God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 751: I don't want to be a social animal

"Jiang Fan! Do you think I don't know you wearing a mask?"

"Humph! You came to the capital, definitely for Xia Fanxing!"

"Could it be that you are ready to take action against the Xia family? Are you ready to start grabbing fortune?"

"Yes! It must be so!"

"You must have conspired with Xia Fanxing, wanting to murder Young Master Ming, and then **** the family property!"

"Hmph! You adulterers and adulterers! Those of your conspiracies, don't want to escape my Ning Changan's eyes!"

"I want to tell Master Ming of your conspiracy! Let you accept justice!"

Ning Changan is all righteous!

But, in a blink of an eye, he showed a sneer smile!

"Hehehe, when I report successfully, Ming Shao must have my benefits!"

Thinking of this, Ning Changan didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly left the Antique Street and headed straight to the headquarters of Fanxing Group!

Soon, Ning Changan came to Xia Yuanming's office!

"Why are you here again?"

Xia Yuanming looked impatient!

Ning Changan, an idiot, can't accomplish anything!

The last time I asked him to investigate Jiang Fan, this idiot got a bunch of useless information!

Those things, with Xia Yuanming's eyes, knew that they were far-fetched at first glance!

But even so, he still has no good feelings for Jiang Fan!

"Young Master Ming! Great discovery! That **** Jiang Fan has come to the capital!"


Xia Yuanming was startled!

And Ning Changan was already pouring beans in a bamboo tube, and quickly explained what he had seen before and his conspiracy-filled analysis!

"Shao Ming! Since Xia Fanxing returned to the capital, she has been mysterious all day long!"

"Seems to be secretly meeting with someone!"

"So that person is Jiang Fan!"

"They obviously treat you badly!"

"Definitely I want to disadvantage you, and then seek to seize the Xia family's property!"

Ning Changan looked excited!

"Not good for me? Seeking Xia family property?"

Xia Yuanming frowned!

He did have this speculation before, and he always suspected that Jiang Fan deliberately approached Xia Fanxing to seize the Xia family's property!

However, while sending Ning Changan back to Los Angeles, he also asked others to investigate Jiang Fan's entry into Blue Eagle!

As a result, it was naturally beyond his expectation!

Since Jiang Fan and Xia Fanxing met by accident, and it was Xia Fanxing who took the initiative to approach Jiang Fan, then none of this is true!

Although Xia Yuanming is cold and arrogant, he is definitely not a fool!

Ning Changan, an idiot, obviously wanted to harm Jiang Fan through his own hands!

Although this idiot wasn't much smart before, he was also a character at any rate!

Now that Jiang Fan was hit by such a small means!

Xia Yuanming shook his head!

"Well, there is no need to tell me about them in the future!"


Ning Changan was shocked!

"Shao Ming, you, what do you mean?"

"literal meaning!"

Xia Yuanming's mouth hooked!

"Jiang Fan, he is indeed a talent, but if the news of his coming to the capital is known by the Zhou family, huh!"

"Zhou's family?"

Ning Changan was startled!

"It has nothing to do with you, Ning Changan, work hard in the future, don't always think about it!"


Ning Changan was lost and left the group headquarters in a faltering manner!

That's it!

Everything is over!

In the end, I can only watch, Jiang Fan and Xia Fanxing, these bitches, are in pairs, staying and flying!

And he can only live a life of nine to five in the morning, completely becoming a social animal!

Damn it!

why! why! !

I can not be reconciled!

I'm not reconciled!

Ning Changan gritted his teeth!

The eyes are red!

We must retaliate against them!

We must retaliate against them!

But, but who else can help me?

Ning Changan desperately recalled!

Suddenly, a word of Xia Yuanming flashed through his mind!

"Jiang Fan, he is indeed a talent, but if the news of his coming to the capital is known by the Zhou family, huh..."

Zhou family? !

Could it be that Xia Yuanming was talking about the Zhou family of the four great families?

Jiang Fan and Zhou's family have a grudge?

If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that as long as you tell the Zhou family the news of Jiang Fan’s arrival in the capital, then you--

Ning Changan is excited!

Shaking all over!

"Hehehe! Jiang Fan! You wait for me!"

Ning Chang'an was full of savage faces, drove the car, and hurried to Zhou's family!


At this moment, Jiang Fan and others have just walked out of Antique Street!

"Brother-in-law! Thank you so much!"

Xia Yuanqing was holding two big boxes with a look of excitement!

Inside, they are all antiques given to him by Jiang Fan!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

It's actually a strange number in the capital!

But when he saw this number, Jiang Fan ticked the corner of his mouth!

"It seems that the old man already knows?"

After answering the phone, Jiang Fan spoke directly!

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then Chen Qingxuan's voice sounded!

"Mr. Jiang, you are really amazing!"

Although the old man's voice was calm, he still couldn't hide his shock!

It's amazing!

Early this morning, he got the news that Zhou Ning was besieged by the four families!

And the reason is that the main line of the four Lin families was beheaded last night!

Among them, Lin An was even more tortured by life!

And all the evidence and clues pointed to Zhou Ning!

If it is someone else, they may only be shocked by Zhou Ning's boldness, but only Chen Qingxuan knows that this must be Jiang Fan's method of setting blame after killing someone!

Too ruthless!

Using the lives of the children of the four families to blame Zhou Ning, and unexpectedly, also made an ironclad proof!

This is simply incredible!

After that, the Patriarch of the four families rushed to the Zhou family's old house angrily!

Until just now, Zhou's family lost four listed companies and countless real estate cash, which calmed the anger of the four families!

And this, Cong Jiang Fan told him that he was going to do something with Zhou's family, but only a mere ten hours later!

Within ten hours, the Zhou family can actually be made like this!

Even if the Chen family and the Zhou family merged together, they would not be able to achieve this level within a dozen hours!

Since the Zhou family destroyed the Jiang family and reached the top of the first family, how has the limelight been!

It's unprecedented to make Zhou's family suffer such a big loss!

This kid is simply a monster!

For a while, Chen Qingxuan had an inexplicable fear of Jiang Fan!

"The old man is polite, so to speak, did you agree to my previous proposal?"

"Lin An was slaughtered by you, and your back road was completely blocked by you. You are ruthless!"

Chen Qingxuan's voice is a little gloomy!

If this kid simply let Zhou's family fall into trouble, he would have killed Lin An!

Wisdom is like a demon! Vicious shot!

Such people, even if they cannot be friends, must never be enemies!

"Hehe, old man, don't talk nonsense without evidence, this matter, but Ning Shao's credit!"

"Humph! Even if I promise you, what should I do in the future?"

"Lin An is dead, the Lin family has only two choices, either when the marriage contract has never existed, or they will choose another person to marry!"

"If they choose the first one, they are still smart, and if they choose the second one, they can only be said to be extremely stupid!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

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