"Um, help, help..."

"It's painful..."

"Kill me, kill me..."

Hearing someone coming in, Alice groaned in pain!

The pain of gene collapse is simply not something normal people can tolerate!

Only an existence like Jiang Fan with extraordinary willpower can speak freely and laugh at the time of genetic collapse!

"Alice! It's me!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly stepped forward and held Alice in one hand!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan?"

A ray of joy suddenly burst into Alice's dim eyes!

Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan is here!

"Don't talk yet! Eat noodles!"

Jiang Fan directly took out the instant noodles!


Alice was covered in circles!

How come this takeaway is not the same as the one delivered last time!

How do you look at this color, how do you feel—beautiful!

Alice involuntarily took the instant noodles and took a bite!

"It smells good!"

"Suddenly I feel the pleasure of being a local tyrant!"

"This bit of coolness is so refreshing!"

"It's delicious! It's better than the last takeaway!"

Alice gobbled up her ladylike image at all!

I don't even care about it!

At the same time, she was faintly exuding a layer of golden light!

That is, the light of local tyrant gold!


As a bowl of instant noodles ate up, Alice's wounds all over her body began to heal strangely!

At the same time, she was full of vitality!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! I'm alive!"

Alice hugged Jiang Fan!

The eyes are full of excitement and admiration!

As expected of Jiang Fan!

Every time it appears, it is accompanied by a miracle!

"Little meaning!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return automatically or return automatically after the time is over!"

Jiang Fan was about to return, but suddenly his heart moved!

He directly picked up a sealed needle tube on the ground, and then looked at Alice!

"Alice! Go, I will send you out!"

The two soon came outside the building!

"Oh my God! Why, how could this happen!"

Seeing the depression outside, Alice was shocked!

She didn't expect that in her own memory it was only a dozen hours, and there had been such a big change outside!

"After the Umbrella Company captured you, it opened the hive again and released the zombies inside. Now the entire Raccoon City is almost infected!"

"Also, almost no one can go out of the checkpoints they have set up around the entire Raccoon City!"

"Now the Raccoon City has become an island!"

Jiang Fan said softly!


Alice is angry!

"Damn umbrella company! They are just executioners!"

"Don't say so much, let's go, I will show you a change of clothes!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Alice's face flushed suddenly!

What she is wearing now is nothing but a white cloth that can't even cover half of her body!

Jiang Fan took out the bicycle directly!

Shake his head at Alice!


Alice was extremely surprised, but Jiang Fan itself was a miracle for her!

Even if Jiang Fan conjured a nuclear bomb out of thin air, she would not be surprised!

Alice was in the back seat and was about to hug Jiang Fan, unexpectedly!

Jiang Fan suddenly handed her a needle filled with blood!

"This, what is this?"

"My blood!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"While I'm riding a bike for a while, you'll squat out, and when you're done, continue to squat!"

"Buck, blood?!"

Alice was covered in circles!

And Jiang Fan has already stepped!


The bike is fast!

Alice couldn't help but started to **** blood while holding the needle!

"Puff! Puff!"


"Puff! Puff!"


"Puff! Puff!"



As the car moved forward, a **** mist was drawn directly from the rear of the bicycle!

It's like pulling a wire from an airplane!

And Alice, almost turned into a **** little angel!

Soon, the two came to a department store!

There are not only clothes and food, but also a lot of firearms!

Jiang Fan looked overjoyed, and started to search for bullets without saying a word!

My own desert eagle, which has been in the dust for a long time, finally has a chance to rush out of the arena!

Ten minutes later, the two have finished their outfits!

Alice is carrying two shotguns behind her back and two holsters tied to her thighs!


And Jiang Fan, almost his whole body is firearms!

There are grenades in the pockets of the rompers!

Seeing Jiang Fan's shape, Alice was directly shocked!

Not to mention anything else, the weight of these guns and ammunition on Jiang Fan alone is at least a hundred catties!

so amazing!

Jiang Fan at this moment is like a steel warrior!

And before Jiang Fan returns, there are still thirteen minutes left!

At this moment!


A roar full of hunger, like a beast, suddenly sounded!

That is, the voice of zombies!

And this is like a signal!


In an instant, the outside of the entire department store was filled with the sounds of zombies!

Alice looked out and was shocked!

"Jiang Fan! It's not good! We are surrounded by zombies! There are at least a few hundred!"

"Good job!"

Jiang Fan looked overjoyed!

Just now he made Alice bleed, just to attract zombies!


Jiang Fan kicked open the door and rushed out!

At this moment, I saw the avenue outside the department store, densely packed with red-eyed zombies!

Upon seeing Jiang Fan, a group of zombies were suddenly excited!

They all grinned and rushed towards Jiang Fan desperately!

Jiang Fan was not afraid, smiled grimly, and lifted two AK47s!

next moment!

"Da da da!"

The muzzle shot out two flames that were ten centimeters long!

And the zombies opposite Jiang Fan fell down like they were cutting wheat!


Soon, AK's bullets were poured out!

Jiang Fan threw down the AK and took two Remingtons from his shoulders with his backhand!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The zombies on the opposite side headshot and died!

After firing the shotgun, Jiang Fan threw it again, and then lifted his left hand to the waist and started to throw the grenade with his right hand!

"Da da da!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Alice's eyes widened!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredible!

Jiang Fan at this moment is simply a platform with heavy firepower!

It is completely a zombie-killing machine with no emotions!

With hundreds of zombies, Jiang Fan was killed in this round!

The zombies on the opposite side have been killed completely stunned!

Is this still a human?

It's so hard for Lao Tzu to eat meat?

A group of zombies were terrified, and rushed to Jiang Fan's footsteps, unexpectedly, began to slow down!

Even, there is a tendency to regress!

And hundreds of kilometers away from here, the checkpoint set up by Raccoon City and the outside world!

In a tent in a temporary camp!

A middle-aged man with glasses is looking at the computer with a dazed expression, Jiang Fan slaughtering zombies!

"Too, too awesome!"

"Awesome Klass!"

"This guy is more fierce than the'Avenger'!"

"Anyway, I scared the zombies away!"

"If, if he is willing to make a move, he will definitely be able to save my daughter!"

This middle-aged man is exactly the head of the Umbrella Company, the gene and virus research department, Dr. Asiford!

In the original book, it was in order to rescue his daughter Angela that he told Alice and others how to escape from Raccoon City!

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