at Jiang Fan who disappeared, Chen Ling's face burst into the brightest smile in a long time!


Jiang Fan galloped all the way!

Originally, he planned to take Chen Ling away directly, but when he heard Chen Ling's words, he changed his attention!

Chen Ling was right, she is indeed too weak now!

Even if you take her away, it won't help. It's better to cut the problem directly from the root!

The Zhou family will be destroyed sooner or later, and giving the Zhou family’s property to the Chen family not only saves a lot of trouble, but also pulls the Chen family into their own camp completely!

Once the Chen family has eaten this rich fruit, then they will wait and become their own gold medalists!

But before that, in order to make the Chen family completely cut off the idea of ​​marrying the Lin family, he still has one thing to do!

In order to end the troubles, kill Lin An!

That's right!

He just wants to get everything done tonight!


Jiang Fan stopped abruptly!

In front of him, a three-story villa was brightly lit!

This is Lin An's villa!

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to do it!

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Orders came at this time!

"My name is Alice, and I work for an umbrella company!"

"This is the largest and most influential company in the world..."

"... Its mission is to develop virus weapons..."

"But then there was an accident, the virus leaked and everyone died..."

"The trouble is, the T virus resurrected their bodies..."

resident Evil!

This is truly Resident Evil!

Like the last time I changed my job, the first world I entered was actually Resident Evil!

"Ding! Please send a warm Shuanghuanglian instant noodles to Alice who is tortured by the T virus!"

Jiang Fan is a bit square!

No matter how you look at the order this time, there is a sense of...not serious!

But thinking of the terrifying power of the T virus, I am afraid that only this kind of instant noodles can save Alice!

The order matters, let you go!

Jiang Fan went directly to a pharmacy to replenish goods!

"Boss, fifty boxes of Shuanghuanglian!"

"Brother, you need so much at one time. Which company did you purchase from?"

"No! I want instant noodles!"


The boss was shocked!

The Banlangen instant noodles were all the rage back then, and nowadays, there are trend-setting trendsetters.

I accidentally became a fashion witness!

But this way of eating, Mano!

"Little brother! Your Shuanghuanglian!"

The boss was full of admiration, and offered fifty boxes of Shuanghuanglian!

In addition, there is actually a bucket of old altar sauerkraut noodles!

"Brother! As a tribute, this bucket of instant noodles, for you!"

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, opened the medicine bottle directly, and started to pour the instant noodles!

The boss was shocked!

This little brother is really ruthless!

Soon, as the liquid medicine fills up!

Jiang Fan spit out, within half a minute, a bowl of hot instant noodles was freshly baked!

Holding this bucket of instant noodles as the most luxurious in history, Jiang Fan turned directly into a small alley!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Resident Evil 2"!"

The movie "Resident Evil 2" tells that after returning from "The Hive", Alice and others were taken away by the umbrella company!

Matt, who was scratched by the creeper, was taken away to complete the "Nemesis" project!

And Alice, who was also injected with the virus, turned into a female soldier whose speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people!

On the other hand, the umbrella company organized personnel to continue to explore the "beehive", but was wiped out by all the zombies and creepers there, and their actions completely let go of the monsters trapped in the "beehive" and let the entire raccoon. The city has become a paradise for zombies!

Of course, this is the story before!

The last time Jiang Fan came here, he has completely changed the direction of the first movie. Not only Alice and Matt are alive, but Miranda and other mercenaries are also alive!


Jiang Fan has appeared on an abnormally run-down street!

The sky is filled with paper scraps, and there are countless broken cars on the side of the road, some of which are still burning!

As for the ground, there are scarlet blood stains every short distance, and countless screams and gunshots are heard throughout the city from time to time!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, and it seemed that the current time period should be more than ten hours after the virus spread!

No matter what, go find Alice first!

"System! Position Alice!"


A blue dotted line suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

The end of the dotted line is where Alice is currently!


Jiang Fan was riding a bicycle and quickly rushed to the building of an umbrella company!

It's just that I just got here!

"Ding! System prompt! You have been discovered by the satellite of the umbrella company!"

It doesn't matter!

Jiang Fan entered the building and quickly found a closed laboratory!

Kicked open the door, and suddenly, a blonde beauty lying on the ground, trembling all over, appeared directly in front of Jiang Fan!

This person is Alice!

However, at this moment, Alice had numerous wounds all over her body, and there was gurgling water flowing out of the wounds!

This is exactly the same as when Jiang Fan overused the T virus!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

The plot really changed!

Alice couldn't stand the transformation of T virus and was about to die!

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