
With the last grenade thrown out, hundreds of zombies were completely killed!

Didn't even run away!

Jiang Fan clapped his hands and looked at his own cause and effect with satisfaction!

Just for a while, hundreds of causal points have been easily obtained!

However, compared to later, this is just an appetizer!

At this moment, there are still five minutes left before Jiang Fan returns!

Alice looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

So handsome!

Compared with Jiang Fan, the S.T.A.R.S special strategic rescue team, which is known as the trump card, is simply a pile of rubbish!

And at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

In a phone booth on the side of the road, a phone ring suddenly rang!

Alice was startled!

Jiang Fan hooked his mouth, finally showing a smile of relief!

As usual, after experiencing extremely difficult job transfer tasks, the system will definitely let you enter a rewarding world of scoring!

And it is never possible to simply let yourself leave after delivery!

But since Alice didn't send a task, it obviously means that she didn't find the right person!

Among the original works, except for Alice, there is only one that best meets the task publisher!

Dr. Asiford!

According to the timeline, not long after Alice woke up, he was constantly looking for manpower to rescue his daughter!

All he has to do is to show his strength and let him give himself a task!


Jiang Fan answered the phone!

"Oh my God! I thought you wouldn't pick it up!"

Asifford's excited voice suddenly sounded!

"who are you?"

Jiang Fan pretended not to know!

Now is a critical moment, only if you receive a task can you continue to stay! To continue scoring!

"I am the one who can guide you out!"


"My daughter, Angela, is trapped in a private school in the city center. As long as you can find her, I will tell you how to escape from Raccoon City!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for accepting the side mission-rescue (1)!"

"Please find Angela in a private aristocratic school hidden in the center of the raccoon within three hours!"

It's done!

The next step is to spend time!

at the same time!

Outside Raccoon City, in the temporary headquarters of the umbrella company!

A man wearing a Bluetooth headset is looking at the picture in the video with a dull face!

This person is the security director of the umbrella company responsible for blocking Raccoon City, Kane!

And the picture he was watching was exactly the scene of Jiang Fan slaughtering the zombies!

"It's amazing!"

"Who is this kid? It's more fierce than our reformed warrior!"

"This kind of powerful physical fitness is perfect! It's perfect!"

Kane was amazed!

One person killed a group of zombies in less than five minutes!

This kind of strength is too exaggerated!

What the **** is this kid!

At this moment!


A subordinate came suddenly!

"what's up?"

Kane frowned!

"Sir! T virus infection in Raccoon City has reached a critical level!"


Kane looked happy!

"Make sure to record all the data and start the Nemesis Project!"

"I want to see if this kid is tough or my'Avenger' is tough!"

Accompanied by Kane's order, the temporary command room immediately became busy!

And in Raccoon City, in an underground laboratory belonging to an umbrella company!


A computer in a hibernation state suddenly turns on automatically!

The above data starts to move like running water!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With countless incandescent lights on, a giant test bench finally reveals its full picture!

At the same time, on the test bench, a monster with an unusually hideous appearance suddenly opened his eyes!



Jiang Fan rode a bicycle and took Alice all the way!

"Jiang Fan! Where are we going?"


"Church? What are you going to do there?"

"Go make big money!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

In the original book, there are creepers in that place!

Compared to worthless zombies, creepers are clearly priced at one hundred!


Alice hesitated to speak!

"That's still bloody?"


At this moment, Jill Valentine, the second heroine in the movie, is taking his comrade-in-arms Black Payton and female reporter Terry in the church, avoiding zombies!

"Oh my God! It's terrible! This virus has completely turned people into monsters!"

Female reporter Terry has a lingering fear on her face!

"Damn umbrella company! They are all ghosts!"

Black Payton looked angry!

"Don't worry about so much! The top priority now is to find a way to escape from Raccoon City!"

Valentin frowned!

At this moment!


A black shadow suddenly rushed past several people!


"It's so fast!"

Payton and the female reporter changed their faces!

"On top!"

Valentin suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the upper floor of the hall!

I saw a monster with sturdy limbs, no skin, and hideous teeth, lying on the wall!

The long tongue is swept back and forth at a few people!

This thing is exactly the creeper!

When they saw such a hideous appearance of creepers, several people were shocked!

"Boom boom!"

Valentin subconsciously raised his gun and shot!



The creeper dodges the bullet in an instant!

The speed is as fast as a phantom!

"Shoot together!"

The Negro Payton roared!

"Boom boom!"

The two guns fired desperately!

Finally hit the creeper!

One of them even hit the creeper's head!


"Damn monster! Go to hell! Hahaha!"

Black Payton laughed!

But, the next moment, his smile froze on his face!

After being hit by a bullet, the creeper was actually fine!

This thing is not afraid of bullets at all!

"Why, how could this happen! What the **** is this!"

Payton exclaimed!

But, the next moment!


The huge creeper suddenly rushed towards him!

Valentin's complexion changed, he must push Payton away!


The creeper is so fast!

Pounced on Payton in an instant!

Then, take a bite!


Splashing blood!

Almost half of Peyton's body was bitten off by creepers!


Valentine wailed in pain!

"Run! Hurry...Run!"

Payton snarled desperately, his head tilted, and he died directly!

Valentin wiped tears hard, and was about to flee with the female reporter!

But at this moment!


The ground trembled suddenly, and another creeper sprang down from upstairs!

Immediately afterwards, two creepers appeared on the wall!

There was even one at the gate of the church!


There are actually five creepers here!

"It's over..."

Valentine's noodles are like ashes!

The female reporter was even more shocked and sat down on the ground!

And smelling the breath of the two, several crawlers suddenly roared and rushed towards the two!

Seeing, the two are about to be divided and die by the creepers!

at this time!


A loud noise!

The big windows of the church suddenly exploded!

In the next moment, a speeding bicycle came in like a gliding!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan is here!

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